Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: Poisoning (below)

"Learn something."

The water thunder beads on the wrists of the piano fell off, a water bead became a long bow, and fourteen water thunder beads were turned into fourteen long arrows. The piano double grasped four long arrows, bent the bow and locked the arrow. , loose strings.


Four arrows spurt out.



The piano double-bends the arrow and the fourteen arrows are only spurred in an instant. Instantly running through the eyebrows of fourteen people, and then flashing through the arc in the air, once again spurred to the fourteen monks, but in less than a time, more than thirty monks fell to the ground.

The fear spread uncontrollably, and the rest of the monks hurriedly retreated. The piano was not too good. They reached out and the four arrows spurred toward the piano and made a long bow together with the longbow. The bracelet is wrapped around the wrist of the piano.

Qin doubled his head and looked at Xu Kaiyun: "See the gap?"

"Yeah!" Xu Kaiyun nodded seriously: "My repair is not as good as you, my bow and arrow are not as good as you, my arrow is as strong as you, this is the gap."

"Hey..." Tang Han smiled and squirted out.

The piano doubled Xu Kaiyun silently, then turned his eyes to the opposite monks and looked at them quietly.

Che Chen and Cao Yi are already stupid. Both of them are from the ground up, against one party, and they are still like the power of the city, they never thought about it.

"Boss..." Mei Jiufeng was so scared that both legs were a little trembling: "You, you... you are going to break the sky!"

Tang Li’s look also shook a little, and then he resumed calm. It’s a bit of a hassle to kill the Warrior City Guards. But in the eyes of the Tang family, it’s a trivial matter, and it’s not killing the city owner?

"Treading step..."

At this time, a horse carriage with a bright dragon horse came from the team. Came to the front of the team in the city, and jumped from the carriage to a man.

Behind the carriage was followed by hundreds of monks. The hundreds of monks exuded a sly scent and looked sharp. It was not exactly what Thunder Tiger could compare with hundreds of people.

The monks behind the piano doubles are nervous, but when they look at the back of the piano, they are calm and settle down. These people who follow the piano pair have seen the miracle that Qin double has created more than once. Therefore, although the other side is big, they still choose to believe in Qin.

Fang Cheng was a mysterious man, followed by two tenth-level monks of the Great Luo Jinxian. He first looked down at dozens of bodies on the ground, and his own guard Lei Hu was killed. He looked up at the opposite side and did not hide his anger.

"Who killed me? Stand up! My people dare to kill, stand up, kneel on the ground, wait to die!"

Behind Fang Cheng, Fang Yong poked out half of the body from the door and looked toward him. His face instantly became awkward and screamed:

"Kill, kill me, kill them all!"

Fang Cheng turned back and changed his face: "Hurry up and support my son, don't let him fall from the car."

Immediately, a monk went up to help Fang Yong, and Fang Yong supported the shoulder of the monk:

"Help me go!"

Qin double looked coldly at everything that happened on the opposite side. She did not speak. She was very disappointed with the monk of the ink star. When I first met Cao Yi and Che Chen, these scattered repairs were also counted, but the Iron House that I encountered before, the nowadays I met in the city, made her very disappointed.

In this state, I want to stop the demon...


"Father!" Fang Yong extended his finger to the opposite side of the piano: "It is her, she is!"

"Is she? What??" Fang Cheng looked confused.

Fang Yong is full of face, biting his teeth and cutting his teeth: "She is the name of the piano."

Fang Cheng’s face changed, and he turned his head sharply, staring at the opposite pair of pianos, and then screamed: “Reassured, these people are dead.”

Then, he took two steps in the first step, and his eyes were full of killings: "Dare to hurt my son, I will make you die."

Qin double faintly across the opposite side, Fang Cheng is a nine-day Xuan Xian peak, next to him is a few big Luo Jinxian. Behind those awkward monks, a small part is Luo Tianshangxian, most of them are Tianxian period, it seems that the strength of the city is generally.

The look of the piano double ignorance completely angered Fang Cheng, and the "嗡" sounded the sword, and he wanted to play the piano. At this time, Tang Han, who was led by Qin Double, was also attracted by Fang Yong’s voice and saw Fang Yong clearly. A small face on the road was full of anger. At the beginning, Fang Yong’s men suddenly shot him. If it wasn’t too fragrant, he would be killed and there would be no chance to release the bracelet. And this **** guy, also plays the piano double sister.

"You are not dead yet?"

Tang Han’s face was full of suffocation. This kind of suffocating shocked Qin Qin, but she never saw such expression on Tang Han’s face. Fang Cheng and others on the opposite side also saw Tang Han.

A child?

Even dare to marry Fang Yong still not dead?

Fang Yongdeng was so angry that he was flushed, but he did not wait until he had some action, and he saw Tang Han loosening the hands of Qin double and his small arm.


The bracelet on the wrist flew toward Fang Yong, and the big Luo Jinxian who was holding Fang Yong’s eyes was shrinking. Although he did not recognize the bracelet, he instinctively felt the danger. He sacrificed the sword in his hand and rushed toward the bracelet, trying to block the bracelet.

The opposite Xu Kaiyun smiled lightly!

In the next moment, Xu Kaiyun bent his bow at the speed of lightning, locked it, and put an arrow.

Through the day!


The arrow instantly surpassed the bracelet that Tang Han sacrificed. When it hit the sword on the handle, although it did not hit the sword, it also changed the direction of the sword. The bracelet that Tang Han sacrificed and the sword of the handle were wiped past, and instantly came to Fang Yong’s head. The sound of "嗡", the bracelet expanded into a circle like a Qiankun, and turned over to Fang Yong.

In the heart of the big Luo Jinxian who helped Fang Yong, the policeman slammed a fist and bombarded the past with the falling bracelet. At the same time, Fang Yong also banged the bracelet.


The bracelet suddenly condensed in the air, and a burst of broken needles was shot from inside, piercing Fang Yong and the big Luo Jinxian's Yuanli fist, and one shot left into Fang Yong's body.


Fang Yong screamed, and his pale face turned black.

Tang Han reached out and the bracelet flew toward him. Fang Cheng’s face changed greatly, and he no longer cares about Qin and so on. He quickly flew toward Fang Yongfei.



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