Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: Tianziyuan

In order not to fall into the wind, the Terran was founded by the Xu family and other large families. It recruited the talented people of the world and taught the Dafa to fight against the demon.

In the founding of Tianziyuan, although these large families did not take out their own ancestral exercises, they also came up with many top-level exercises and Taoism, as well as the Taoist tactics. Moreover, it is stipulated that every disciple of Tianziyuan must return to Tianziyuan in the future and leave a practice to Tianziyuan, or a Tao of any aspect, as the Tianziyuan Cultivate their returns.

For 50,000 years, many of the disciples of Tianziyuan broke through Xianjun, leaving their own proud Taoism in Tianziyuan. The precipitation of 50,000 years ago, the foundation of Tianziyuan is no weaker than any family, even Not weaker than the first family of the spiritual world.

Moreover, Tianziyuan has separated from each family and has become a force in the spiritual world that does not belong to any family. It plays a decisive role in the whole spiritual world.

After the establishment of Tianziyuan, the rules for recruiting disciples were appointed. This rule faces the entire spiritual world and benefits the entire human race. ”

"Slow!" Qin double said: "How can I not know?"

"You don't know?" Yi Tianfang looked at the piano with amazement: "How come you don't know?"

"You are from an alien domain?"

Suddenly a voice came, and the piano turned around and looked at it. When I saw the high time, I didn’t know when I came over, and nodded:


At this time, Li Tianba also came over, and high time, Yi Tianfang looked like a monster looking at the piano double, watching the piano double is not comfortable:

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"I didn't think that there will be such a hero in the alien domain." Gao Shiguang exclaimed, and then Yi Tianfang said: "You continue."

“Good!” Yi Tianfang nodded. “The sky purple star recruits disciples does not include the alien domain, because... because...”

Qinqin thought about it and understood it. The environment outside the star domain is indeed ignored, but the heart is still uncomfortable:

"Because it is a wild land?"

"Oh..." Yi Tianfang hit a haha ​​and continued: "The rule of Tianziyuan recruiting disciples is that there are only five places in each planet in the inner star field, and there are only two places in each star in the middle star field. ”

"So little?" Qin double surprised.

"A lot!" Yi Tianfang shook his head: "The whole spiritual world does not know how many stars, every time the purple star recruits disciples, it will gather more than one million people. And Tianziyuan only recruits one thousand disciples every hundred years."

"A thousand miles to pick one!" Qin double sighed.

"What a thousand miles to pick one!" Li Tianba said on the side: "A thousand miles to pick one is the one who gathers the sky purple stars. If you expand to the whole spiritual world, such as the ink star, how many Junjie? But only two The number of places, so that one thousand people are called the one in the middle of the election."

Qinshuang Wenyan is also nodding. The thousand monks who entered Tianziyuan every 100 years are undoubtedly the heroes of the heroes in the human race. They should all belong to the enchanting existence.

"What are the rules for enrollment? Is it better than the combat power?" Qin asked a little expectation, such a place, she also wants to enter cultivation.

“No!” Yi Tianfang shook his head: “It’s not just watching the power, it’s mainly about potential.”

“Looking at potential?”

“Well, Tianziyuan has a set of methods to choose from, and it seems to be different every time. Anyway, it is possible to select the most potential monks to the greatest extent. Therefore, the monks who can join Tianziyuan are not the highest, the strength. The strongest can join.

However, many things are different for each planet, so each planet is chosen differently. I don't know this very well. The seniors should be clear. High-ranking seniors, what do you say to the piano? ”

Gao Shiguang nodded: "First of all, every planet will try its best to pick the monks who think they have the greatest potential and send them to Tianziyuan. This is because once the disciples who have been selected by the planet passed the assessment and joined Tianziyuan, they will Will be rewarded by Tianziyuan a lot of resources. And are top resources, these resources are a big opportunity for each planet.

Therefore, in the selection of disciples, it is impossible to say that there is no selfish planet, but very few. Because even if you have selfishness and send your own offspring, you may not be able to pass the assessment. ”

Qin nodded and agreed. If the disciple has potential, there is no need to use the means at all. Once the means were used, it proved that the potential of the disciple did not meet the requirements. Such a person would be eliminated even if he sent it to Tianziyuan.

Feeling, laborious, and resource-consuming, the result is that the bamboo baskets are empty!

"Our original ink star also has a set of methods to choose, but now that the ink star is in the avenue of the road, it is impossible to carry out the original selection method, and the time to recruit disciples from the Tianzi Institute is less than five years, so now we are old The guy decided to let the parties recommend some disciples who thought they had the potential to go to the Institute to practice, and then pick two of these disciples and go to Tianziyuan."

Gao Shiguang specially looked at the piano and said: "The original ink star, the big city has a hundred, there are countless small and medium-sized cities, but those small and medium-sized cities are under the jurisdiction of the 100 cities. But nowadays, the small and medium-sized cities are basically No, even if the mind is still in the hands of the Terran, it basically loses contact with the Terran, and is trapped by the Yaozu. It is only a matter of time. It is a medium-sized city like the Wall City, and we are now temporarily abandoned.

There are only 17 big cities left, and there are some small and medium-sized cities under the seventeen big cities. However, these small and medium-sized cities are also giving up. ”

Speaking of this, Gao Shiguang sighed a sigh: "Now, each of the seventeen great cities has selected ten disciples and went to the Institute of Ceramics to practice. At that time, the two strongest monks were selected and went to Tianzixing. Fragrance is the one that was selected and has already entered the ink court."

The piano double frowned and said: "Predecessors, this may not be fair? Or is it that you may not be able to choose someone with real potential?"

"I understand what you mean!" Gao Shiguang once again looked at the piano with deep thoughts: "Not as you imagined, the final two places must be selected from the ink court, or that, from the ink school Among the disciples in the middle of cultivation, the monks who practiced in the ink gardens are all cultivated lower. The reason why they are allowed to enter, the practice in the ink hospital is to give them an opportunity to quickly improve themselves. Providing them with a large amount of cultivation resources is not provided casually. Everyone has requirements. For example, within a year, the number of repairs must be increased. If they fail to meet the requirements, they will be dismissed."


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