Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1592: Fighting dragon

Chapter 1592 Fighting Dragon (Page 1/1)

You are really looking for death!

Just because of your point of repair, how long can someone hold on?

You know, now you can't absorb a little bit of power, only consumption, no recovery. If you go on like this, you will be sucked into a man and die by this sword.

Are you idiots?

You are not fighting with me now, but fighting this road. Your enemy is not me, but me and this world. The whole world is attracted by me, eroding the fire dragon sword, how can you fight to win?

I will give you a chance now, give up the Dragon Sword, I can let you go. Don't chase you. As for whether you can finally escape the chasing of the Yaozu, I don't care. But, in any case, you have a chance to live. If you don't listen to persuasion, stick to it, but there is only one way to die. ”

Qin Shuang’s gaze moved. It turned out that there was really a space inside the Baizhang Giant Sword. The Iron Man’s people were hiding in that space. However, it may not take long for the situation in front of him to be seen. The dragon big demon is in control, so the iron family in the giant sword space is really only a dead end.

However, the demon big demon wants to control this sword, although it has the same strength of heaven and earth, but it also has to waste a lot of effort. This is to see myself coming, I am afraid that more and more people will come and want to conquer the iron family with words.

Qin double eyes narrowed!

"The peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period may not have the power of a war."

The water bead bracelet on the wrist of the piano fell off, and a water mine became a long bow. Fourteen water pearls became a long arrow, and the bow was bent to capture the dragon demon.

The dragon big demon did not take the piano double as a thing, in his eyes, a big Luo Jinxian is a small bug, can be pinched to death.


Just as the piano double locked him, he felt a huge crisis, a sense of crisis that could endanger his life.

"How come?" He suddenly turned his hand: "Is that bug?"


There was a loud noise in the distance, and I saw that the body of Chu was soaring and rushing toward it. In fact, when the dragon big demon looked at the sword, Chu Dali and others already knew that Qin double was exposed. However, Qin Double and the big demon did not fight, so they also continued to hide and secretly watched this side.

However, at this time, I saw that the piano pair has started to work, so one by one appeared.

That Chu vigorously stepped on the top of the sword and stepped on the tip of each sword, because the speed was too fast, the clothes were close to the body, and his raised muscles were clearly visible. The big bell-like eyes with a slap in the face, like a flying peak, rushing toward the dragon big demon.


Xu Kaiyun flew on the sword, bent the bow and put an arrow, a ten sword symbol wrapped in Yuan Li, locked the dragon big demon.


The flower fragrant scent of the sword squirted out a dazzling light egg, masculine to the dragon demon.


Tang Li’s body shape crossed the sky, and the sword in his hand burst into an endless sword, and squatted from the sky toward the top of the dragon’s big demon.

Tang Han clenched his fists, pressed against the pressure, and ran on the ground.


The bowstring sounds and the mine arrow spurts out.

Through the day!

too fast!

The dragon demon is not willing to give up the battle for the giant sword. The hands still move the dragon seal, and they constantly break into the giant sword of Baizhang, and hit a corner of the head against the mine arrow.


A loud noise, accompanied by the roar of the dragon's big demon, the dragon's horn was actually shot by a double arrow, and the mine arrow whizzed past.


This is a scream, a painful sorrow, and a shameful sorrow.

at this time……

There is an arrow in his anus, and in his anus, the sword is swaying, which is the power of the ten swords.

Xu Kaiyun on the top of the sword broke open his mouth and laughed so much. When he locked the dragon's big demon, he locked the **** of the dragon's big demon for the first time, because he knew that with his strength, he couldn't break the other parts of the body of the dragon's big demon, only the anus.

Not to mention, the dragon's big demon's hands were limited by the Baizhang giant sword, and the dragon's horn hit the water mine sword, which gave Xu Kaiyun the opportunity. Moreover, Xu Kaiyun did not have to pass on the inheritance of the piano pair these days, and his arrow has a leap. This arrow shot into the **** of the big demon.

The muscles in the **** don't want the scales on the outside body. They are tender and tender. The ten swords are bursting, and his **** is smashed, and blood is shot from the anus.


Qin's right foot stepped on the ground, and the figure flew up. The hair fluttered, the dress swayed, and it was as light as a dancing butterfly, and like a crane flying wings. The longbow in his hand became a long sword, and the power of the body fluctuated, and the tip of the sword shone with the ultimate light, flying toward the dragon demon.

A little starlight!

Chu vigorously exudes wildness and ambiguity, and Qin and two people are left and right, and they are attacked by the dragons.


The flowery incense of the flowery scent hit the front, and the dragon's big demon sent out a screaming screaming. He watched the double and the Chu vigorously attacked one by one. He had to give up the big sword that was about to be controlled and stopped. Pulling the dragon seal, the right hand slammed the past to the light egg.


The light egg was smashed by the dragon's big demon. At the same time, a fist of Chu Dali has been bombarded with the dragon demon. The dragon demon is a golden rooster, and the other foot is smashing toward Chu. It is as straight as a big gun.

The left fist gave birth to a layer of dragon scales, and slammed toward the long sword of Qin double. At the same time, the head turned up and the dragon horn hit the long sword of Tang Han.


Tang Liyi sword squatted on the dragon's horn, and a strong force came, his arm was numb, and his figure flew out. Chu’s fists collided with the big dragon’s big devil’s feet. After the muffled sound, the figure also flew out.

A little starlight completely concentrated the power of the piano pair on the tip of the sword, and a sword pierced the palm of the dragon's big demon, and the blood shot.


The dragon's big demon seemed to feel no pain. With one hand and one hand, he even held the long sword of the piano pair in his hand, then picked up his arm and fell to the strong force of Chu who once again rushed over.

The piano doubled decisively loosened the hand holding the long sword, but the figure was still inertially slammed toward Chu. Chu’s strong shape was slightly twisted, and it flashed the piano pair that flew from the rushing, striding toward the dragon’s big demon. At the moment when the piano double flew through Chu, one hand pressed one on Chu’s shoulders, and he stabilized his figure. His figure was lightly on the shoulders of Chu.


Tang Han opened his calf and was still flying towards this side.


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