Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1606: Shooting magic

Tang Li sat cross-legged and began to break through.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chu Dali, Xu Kaiyun and Huataixiang were brought back by Qinqin. The Qinshuang was filled with Xianjing by their side, and they all broke through there. The Qinshuang came to the front line and resisted the squadrons that were constantly impacting.


Four voices, Tang Li, Chu Dali, Xu Kaiyun and Hua Taixiang all broke through the obstacle avoidance and began to absorb the Xianyuan force in Xianjing to make a breakthrough.

This period of time is the most crucial period. Once it is disturbed, the breakthrough is broken. Not only is the foundation unstable, but it is also likely that the realm will fall. Therefore, Qin double ran fast in the outskirts, smashing one by one, not giving them a chance to break through the big battle.


Her mind suddenly came up with a thought.

"Don't fight, anyway, the big array I set up is very strong, that is, let those attacks attack, and it is impossible to break through the big battle."


It’s just an instant, the piano double feels wrong, and you shouldn’t have this idea. The gods quickly spread into their bodies, and they saw a magical thought flowing in their own body.

It was a black spot of rice size, and the piano double could feel the thought of it, which was emitted from this black spot.

"This is the magic?"

"The enchantment has appeared! He wants to control me with magic!"

Qin double shrouded the magical thoughts of the gods, and wanted to find the direction and position of the magic according to the magical thoughts in the body. However, it was found that it was impossible to find, but it made the magic more loud and increased the influence on the mind.

"Curious wonderful magic! Awesome devil!"

Qin Qin double minded a move, the spirit of standing in the heart of the road opened his eyes, the mysterious and mysterious spiritual knowledge flowed out from the heart of the heart, shrouded the magic.

Just an instant.

Through the magic of the body, the piano double sensed the position of the enchantress. She did not have time to turn her head to look at it, and immediately turned the water bead into a bow and arrow, bent the bow and arrow, and instantly turned back, locked, and put the arrow.

At this time, she only saw that she was locked in a large, do not know what the monster's leg bones, leaning against a broken wall, as if a pillar.


The arrow was shot on the leg bones in general, and the leg bones were shattered and the lightning flashed.


A scream rang, and a black gas flew out of the broken leg bones. In order to wait until the black gas condenses into a demon body, he sees the double figure of the piano and jumps into the sky. Like a meteor, he rushes toward the demon body that is condensing, and presents a fire sword in his hand to the demon body. A trip.

Meteor falls!


Like a meteor crashing toward the opposite body.

When Qinqin just realized the meteor's fall, at that time it was only a monk in the Tianxian period, and only a few meteors could be released by a sword. Nowadays, the repair of the Da Luojinxian is released as a meteor, but dozens of meteors are lasing toward each other. And go.


The sorcerer realized that the meteor fell sharply, and the magic body that had not yet formed a cohesive burst instantly, turning into a thousand hundred magic thoughts and fleeing in all directions.


Hundreds of magic thoughts were annihilated by meteors, but there are still hundreds of magical thoughts disappearing in all directions, and full of resentful voices came from all directions.

"I will be back, you and I will not die!"

"Oh la la..."

One by one, who was forced to move toward the piano, suddenly stumbled and then went to the ground. The double magic inside the piano is also dissipated.

Seeing that it is beyond a certain distance, the magic can't control the magic. Just stared at by a whisper that I am not familiar with, the piano is also slightly cold in the heart.

"Forget it, take a step and take a step. Now the Mozu also came out. The Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu attack each other. The ink star is really too chaotic."


Qin double stepped on the bones of Senen and came to the big array, sitting on the side of Tang Han.

At this time, the effect of the Vientiane fruit eaten by Tang Han was still there, so the wound on Tang Han’s left arm was still being healed, but the sword gas continued to tear the healing of the wound. This healing and tearing The repetition in the crack made Tang Han feel a painful pumping, sweating like a pulp, pale face like paper.

"What should I do?" Qin also has some claws.

At this time, Xu Kaiyun four people have reached the key to breakthrough, Qin double turned his head and glanced. Judging from the degree of Xianjing consumed by four people, it can be seen who has advanced practice and who is truly powerful.

At the beginning of the piano, there were 100,000 cents of crystals placed around each person. It was not that they did not want to swing more, but the array was smaller and could not be placed. Before she went out to the big battle, she gave Tang Han a storage ring with Xianjing. When the fairy crystal consumption was almost the same, let Tang Han look at the fairy crystal.

So Qin did not know how many times Tang Han put it, but it can be seen that four people absorbed the speed of Xianjing. The slowest absorption is instead the highest Tang ritual, followed by Chu, and the lowest Xu Kaiyun, the speed of absorption is called a horror. The fairy crystals around him turned into powder on the ground. But there is still more horror than Xu Kaiyun, that is the flower is too fragrant, it is not absorption at all, it is simply swallowing.

"Sister!" Tang Han saw Qin Shuang's gaze looking at Xu Kaiyun, and he said: "Xian Jing is almost used up by him."


The double look of the piano, took over the fairy crystal that Tang Han handed over, and the knowledge was swept away, and the hand was a glimpse. She hopes that there will be 200 million top grades in the storage ring, and there will be less than 10 million.

However, at the thought of the opening of the cloud, the fairy crystals needed to be said to be billions, and the flowery fragrance is able to absorb the gray gas released by the gray stone in the town demon tower, and she is not surprised.

Think about the fairy crystal on his body, Qin double is also worried at this time, she brought the fairy crystal, plus the fairy crystal searched on this road, before and after consumption, and now there is no billion. Xu Kaiyun is enough to consume, but the guy who is too fragrant may not be enough!

Even if it is enough, give him so much consumption, the piano double feels sore. I really want to put the flowers into the town demon tower, let him absorb the gray energy. However, if it is normal, the piano pair can also say that the flower is too fragrant into the royal beast bag. At this time, the flower is too fragrant to break through, you accept the sacred bag, this is not wanting to make the flower too fragrant breakthrough?

"Loss, the loss is big!"

Qinqin muttered, while taking the fairy crystal from the storage ring, placed around the four people, the flower is too fragrant and the fairy crystal around Xu Kaiyun, layer by layer quickly turned into powder, the piano can not Do not continue to put Xianjing around the two people, the pain of the piano and the double-pound, so that the painful Tang Han, can not help but smile.


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