Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: Dragon Ball

The piano was slow and the whole body trembled. At the same time, the sword in his hand was turned into a pair of gloves and worn on the hands of the piano.


The strong fists of Chu and the double fists of the dragons and big devils collided together, and they burst out like a thunder.


The dragon demon and Chu Dali retreat at the same time.


In the heart of the piano, I am overjoyed. If Chu does not have a burst of punching power, it is absolutely impossible to slam the dragon's big demon back. Chu will definitely not just retreat, but will be blasted out.


The figure of Qin double crossed the top of Chu’s vigorous head, and the double fists slammed toward the dragon’s big demon. The thunder of the water pearls shined, and each water thunderball had the weight of a giant mountain. Each glove is made up of seven water-red beads, which is the strength of seven giant mountains attached to each hand. Together with the shock of the doubles, the power at this time has reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian.


The dragon and the big demon double fists greeted the double fists of Qin double. He was originally reduced because of the poison needle of Tang Han. It has not reached the peak of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, and it collided with the punch of Chu’s vigorous attack. In order to be more falling, how can you win the piano double today's blow.


The dragon's big demon spurt the nose and nose, and the figure is flying backwards. The color of fear appears in the eyes. The heart understands that if you stay here again, you may fall down. The most important thing today is to escape, find a place to expel the poison in the body. Therefore, his body that flew in the air flipped and fled straight beyond the sword.

"Want to escape?"

Qin double eyebrows pick one, she naturally does not want the dragon big demon to escape, his own water mine beads but he was taken away.

The body shape of the piano is dropped from the air. At the same time, the glove of the left hand is turned into a long bow, the glove of the right hand is turned into an arrow, the bow is bent, the arrow is locked, and the arrow is placed.

Through the day!


When the dragon demon is locked, he wants to hide. However, it was created three times by Tang Han, Chu Dali and Qin Shuang, and the movement was slow. It was just this slowness, and the arrow of the day shot into his heart. He shot a big hole in his back.


Qin double stepped up.

Take a step.

The figure of the piano pair instantly came to the back of the dragon big demon. At this time, the dragon big demon was looking down at the big hole in his chest. He felt that his power was losing, and the despair in his heart became the anger of the sky. Looking back, the breath of the body was violent, and the two dragon claws grabbed the piano.


Qin double's double fist and two dragon claws collided.


The piano bleeds in the nose and nose, and the figure flies out.


The dragon claw big demon fell to the ground, took two steps, finally stood firm and looked at the piano pair. Then I saw that the piano pair was flying forward to Chu, who had just burst into a punch, and was vigorously swayed by Chu. He took the shape of the piano pair and caught it in his arms.


The piano double squirted a blood, and the eyes of the dragon demon were full of taboos.

"This way... oh..." The dragon screamed and spurted blood: "Never die..."

The dragon's big demon is full of unwillingness. Before he died, he used the dragon ban. The name of this ban is called tyrannosaur, and it will double the power in an instant, but only one hit, after a blow, the body is big. Loss, it takes a hundred years to recover. At this time, the dragon big demon did not have to be restored. After using the ban, he could no longer hold on, and the body slowly fell backwards and fell.

"Hey..." Xu Kaiyun and Hua Taixiang, as well as Tang Li have swept over, and then...

"Cough and cough..."

A cough of snoring sounded, and several people looked at Chu and Qin, and their faces were somewhat inexplicable.

At this time, Qin double is standing in the arms of Chu, and the posture of the two people is very embarrassing.

The last blow of the Qinshuang and the Dragon Big Demon, the body was hurt. At this time, the Xianyuan force was taken from the town demon tower, and the Chu was vigorously nervous, the piano did not move, he did not move, still single The arm squats on the waist of the piano.

I saw that both Qin and Chu were not talking, and there was no separation. The atmosphere became strange. Originally they coughed, that is, to remind two people to separate, but no one cares about them at all. Hua Taixiang was now at the side of Tang Han, and the two people could not help but exchange their eyes. Then Hua Taixiang grabbed his head and secretly said:

"Did the sister look at the fool?"

Tang Li was the oldest here. When she saw the strange atmosphere, she coughed twice and said:

"The dragon big demon seems to be a five-color dragon."

Qinqin gently spit out a breath, slightly suppressed the injury, and then took out a medicinal medicinal suit, which turned his eyes to Xu Kaiyun.

Xu Kaiyun jumped in his heart and looked a little dodging. In the end, I still have the courage to say:

"Boss... that Dragon Ball..."

When the piano doubled forward, Chu vigorously released the hand holding the double waist of the piano, and then followed the piano double, and the other followed the footsteps of the double, and walked toward the body of the dragon big demon.

Standing in front of the body of the dragon's big demon, the piano doubled out and grabbed the storage ring on the dragon's big demon's finger. The gods swept away, and the heart was a joy. The things inside made the piano double surprise, but she still First find your own water thunder beads, then take out the water thunder beads, and fuse with the other fourteen water thunder beads into a string of bracelets, wrapped around the wrist, and finally the storage ring is closed.

Xu Kaiyun did not pay attention to the storage ring at all, but the eyes were staring at the dragon's belly.


Suddenly Tang Han exclaimed. I saw that the dragon's big demon was originally a humanoid body that began to change and became a multicolored dragon that stretched for a long time. Although the colorful dragon has died at this time, the body still exudes majestic power.

The gods of Qin double shrouded the colorful dragon, and then the eyes fell on the dragon's belly. The mind was moved, the water on the wrist was turned into a long sword, and the body shape swept, and it came to the dragon's abdomen. When the sword tipped, the dragon's abdomen was cut and stretched out, and it gathered a vitality. Explore the dragon's abdomen and grab a dragon ball that is the size of a human head and shines with colorful light.

This dragon ball fell in the hands of the piano double, in the multicolored light shining, exudes the power of five attributes of the golden wood, fire and earth, each of which releases the power of a property.

"The original colorful dragon is the five elements!" Qin looked at the dragon ball in his hand, and quickly thought about it: "If you absorb the power of the five elements in this dragon, you will definitely have a leap."

However, nowadays, they only have four kinds of roots, such as Jinmu Shuihuo. That is to say, they can only absorb the four elements of Jinmu Shuihuo in this dragon family, and the earthen power is wasted.


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