Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1670: Kill the monster again

One year.

In the town demon tower, the piano used a whole year, the fusion of the Dafa method reached a hundred, and the Tiandao three style has improved, but there is no qualitative change.

It should be about four hours outside, and the fierce monster should leave?

Qin double explored the gods from the town demon tower, and found that the cave has expanded a lot, and there are hundreds of monsters in the cave at this time, but no other monsters have been seen.

The mind was moved, and the figure of Qin double appeared from the town demon tower.


The fire field was released, and the whole cave was shrouded in an instant, and all the monsters were sucked into the fire field.


A demon mouse is turned into ashes in the fire field.


The piano doubled up the fire field, and when it was swept, it came to the cave. At this time, the cave entrance is a lot bigger and has a width of 100 meters. Qin double could not help but frown, which made her more difficult. But looking at the outside there are still a lot of monsters, the piano double eyebrows, these are the points, the piano doubles do not want to let go.

After the figure flies, he returns to the bottom of the cave, quickly deploys a magical array, then returns to the cave entrance again, inserts the fire sword next to him, and then inserts it in front of him. Five arrow pots and the long bow were taken out. Look at the outside carefully.

The outside of the earth is blood red, the air is full of **** smell, and the bodies of many monsters are lying on the ground, and countless monsters are eating the bodies of those monsters. The eyes were carefully scanned, and the six-armed scorpion was not found. The heart of the double hanging of the piano was slightly lowered.

It seems that the six-armed scorpion is just passing by, and it has already left.

Valley mouth.

At this time, only Qin Susu was left alone, and the rest returned to the village. In the village, Luffy is sullenly distracting the body of the demon wolf. Someone has begun to simmer meat, and the meat is floating in the village. Every monk has an excited look in his eyes, staring at the wolf in the pot.

This time, not only can you eat enough, but you can also cultivate for a while. As long as you think about it, everyone is filled with joy. Yan You is more joyful in his heart, and the smile on his face has never stopped.

The demon wolves that kill the piano, they are enjoying them. And the piano is still dead, no one threatens his life.

That pen is a good person!

Ha ha……

At the mouth of the valley, only Qin Susu stood there, Qin double saved her life, she has been holding a glimmer of hope, I hope Qinqin is still not dead.

It’s just been more than four hours, and the piano has not appeared...

That six-armed scorpion is so powerful...



At this time, an arrow spurred out of the cave, and a monster screamed and slammed down on the ground.

"Qin double!"

Qin Susu was shocked and looked at the cave. She saw a fiery figure, standing at the mouth of the cave and bending her bow.


A branch of the arrow was shot out, and one of the monsters collapsed.

Valley mouth.

Qin Susu was so excited that he trembled and ran back to the village.

"This meat is delicious!" Yan You said, while he was biting a piece of wolf meat, he said cheerfully: "Unfortunately, Qin double has no blessing to eat!"

"Yan You is!" Lu Fei looked at Yan Youwei's eyes flashed a bit of killing.

"Luffy, Qin double... Qin double..."

At this time, Qin Susu came in from the mouth of the village. Luffy turned to the first.

“Su Su, what are you talking about?”

"Qin double... Qin double..."

"What happened to the piano?"

"The piano double kills the monster!"

"Ha ha ha..." Yan You laughed loudly: "The road is big, are you crazy? Qin double is dead!"

Qin Susu did not take care of Yan Youwei, grabbed Luffy’s hand and flew to the outside of the village:

"The piano double appeared again, killing the monsters there!"

Yan You is a big open mouth, his arrogant smile is still stiff on his face, a kind of absurdity and fear emerge in his heart.

"how is this possible?

How could it still be alive by a six-armed shackle in a cave?

Still alive and kick to kill the monster?


Deceived! ”


One monk rushed toward the zigzag channel, and Yan You was also rushing toward it, and his mouth was still whispering:

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it, scare me?"

"Where!" Qin Susu, who fell in the mouth of the valley, turned to the piano.

"Really... killing!" Lu Fei’s chin almost fell off.

"I am going! Really killing!"

The monks looked at the outside with horror. At this time, the monsters outside had already discovered the doubles of the piano, and they went to the doubles of the piano, just like before.

At this time, the figure of the piano double appeared clearly in the mouth of the 100-meter-wide cave. In the eyes of everyone, he saw the double bow of the piano and put his hand on the hilt of his side.

Then, pull up and prick.


Dozens of meteors hit the monsters.


Countless monsters were smashed and slammed into the back of the monster, suddenly a mess.


The sound of swallowing saliva, someone whispered: "How do I feel... the piano is even better?"

"Look! She rushed out again!"

In their field of vision, the piano double rushed out again, like a group of meteors ramming in the group of monsters, wherever the monsters roll, the broken limbs flutter.

Just four minutes after the last double slaughter of the Qinqin, countless monsters have been killed by the piano for a quarter, and the new monster has not yet come, which makes Lu Fei and others in the valley mouth look It is hope.

They fled here, thanks to Zheng Tianhua's understanding of the road, and the layout of this magic array to confuse the monster. But they are also trapped here, there is no way to leave, and there are always monsters passing by, never stopped. As the amount of food that can be hunted is getting less and less, everyone’s heart rises in despair, feeling that they are waiting to die here.


Today they seem to have seen hope, seeing the Qin double has the tendency to kill the beast here, once they kill the beast here, they can leave here.

Of course, after leaving here, it is not safe, you may die at any time, but it is better to stay here than to die.


An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Qin double in the monster group, the sword is like a dragon, the piano double has not only released the meteor pendant and the star is flat and broad, but released their own learning one by one, while killing the monster, while quenching Each of his own ways, while consolidating his own realm. After she felt that she had killed these monsters, the realm that had just broken through was almost the same, and she could advance toward the mid-level peak of the seventh layer of Da Luo Jinxian.


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