Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1604: Difficult cultivation path

The five-colored light blew on the five-color ring, and the power was overflowing.

"This is the five-line ring that Kaiyunkou said?" Qin doubled his feet and watched the five-line ring: "Great!"


A loud sound, a human clan was hit by a five-ring ring, but the Terran clam was not hit by flying, and the foot did not move, but instead blocked the expanding five-row ring and squeezed toward Xu Kaiyun.

When the binocular eyes were condensed, he saw Xu Kaiyun stepping forward, his left hand clenching his fist, and bombarding the past with the shape of the man. The five colors of the fists gleam, shed, rotate, blend...

That punch is like gestating a world.


That punch, bombarded in the shape of the man's chest, the rest, the human form without the protection of the force flew out.


There was a crack in the bones of the man's chest. The piano couldn't help but shook his head slightly. This Xu Yun's repair was still too low. It was the punch that shocked her, and it only had the late tenth layer of Luo Tianshang. The strength of the peak. If his repair is higher, he will smash the man with a punch.

However, Qin double is also envious of Xu Kaiyun's way of releasing. Whether it is the five-ring ring or the punch, the piano is envious. Qin double estimates, that is, the meteor falling and the small Zhou Tianjian, which they comprehend, can be similar to the level of this ring punch. Even the three-dimensional style that they now understand is not as good as the opening of the ring. .

Of course, Qin is not discouraged. Her heart is very clear. It is because the Taoist realm of the combination of heaven and earth is still low. Now she does not fully integrate the Tao of the Tianxian period. The law is fully integrated, and the power of the Heavenly Way can be compared with the Xiao Zhou Tian Jian, so that it is almost the same as that.

"Well! Xiao Zhou Tianjian is weaker than Kaiyun, and the power of the meteor falls should be compared with that one ring!"

"Opening the cloud is just a fairy period. In Xujia, you can get such a level of Tao. This Xu family is really unfathomable! It seems that I have to hurry and merge the Tao. Otherwise, I really have no way to get it. Dao Fa. This open cloud is also low, if his cultivation is like me, I really may not be his opponent.

When he was in the space of Taikoo, he was not so powerful! It should have been passed down after the spirit of the spirit. Or when he was in the mainland, he did not learn these laws at all.


With his sinful temper, I really can't.

Five attribute roots, cultivation of five attribute methods. Look at the five elements of the ring and that punch, it should be the integration of the five attributes.

Xu family has a method of integrating five attributes, which is really the first family in the spiritual world. ”

Qin double thought quietly.

Today's piano double is the four roots, and the four attributes are cultivated. Only the four attributes are not fully integrated. Although the four attributes are now more than nine layers, the remaining one is less than 10%, but there is no integration. Qin double knows that once the four attributes can be merged, Wei can absolutely double. However, no matter how she deducted, she was unable to complete the final integration.

Moreover, she also cultivated the Fa, the martial arts, the Confucianism, and the cultivation of the Yangshen, the Yuanshen and the Spirit.

A sudden jump in the heart of the piano!

She thought of the **** of the sun and the god, suddenly realized that she had thought wrong before!

Before the combination of Hailian and the spiritual gods cultivated, Qin double thought that he was a fusion of law and force. At this time, he suddenly remembered that the Yuanshen was not cultivated by the pure martial arts. The practice of his own cultivation was not on the mainland. Going on a very short pure martial art, it comes from the ancient martial arts in a relic, the sacred book in the five spirits, and later learned the Xuanwu Collection in the Taikoo space by chance, and in Luofuzong. Get the opportunity, learn the Qinglong Collection, observe the white tiger in the demon door, and comprehend the White Tiger Collection.

These are not the purely martial arts that the military has embarked on, so the spiritual gods that have been cultivated belong to the law, and in the practice of Luo Fuzong, they go to the extreme exercises, cultivate the sea lotus, and finally the gods and the sea. The fusion of lotuses forms a **** with a greater power and a higher level.

But that is also the **** of the gods, but also the law, not the martial arts, and there is no integration of law and force.

The real martial arts is the yang **** that he cultivated under the help of Shen Qiu.

And her Yangshen is not integrated with the Yuanshen, which means that she does not have a true fusion of law and force.

Yangshen, Yuanshen, Ling, the body of the body.

If these four can be merged, what would be the result?

Qin double sighed, and his eyes were confused.

The result may be a glimpse of the sky and the best scenery. Perhaps it is the deity of God, completely degenerate.

She simply doesn't know where the road is.

"Forget it!" There was a sigh of relief in the heart of the piano: "I don't even have a fusion of Fawu, but also what is the fusion of Yangshen, Yuanshen, Ling and Wu?

wrong! ”

Qin Shuang’s face showed a bitter smile: “Don’t say that it is a fusion of law and martial arts, that is, the four attributes of Fa and Wu are not fully integrated. What kind of fusion is also proposed? Not to mention Yang Shen, Yuan Shen, Ling He The integration of the military.


I also have fellow practitioners..."

The face of Qin double is green!


At this time, Qin double was troubled by his sudden thoughts, and he ignored the four people outside, and she had just read it again. She also knew that the four people would not have problems in a short time, and they carefully considered their cultivation direction.

"First of all, I want to fuse the four attributes. The second attempt is to integrate the Fa. The integration of the Fa is to integrate the Yangshen and the Yuanshen. I have previously realized that the gods and souls, the fusion of the gods and the gods. It is very likely that Ling is the medium, that is to say, the fusion of the Fa, is the fusion of Yangshen, Yuanshen and Spirit.

However, I want to have Confucianism!

That Confucianism was made into a book, held in the hands of the spirit, how to integrate?

If the Confucianism and Taoism represented by the book can be merged, is it the guqin held in the hands of the spirit...

That guqin represents the voice, can it also be merged? ”

Qinqin was a little confused, thinking for a while, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about Confucianism, I need to integrate the Fa. After the integration of the Fa, I will follow the fellow initiates."

This... there is a long way to go! ”

"No, I am still preparing to develop Tu Linggen. What I will do in the future is to integrate the five attributes.

Not right!

The first thing I have to do is to derive the soil roots and then repair the soil properties for improvement.

It seems that the first step is to get the roots of the earth. I have to go to the right door as soon as possible and get no bamboo. ”


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