Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1632: Tang Han was arrested

Chapter 1632 Tang Han was arrested (page 1/1)

The monks brought by the town’s monks and the car morning are full of tension. Once the war broke out, the monks brought by the town monks and the car morning would have to attack each other. So they also maintain the highest alert, and the atmosphere of the war is filled with everyone's heart.


Not far away, Chu Dali and Long Hao played vigorously, but they could not attract everyone's attention. They did not dare to pay attention. There will be a big battle at any time, and they will be attacked at any time. Whoever has the heart to watch Chu they?

There was no sound at the time between the battle between Huatai and Baiyu. The battle between the two monks is very strange. The shape of the flowery incense always appears quickly and disappears quickly. Every time the flower is too fragrant, the flower is too fragrant and the white cockroach. The first thing that the two people attack the other is not the Tao, but the eyes. The eyes of both sides are quickly looking for the weaknesses and flaws of the other side. Both of them were able to find the weaknesses and flaws of the other party in the first place. When Bai Yu found that Hua Taixiang could be like himself, he found his flaws in the first time, naturally he would not attack in the first time, but defended his own flaws. However, Hua Taixiang found that Bai Yu was able to look at his own flaws in the first time. Naturally, the space magic power disappeared again.

Therefore, the two monks are in a very strange state of engagement. Whenever the flower is too fragrant, the eyes of the two will be returned, and then the flower will disappear and appear in the other direction of the whiteout.

At the end of the day, the white cockroach stood on the ground, only at the moment of the fluctuation of the space, turning his eyes to the direction of the flowery fragrance, while the flowery fragrance was hidden in the white hustle and bustle, surrounded by white cockroaches. Hovering.

Looking at the white out is a state of defense, it seems to be very passive.

In fact, the passive is the flower is too fragrant.

Just calm and move.

Of course, the static consumption is small, and the consumption is large.

This continues, once the consumption of the flower is too large, the space magical power has a slight hindrance to be caught by the white, that is, when the flower is too sweet to lose.

Therefore, Hua Taixiang was very anxious at this time. At this time, all the energy was used on the body of the white cockroach. I don’t know if the piano double boarded the mountain. At this time, I just hope that the piano will come back as soon as possible.

Xu Kaiyun is as thoughtful as Hua Taixiang. At this time, there is not much left in the crystal of his body. If he continues to do so, once Xian Jing is consumed, he will not be able to maintain the consumption of the field.

Pulling the enemy into the field will naturally suppress the enemy and occupy a certain advantage. However, when the other party's repair is too high, it is not to suppress the other party, but the other party will explode their own field. Once the field is exploded, Xu Kaiyun will be seriously injured and even have the danger of falling. If there are not twenty nine-day Xuan Xian here to suppress the crane Jiu Ming, Xu Kaiyun may have fallen.

However, these twenty nine-day Xuan Xian are also very terrible. The corrections and other people have not recovered, and most of them have not recovered to the nine-day Xuan Xian. They rely entirely on experience and vision, plus a long snake. The other side, even if so, several people were injured, and they are fighting the other side with their injuries. The most important thing is that Xu Kaiyun must actively and continuously provide the celestial power for the twenty monks to pass through the field. Otherwise, the twenty monks could not stand the crane.

Providing Xian Yuanli to these twenty monks is an extremely serious burden for Xu Kaiyun. If there is no fairy crystal, the power in his body will be drained by these twenty nine-day Xuan Xian. At this time, he relied entirely on the field of refining Xianjing to maintain the power provided to twenty nine-day Xuanxian.

However, looking at the pile of storage rings in the storage ring, the number of storage rings has become more and more ugly. Wait until Xianjing is exhausted, waiting for him will only be a way down. Therefore, the most depressing is his.

In fact, the situation of Xu Kaiyun and Chu Dali is very dangerous.

It is quite easy to get here, Tang Li, he just puts on a frame to scare Lang Teng, relatively easy. And even if Lang Teng made an attack, Tang Li’s cultivation was able to maintain constant time.

At this time, under the Yinzu Mountain, two battlefields were formed.

A battlefield is Tang Li. They played against the Yaozu and played vigorously.

A battlefield is the morning of the car, but it is silent, but in this silence, it is filled with a kind of tranquility before the storm.

Between the two battlefields of Tang Li and Che Chen, Tang Han stood helplessly, his short figure was full of helplessness. After being stopped by the town's monks, his eyes swept to Xu Kaiyun and others from time to time, and his eyes were anxious.

Among the town's monks, Peng Xiang turned his eyes.

He feels dangerous!

Extremely dangerous!

Originally, Fang Yu came to the town from the city of Bangshang. He wanted to make a fortune. He wanted to pay the protection fee with the city of Moss. However, I did not expect that the piano double would come and smash the Dantian of Fangyu.

So, even if he saw Fang Cheng, then Fang Cheng might slap him to death.

Moreover, today's Yinzu Mountain is very dangerous.

There is a big fight over there. If the Yaozu wins, I am afraid he will not escape. This is being confronted. Once the war broke out, he did not know if he could survive.

"You must leave here!"

"Away from this right and wrong!"

He quietly retreated, and when he stepped back to the last, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw the little Tang Han!

Tang Han is a person of Qin Shuang, and it seems that his status is still important, because he saw that Qin and several people are very protective of Tang Han. If you catch Tang Han yourself, even if you return to the city of Barn, will Fangcheng spare his life?


Peng Xiang’s body shape swept away toward Tang Han, and Wu pointed to Tang Han’s grasp, which sealed Tang Han’s Dan Tian and the sea.


Tang Han couldn't help but scream, and this scream stunned Xu Kaiyun, who was fighting fiercely, Chu Dali, Hua Taixiang and Tang Li, who was confronting Lang Teng.

Peng Xiang grabbed Tang Han and flew up.

Hua Taixiang's figure suddenly appeared in front of Peng Xiang, palms facing Peng Xiang's chest, suddenly his eyes narrowed, slammed out the palm of his hand, and suddenly recovered, this suddenly recovered the force back, let the flowers too fragrant to spray A blood was taken, and when it was too late to wipe, he roared:

"Let Tang Han!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The white man laughed and rushed toward the flower Taixiang: "The human race is despicable. At this time, you still have to be guilty. No wonder, the ink star will become the star of the Yaozu."

Hua Taixiang has no choice but to fight with Bai Yu.


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