Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: collapse

Chapter 1665 Crash (page 1/1)

Soon, the piano double went to the earth wall and looked out. I saw that the monks above the fairy period were on the outer wall of the outer wall, releasing the Tao to the wolf outside.


Qin Susu’s figure jumped from the earth wall and ran towards the first earth wall. The figure of Qin double jumped and followed Qin Susu.


At this time, from the first earth wall, there was a scream of Luffy, and then I saw dozens of monks above the fairy period, rushing to the side, jumping into the second earth wall. On the other hand, Luffy pressed on a pattern on the earth wall, and the earth wall released a yellowish glow. Cover the entire village.

At this point, there are two layers of earthy yellow light, and the outermost layer is already crumbling.


The outermost layer of light is broken.


The wolf howling was deafening, and more than a hundred demon wolves smashed the first earth wall and rushed toward the second earth wall.

"Big brother, this can't stop, the wolf is too much!" Yanyou said with a look of anxiety.

"Tianhua?" Luffy asked anxiously.

"I don't know, I left in the morning!"

"Can't let the wolf attack this big battle!" Luffy bit his teeth: "Let's go!"


Luffy’s figure jumped from the earthen wall, left-handed law, right-handed sword, and smothered to the demon wolf.


Dozens of monks above the fairy period have jumped from the earthen wall. Just an instant, it collides with the wolf.


The piano double jumped onto the earth wall and looked out at the light curtain.


There was a crying behind him, and the piano double looked back. It was Qin Susu’s tears.

"What are you crying?" Qin double asked casually, and looked at the outside again. He had not seen the situation outside.

"You shut up!" A Mahayana youth jumped up and yelled at the piano: "Every time there is a monster to attack the village, the big brother is the first to rush out. Lu Dawei is worried enough, you still have this It doesn't matter what you look like, you know, if the big break is broken, you can't live?"

"Oh!" Qin double looked back at the young man of the Mahayana period and saw that the young man looked at Qinshuang’s eyes full of indignation.

"not good!"

Then I saw Qin Susu screaming, and the figure walked out of the light curtain.

"what are you doing?"

"I am going to help Big Brother!"

Qin double looked at the bottom, and saw that Luffy was facing a giant wolf with a height of more than one foot. Lu Fei was pressed and only passively defended. The front chest had already left a Deep scratches, blood is constantly coming out.

"Tian Xian late!"

The piano double eyes are slightly concealed, and Luffy's repair is only the beginning of the fairy. At this time, facing a demon wolf in the late Tianxian, it is not an opponent.

"What about Zheng Da Ge?" the monks who jumped on the earth wall shouted in panic.

"Zheng Da Ge went out early in the morning."

"Zheng Da Ge is not there, what should I do? There is only a big brother in the village and he is a fairy."

"It's over!"

"This time is going to die!"

Dozens of monks above the fairy period will also block dozens of demon wolves, while the remaining dozens of demon wolves are constantly hitting the mask, slamming the mask with their claws, and the mask is constantly shaking.

The monks above the earth wall, whether it is the Mahayana period or the distraction period, have released the Taoism and attacked those wolves. It’s just that their repairs are too bad, and there is not much damage to those demon wolves. It is often that those Taoists have not attacked the wolf's side, and they are scattered by the demon wolf.

The piano double stood on the earth wall and did not shoot. These demon wolves are still too weak for her. But this is also an opportunity for those who are above the fairy period. Even if it is against Luffy. Although Lu Fei is facing a late Tianxian period, and he is only an early stage of the fairy, but in a short time, there will be no danger to life, and at most some injuries. But this pressure between life and death has a huge advantage for Luffy.

There is a big horror in life and death, and there is a big chance!


Qin double saw that a monk monk was very critical and he was about to be killed by a wolf. The piano doubled his mind and untied the seal of the Qinglong God, slightly raised his toes and bowed down. An ancient vine was drilled out of the ground and instantly wrapped around the thigh of the demon wolf, facing down.


The demon wolf fell to the ground, and the desperate man of the immortal monk quickly slammed the sword and left the head of the demon wolf.

Qin Shuang's eyes glanced at the audience. From time to time, he gently lifted his toes. On the ground below, there was an ancient vine, winding the wolf demon, and the human race monk who saved the crisis. Her gods were locked in the distance. Going forward to the wolf king.


Qin Susu flew down. This time, I have seen the strength of the wolves. I have not blocked Qin Susu. If she is there, she will not let Qin Susu be in danger.

However, when Lu Fei saw Qin Susu jumped down, he was shocked and could not help but shout at the piano on the earth wall:

"Piano fairy, help me take care of vegetarianism."

Qin did not respond, but shook his head slightly, and was disappointed with Luffy. In the face of a wolf demon who is stronger than himself, is there any mood to pay attention to other?


Luffy’s left arm was caught by a wolf and a piece of meat was shot.


Qin Susu's face changed color and rushed toward Lufei, but was blocked by a wolf demon. Qin did not pay special attention to the two of them, but paid attention to all the monks, while the gods still locked the wolf king.

The wolf king is a Luo Tianxian, if the wolf king shot, the following dozens of monks, can not kill more than ten times, will be killed. Only the wolf king squatted there, occasionally sweeping the Terran monks, and his eyes were despised.

Yan You took a look at the Wolf King, his face has become pale. Excessive consumption, and because of fear of heart, there is no war.


The wolf king suddenly screamed, and the wolf demon attacked more fiercely. This screaming also made Yan You scare his courage and turned his head to the earth wall.

Those monks who were releasing the Dao Law on the earth wall and saw the low monks, and seeing Yan You’s escape from the scene, could not help but open their mouths:

"Yan Youwei, what are you doing?"

"How can you escape at this time?"

"Big brother is still below."

"You coward!"



"Shut up!" Yan You jumped onto the earth wall, and his eyes were full of killings and looked at several Mahayana monks in front of him: "Can't beat, is it dead?"

"You...but Big Brother, they are all..."


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