Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1662: Encounter

Chapter 1662 encounter (page 1/1)

What surprised the Qin is that there is a village under the mountain, and the village is not small, with many houses. The eyes of Qin double swept around, and they frowned slightly.

The terrain here is like a funnel. The village is in the center of the funnel. The four sides are all inserted into the peaks of the clouds. Qin Double really doesn't know how the village was born. She walked along, but she knows that there are many powerful demon in this mountain. The beast, living in this village, is basically isolated from the outside world and wants to go out, which is extremely difficult.

Qin’s eyes flashed, and she saw a simple array around the village, and the arrays were still working. Slightly condensed her eyebrows, she did not know if the village was inhabited or had become a relic.

"Where..." Hua Taixiang flew all the way, tired enough, and spit on his tongue and said: "Sister, can we go down?"

Qin double jumped from the back of Hua Taixiang, looking at the bottom while saying:

"You enter the town demon tower!"

"Why? We will go all the way. Anyway, you will not stay in the village, we will go straight to the opposite mountain, I will turn over you."

Qin double shook his head and said: "I still go down and see for yourself. There is a village suddenly appearing here. Stop strange. If you meet someone, you can also inquire about the right valve. We have been running in the mountains for so long, I don't know. Is there any deviation from the direction?"

"Then I will go with you."

"You still go into the town demon tower to improve, and break through the nine-day Xuan Xian earlier, and help me a bit more." Speaking here, Qin double sighed a voice:

"I don't know where Fengming is now? How is it?"

"Sister, are you not sensing?"

"Inductive, very far, can only sense her in the spirit world."

"The guy was made from the bones of the Nether, and maybe he flew directly to the Phoenix side."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Well, you go in."

When the words fall, the piano doubles the mind and moves, then the flower is too fragrant into the town demon tower, and then seals other attributes, leaving only the fire and phoenix gods, going down the mountain.

Qinshuang all the way down the mountain, there is no road at all on this mountain. The two sides of the piano release the sword and open up a road, while walking through the bushes in the forest.


Qinqin suddenly stopped, and narrowed his eyes and looked forward. At this time, she was less than 500 meters from the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, several people were walking in the direction of the piano. There are a total of six people, one in the fairy period and five in the prime period.

Qin double could not help but frown slightly!

"So weak repair!"

The six people also found the piano double, six people paused, and then walked toward the piano double, stopped at a distance of ten meters, looking at the piano.

"Daoyou, are you alone?"

The monk of the Tianxian period found that he could not see the cultivation of the double piano. The eyes showed a cautious color, and he could not help but tighten the sword in his hand.

"You don't really be alone?" Next to a fairyland peak looking at the piano double said: "How can a person come here?

Hello, where did you come from? Who else? Call out your companions! ”

Qin double looked calmly at the six people on the opposite side. These six people did not pose any threat to him. She did not answer the question of the monk who was a fairy.

"To shut up!"

The fairy was nervously shouting at the fairyland. The immortal period of the land can not see the cultivation of the piano double, but he does not think that the companion around him can not see, the companion beside him is the fairy-tale monk who can fly. Therefore, although he closed his mouth, he did not have any fear of Qin double. After all, the piano pair was too young, so he still looked up and down the piano.

The fairy monk squeezed a sigh of smile on his face: "Do not mind, my brother is a straight son, but the brain is not spoken. The main reason is that the village has a special terrain, only one import and export, and nowadays It was blocked by the monster, so I was surprised that you suddenly appeared here."

“Is there an import and export here?” Qin’s face showed a hint of surprise, and his eyes looked at the surrounding mountains.

The monk in the fairyland smiled and said: "It can't be seen with the eyes, there."

The monk in the fairyland pointed to the opposite mountain: "There is a zigzag passage!" The words of the monk in the first few steps, stopped at the piano five meters away, and arched:

"When you fly down the road, what do you call your friends?"

The five people behind Lu Fei did not go forward and still stood in the same place. Qin binoculars swept over the five people, then took back his eyes and bowed to Lu Fei:

"Qin double has seen a road friend."

"Since coming here is fate!" Lu Fei's face showed a cheerful smile: "Go, go back to the village, I invite you to eat. My wife's craft is great!"

"Then it is troublesome." Qin double also showed a smile.

The faces of the five people behind Lu Fei have changed. They have been trapped here for a long time, and their resources have long been used up. They usually rely on hunting and killing the beasts.

It’s really a belly, not a sacred meat.

Because the monsters are gathered on the zigzag road, in groups, where do they dare to hunt?

If you go, not they hunted the monsters, but the monsters hunted them.

Therefore, these people are waiting for the monsters of the singles to dare to kill. But where are there so many single monsters? Sometimes, for a few days, I didn't encounter a monster with a single order. They didn't dare to go to the zigzag road and provoke the monster, fearing to attract the angry monster. Only able to find in the surrounding mountains. I don’t dare to go up because there is a powerful monster. It can only be found near the foot of the mountain. In the past year, it has become more and more difficult to hunt and kill the monster.

Therefore, when I heard Lu Fei asked the piano to eat, and the piano double answered so cloudless, those people's faces were very ugly. The immortal period is even more scornful:

"You are promised to be happy! People are good, and the skin is not thick."

"Yan Youwei, shut up." Luffy hurriedly shouted, and then apologized to the piano: "Do not be surprised."

“It’s okay!” Qin’s eyes swept over several people, and his look faded: “What are you doing out?”

"Hunting!" Qin and Luffy walked and talked.

"Oh!" Qin nodded and asked: "Why didn't the opposite monster come in?"

"There is a formation there that blocks the monster." Speaking here, Luffy smiled a bit: "Otherwise we are already dead. But now we are also trapped here, and then continue this way, even If you are not eaten by the monsters, you will starve to death. Hehe... Qindaoyou, we cultivated the immortals, but were starved to death...hehe..."


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