Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1646: Arrogant

Qin doubled his feet and went out. Although Fang Cheng squeezed his smile and talked to the piano, he did not pay any attention to the relaxation of the piano. When the piano was kicked out, he quickly ducked.


Qin Shuang’s foot was too fast, and it was too strange. Although he made a dodge action, the foot was still squatting on his dantian.

His figure was flung up and fell to the ground, looking up at the piano double, with despair and anger in his eyes.

"You... smashed my dantian..."

Qin double turned back and waved at Yu Feiyin. Yu Feiyin walked down to the front of Qin Double in the fifth calculation. Fang Cheng, who is lying on the ground in two directions, said:

"give it to you."

The monks in the city of Daocheng looked at the high time, but the high time was like the situation where they were not found at all. What is being said about Xiaoxiao and Xiaohan.

Yu Feiyin, step by step, walked toward Fang Cheng step by step. Fang Cheng supported both arms on the ground and shouted as he stepped back:

"Come, kill him...stop him...higher seniors...a lot of killing me..."


Fang Cheng’s cry stopped abruptly. Yu Feiyin held a guqin in his hands and rounded it up, constantly licking Fang Cheng’s head.


Until Fang Cheng’s head was smashed into a piece of meat, Yu Feiyin came to the double-sided front of the piano with the help of the fifth count. He slammed in front of the piano double:

"Boss, thank you!"

The piano double reached out and helped Yu Feiyin, whispered: "Fei Yin, Festival."

Yu Feiyin nodded, and his handsome face revealed his grief.

High time turned around at this time, looking at the piano double, the power is full, said faintly:

"You are very courageous!"

The piano has a faint look: "In such an era of avenues, there is not much courage, how to live?"

In the eyes of high time, there was a fascination in his eyes. With his experience, he naturally knew that Qin and Shuangcheng could not survive, and his other party was very dissatisfied, and then saw the relationship between Tang Han and Qin Shuang. The mind leans toward the double side of the piano. However, he did not publicly support the piano double, but pretend to talk to Tang Han only, want to see the piano double in front of him Xianjun, dare not kill Fang Cheng.

Gao Shiguang thought of the Qin double will kill Fang Cheng, but did not think that the piano double hands so decisive, and after the abolishment of Fang Cheng, in front of his face, openly let Yu Feiyin revenge.

This is a little bit not to give him this fairy face!

However, Gao Shiguang very much appreciates Qin Double in his heart, because he knows that in this dispute of the avenue, the Terran urgently needs such a monk, and only such a monk can increase, and the Terran is likely to fight from almost no hope. I have a glimmer of light.

What he did not think of was that when his power was full and he said that the piano was very courageous, the piano double was still not salty and not faint, as if he did not put his fairy in his eyes. He looked at the piano double, and the look of the ancient well did not wave, and people could not see the virtual reality:

"The courage is too big, and it is possible to die faster!"

"It doesn't matter!"

The double look of the piano is still not salty or light, but the town demon tower has been transferred to the eyebrows. The Xianjun waterline is ready and ready to be released.

She is also very unfounded in her heart, and she is not sure what the high time is. But I know that I can't retreat at this time, even if it is an attitude, I can't go back. Otherwise, once you show your weakness, even if the other party will not kill yourself, they will be captured by the other party's momentum. The result is that they are controlled by the other party and become the subordinates of the other party.

Fight against the demon!

Even in order to fight against the Yaozu, to dedicate your life, you can.

However, Qin double must take his own destiny in his own hands, and do not want to be a **** in the hands of others. If the other party forced himself, he had to escape.

Playing is not playing the other side, even if there is a Xianjun waterline, because the other party is a real Xianjun, relying on the Xianjun waterline to escape, may not be successful. As for those who follow themselves, as long as they have escaped, there are Tang Li and Tang Han, high time should not target them. Therefore, although her heart has been tense to the extreme, her face is still indifferent:

"The world is dead every day, not many of me, not a lot of me. But..."

Qin’s eyes whispered a little: “If I don’t die, I am also very vengeful.”

The eyes of high time are also a slight glimpse. He was very appreciative of the Qin double, and his heart also raised a anger. Qin double, this is not to regard him as a Xianjun predecessor, or to say that Qin double put himself in the same position as his immortal, he will say in the high time that "the courage is too big, it is possible After the sentence of "death faster", immediately give a counter-attack.

Not bad!

The high time is a threat to the piano in the words, but Qin double does not hesitate to threaten high time.

A big Luo Jinxian ignores the threat of a fairy, and in turn threatens Xianjun?

Who gave her the courage?

At this time, the people around are stupid, whether it is the person on the side of the piano, or the person on the other side of the city, Li Tianba has a big mouth open, a shocked stupid look.

Actually... and Xianjun smashed up?

Although Fang Cheng is damn, but he is a city owner after all, Qin double decisively abolished it, which has been shocking, and now unceremoniously and Xianjun!

What is she based on?

The monks looked at the piano doubles in a stupid way. I still can't believe that this is true in my heart. I can't believe that the courage of Qin double is so big. However, Fang Cheng was found to be lying in the muddy body and lying there...

High-time eyes have twitched, and the anger in my heart has been somewhat uncontrollable, although he does not care about Fang Cheng’s death, and has given up Fang Cheng. But is it so stunned by Qin Double?

This girl is too arrogant!

Qin double ignores the anger in the eyes of high time, just calmly looking at the opposite high time, resisting a wave of pressure. The anger of the high time made him unwittingly spread the power of Xianjun and oppressed the piano.

The spirit of Qin Double released the mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, spread from the heart of the Tao, and covered the piano in the inside, so that Qin Qin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xianjunwei, who was only in high time, suddenly came under pressure, and the piano double sat on the ground. After all, her realm of the gods at this time was only the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, and it was impossible to resist an imperial concubine. The power of coming. Fortunately, the spirit of self-understanding can resist this kind of pressure.

Gao Shiguang stared at the piano pair, and he had an intuitive impression on the piano.


"Shantou, you are too arrogant!"


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