Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1702: Practice

Chapter 1702 Practice (page 1/1)

"They..." Raytheon's voice trembled: "They won't metamorphose and attack us?"

Qin Qin smiled and said: "Do you still use the shape? Do you think that our current consumption is ten times before?"

Lei Xing felt it and his face changed dramatically.

"Qin double, if there is space in front, I am afraid I can't support it."

The piano double sensed it, and his face became ugly. "This should be the purest Taoist origin, and it will not attack us. But every rhyme will take us away." Cover. We simply can't add it."

"Maybe we are coming to an end." Ray said in a week.

"Let's go see!"

Qinshuang and Lei Xing dive down to the bottom. After about two quarters of an hour, the two faces stood ugly in front of a light curtain. Qin double turned his head and looked at Lei Xingdao:

"Would you like to go in?"

"Go in!" Lei Xing will bite his teeth.

"it is good!"

Qin double took the lead to sneak into the light curtain, and the look behind the star was extremely hesitant. He was not only afraid to enter the light curtain, he could not bear the rhyme of the inside, but he was afraid that the pair would do it. He was not an opponent of Qin double. Nowadays, in this environment, it is not an opponent, but in the end it is a bit of a tooth and enters the light curtain.


When he released the Thunder shield, he instantly collapsed.


Lei Shuojia automatically released the shield and protected him. Qin double looked to him: "Is it OK?"

Lei Xing looked at her with amazement, and the piano looked different, only to find out that his gods could not find out. After thinking about it, Qin Shuanghui gathered Yuan Li and slowly wrote two words in the air:

it's OK?

Lei Xing nodded directly! The piano doubled down to the bottom, followed by Lei Xing. After about two quarters of an hour, Qin Double and Lei Xing appeared again in front of a light curtain. Lei Xing was already dead. When he saw the piano looking over, he pointed his finger to the top and pointed at him. That means he I have to go back. The piano nodded twice, and Lei Xing reluctantly looked at the light curtain that was close at hand, then turned around and swam upwards.

The piano pair is plunged into the light curtain.

Entering the light curtain, Qin double waited for about two quarters of an hour in the light curtain. When he saw that Lei Xing did not come in, he dive again toward the bottom. It was only after she passed through a light curtain that she was relieved.

In fact, in this passage, it was just magma, and later the rhyme. For Qinshuang, although there is pressure, there is no danger. Her phoenix **** told her to perceive that it is not only dangerous to her, but also a treasure for the cultivation of fire attributes.


She put away the defensive shield of the pretense, and the surrounding rhymes squeezed toward her, making her feel like there are countless mountains squeezing her, but it is also true.

Qin doubles sitting in the space, she is not ready to continue to dive now, ready to practice here for a while, to increase the cost of life-saving, after all, she does not know what is underneath.


The silk rhyme entered the Qinshui's knowledge of the sea, and the fire and phoenix gods in the sea immediately cheered up. The fire phoenix opened her mouth in the sea of ​​knowledge, and a guide was sucked into her mouth. The fire and phoenix gods in her house quickly absorbed a rhyme.

As if a layer of veil was continuously unveiled, Qin Bao’s understanding of the fire attribute method began to increase, and this increase is still growing rapidly.


The field of fire attributes of the piano doubles involuntarily spread, and the field began to change rapidly. Not only is the scope of the envelope increasing, but various appearances in the field are also concise, which is qualitative change.

The most important thing is that the piano double feels that the quality of its own fire and phoenix fire is improving.

Know the sea.

The heart of the phoenix phoenix gods screamed, and the heart of the phoenix phoenix **** was the fire of the double condensed piano. The fire was madly swallowing a rhythm of fire attribute, just an instant, in the double A rhyme vortex formed around it.

Flaming vortex.

Hot vortex.

The vortex of the rhyme.

It is a rhyme vortex that is completely a fire attribute.

That is pure fire!

The source of the fire!

The narrowness is like a bamboo. In the space of only a kilometer, the dense rhyme is quickly absorbed by the piano. It’s just less than a quarter of an hour, and there’s not even a rhyme in this passage.

Qin double helpless opened his eyes, she did not understand how many fire attributes heaven, the field has not much improvement, 90% of the fire attribute Tao Yun has been absorbed by the heart of the Fire Phoenix God, that is, the fire. The double internal view of the piano, the fire became more red, brighter and hotter.

"Go to the next level to see!"

There is no rhyme in the space, not only can the knowledge spread, but the speed of the piano doubles. In her knowledge of the gods, she has already seen the kilometer, and there is a light curtain, which has a hint of rhythm oozing from the light curtain. Just less than three times, the piano doubled through the light curtain and entered the next layer.

The more intense rhythm rushed out, and the piano double absorbed it again.

The piano is so a space, the absorption of a space, cultivation, comprehension...

As long as each quarter of the space is about a quarter of an hour, the rhythm in the space is absorbed, and the fire absorbs 90%, and she only comprehends one layer.

However, she only absorbed the rhyme of the two spaces, but suddenly found that this is a perfect place for refining. Those rhymes smashed the body of the piano, even if the piano did not go to the body, they felt the strength of the body increased.

As a result, Qin double began the process of refining.

Every time a section of space, the fire and the phoenix gods comprehend the fire property avenue, the fire automatically absorbs the rhyme, and the yang **** controls the body to cultivate the jade body quenching body.

One section and one section.

After an hour!

"哗啦", Lei Xing rushed out from the fire pool, sitting on the edge of the fire pool, Yuguanting looked toward Lei Xing, seeing the staring look of Lei Xing, the heart is a sink.

"You didn't find it?"

"It's the same as you." Lei Xing sat down on the ground: "I can't stand it."

"What about the piano?"

"She is still going down."

Yu Guanting was silent, and Lei Xing was silent. Half-sounding, Lei Xing asked:

"How are you planning?"

Yu Guanting raised his eyes and looked at Lei Xingdao: "It is almost impossible to get a person who has the strength to compare with us and get rid of her treasure."

“Not bad!” Lei Xing nodded. “Because we all have pride. Don’t say it’s a treasure. Under threat, it’s a piece of fairy crystal.”

"So only kill her."

"Good!" Lei Xing decisively nodded: "Kill him, this two stars of the ink star to Tianziyuan is ours."

“Tianwuyuan?” Yu Guanting shook his head and sighed: “I don’t know if we have a chance.”


Thank you very much for studying hard and studying (100), seaphay (100), Bai Zibing (100)!



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