Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1686: Chasing

In the hands of Tianrui, a fist-sized blooddrop is condensed, and the sky is looking at the only one where there is only one blood.

"Open your mouth!"

The **** look was ecstasy and immediately opened his mouth. Tianrui threw it away and threw the bloodbee into the mouth of the blood. I saw the breath of the blood in the body quickly climbed, and after a quarter of an hour, it broke through the nine-day Xuan Xian.


When the clouds converge in the sky, there will be a thunderstorm.

When the sky is reversed, a **** piano appears in front of him, and his hand is gently pushed, and the **** piano floats to the **** place.

"This blood piano borrows you to rob!"

"Thank you!"


The catastrophe continued to drop, and after about an hour, the clouds in the sky dissipated. The **** station stood up, and the body exudes a huge breath.

When the sky is reversed, the **** piano turns into a **** light and is absorbed into the body. Looking at the **** road:

"Go kill her!"

A look at blood: "Who kills?"

"Qin double!"

The **** eyes are bright, sticking out his tongue and rubbing his lips:

"Can I eat her?"


"Thank you!"


The bloodstain turned and flew away toward the talented person. He smiled faintly and whispered:

"God, I want to turn the monks of the whole ink star into my blood, here will be the base of Gorefiend, hahaha..."

Inside the town demon tower.

When the piano doubled his mind, it appeared under the big tree, and the town demon tower was put away, looked up and pointed out the direction, and swept away in the direction of the right valve.


A figure appeared in the place where Fang Caiqin and Tianrui confronted each other, but it was the blood. His gaze glanced around, and then his knowledge spread over and over, his mouth curled slightly, revealing a sneer, stepping out, and his figure disappeared.

In a cave.

Five people in Mao Ge are excitedly grilling a piece of monster meat, the breeze blowing the fire, the light in the cave is dark, and the five people turn their heads, and they see the blood in the cave.

"Why is he here?"

The five men stood tall and stood without fear to the blood in the cave.

"Where did the piano go?" Blood asked coldly, his eyes sweeping through five people in Mao, and sticking out his tongue and rubbing his lips.

"No... I don't know!" Mao Ge shook his head.


Blood is a finger, and a blood hole appears in Mao’s eyebrows. The **** sputum opened a **** spurt out of the blood hole of Mao's eyebrows, and was sucked into the mouth by the blood. It was only less than ten minutes, then the haired brother became a human skin, and then became I made a powder and sprinkled it on the ground.

"Ah..." The remaining four people screamed in horror.

"Where did the piano go?" The eyes of the bloodstain looked at the four people.

"Ah..." The four were scared to be able to scream.


The blood is another one, and a monk's eyebrows appeared a blood hole. The blood was sucked up, and soon the monk turned into a powder, and the **** breath was climbing a trace.


The sharp voices of the three people up and down stopped abruptly, leaving only fearful eyes and staring at the blood.

"Which direction did Qinqin go?" The **** look looked at the remaining three people.

"Go and go... Go... righteous!" said the three monks.

"Puff puff……"

The three monks' eyebrows each had a blood hole, and the blood spewed out, and they were sucked by blood. The three monks turned into powder.

Qinqin flies in the mountains, and there is a mountain peak inserted in the front. The piano does not dare to detour, for fear of losing its direction and flying straight toward the peak.


The peak of the piano double jumped, the hurricane whistling, blowing the piano and the clothes were fierce. I want to go back by the wind.

Qin doubled his footsteps and habitually gathered the power of the gods into the eyes, looking through the thick clouds and looking down.


The piano has a moving eye, and under the mountain is a chaotic mountain range. Each mountain is not big, but it is extremely numerous. Looking out from the high peaks, it is like a cemetery. In fact, the chaotic peaks are not high, but they are not short, but the mountain where Qin is located is too high.

This is not a place where the piano is amazed. What makes the piano double is that in the endless chaotic mountains, she has seen countless monsters and demon monks.

"So many demon monks?" Qin double look slightly: "What are they doing here?"

Qin's eyes were carefully swept away, and the heart was slightly loose. The lower demon monk is not high, and the highest is the appearance of the fairy. So many demon monks, for the Qinshuang, are also the lambs under the tiger's mouth.

Of course, if the piano is staying in one place, and the endless beast and the demon monk besieged, ten piano pairs will be killed.

However, the piano is not stupid! How can a monster and a demon monk in a place attack her from all sides like a tide?

"Points!" The face of the piano has an excited color: "This is all points!"

Below these monsters and demon monks are not strong, but win in the number, this is the opportunity for the piano double points.


The shape of the piano double jumped toward the peak, directly from the air, swooping down to the bottom, the body shape is still in the air, the fire sword has been mysteriously stabbed.

The stars are flat and wide!


Thousands of stars swayed, and countless stars merged into a starlight sword rain, falling toward the bottom. Only in an instant, the sound of wailing sounded.

With the cultivation of Qinshuang today, the seventh peak of the Da Luo Jinxian is the peak of the middle, releasing the stars and flats. It is not the underlying monsters and demon monks who can resist.


There were countless demon monks rushing to the sky and rushing toward the piano. However, before they even flew up a few meters, they were shot into a sieve by the magnificent starlight sword rain, which fell like a dumpling.


The shape of the piano double moves in the air swiftly, not staying in a place for a moment, so that the monsters and demon monks below can not capture the track of the doubles, but the star is flat and wide but not in the hands of the piano. The ground is released.

The piano doubles back and forth and advances layer by layer. At the same time, it also releases the gods and pays attention to the surrounding situation. She always feels that this place is not normal. There are so many monsters and demon monks here, but they are not strong. Why?

The biggest possibility is that there is a strong demon monk here, but I don't know where and what I am doing. Therefore, Qin double is very careful, once there is a strong demon monk, the piano double is ready to flee immediately.


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