Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1417: Fall into the encirclement

The space magical power can no longer be used, and the tiger demon will shake itself out of the space. At the moment of the shock, the strength of the piano pair will be reduced by less than half, which is too dangerous.

Space magic can't be made, only with pure speed.

Qin Shuang's gaze looked down again. The nearly two thousand demon monks, these monks are also a big trouble. Don't look at most of them are Luo Tianshang, but they can't help them to fight together.


The supernatural powers of the two thousand demon monks joined together to bring together the strings of the piano in the air. The Qins and the four great gods and the big yang gods instantly moved together. However, this time the Yangse is not releasing the space body, but the speed of the light to the extreme.

Towards a nine-day Xuan Xian, who is approaching himself, rushed over, while the right-handed sword stabbed the star and fell flat and wide, and the left hand trembled with the entanglement of the Fengfeng fist.


The magical powers of the two thousand demon monks gathered at a point, and then burst into bursts. Although the piano double escaped the collection point of more than two thousand demon monks, but the two thousand supernatural powers collided, and then the power of the four sides It is the Qin double that can no longer escape.


The power of the magical power kept hitting the back of the piano pair, and the speed of the piano doubled to the opposite side of the nine-day Xuanxian suddenly doubled. At the same time, the star of the body was broken and turned into a star, but the two thousand Yu Shentong's strength is still there, still in the back of a pair of hitting the double back of the piano, let the glory of the glory of the Taiyue Moonlight, a sharp earthquake, and embarrassed.


The sky hangs down countless swords of starlight, harvesting the life of the demon monk.


Countless ancient vines entangled, strangled, horizontally pumped, erected...


The double-fighting Fengqin of Qinqin and the supernatural master of the nine-day Xuanxian in the opposite side collided together. The nine-day Xuanxian early monk who chose the piano double was injured before, and was blasted by Qinqin.


The sound of a broken bone, the double-fence of Fengqin smashed his sternum and the body flew out.


The shape of the piano pair followed, and one foot slammed on the head of the nine-day Xuanxian, who had already died.


The head of the nine-day Xuan Xian was smashed like a ripe watermelon, and the shape of the piano pair flew out by the force of this foot.

At this moment, the piano double felt that his hair was upright, and the graffiti of the peak above the peak was illuminated.


At the same time, a tiger scream came. There was a despair in the eyes of the piano, and the snoring swayed the space. The piano double did not have the opportunity to use the space to escape. The gaze looked toward the peak and saw the graffiti looking at himself. She knew that as long as she fled to the distance, the immortal would chase it.

In a fairy king, led by ten nine-day Xuan Xian, and more than a thousand Luo Tianshen and a few Luo Luo Jinxian's pursuit, they have no hope of living altogether, but instead stay, kill more demon here. The family monk, in the end, fights with graffiti, and there is a hope of living.

Qinqin paused and stepped forward, and turned over to the ten nine-day Xuanxian who had chased him. The graffiti on the peak of the peak glimpsed, but he lowered the footsteps.

Meteor falls!


Dozens of meteors slammed toward the center of the three nine-day mysterious chasings that were chased in the opposite direction. The shape of the piano pair followed closely. In a vibrating arm, a star was released from the field. Qinglong Yuanshen quickly moved his handcuffs in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Grass and wood are soldiers!


All the grass on the ground is separated from the ground, such as the green sword of the same handle, gathered into a long green river from all directions, toward the big Luo Jinxian and Luo Tian Shangxian. The star-studded moon once again appeared on the body of the piano.

The opposite of the three nine-day Xuan Xian saw the meteor falling, with the power to destroy them, the three nine-day Xuan Xian face is a change. The three of them can avoid in an instant, but this hide, the piano will escape from their direction. Quickly glanced over the peaks, his face had become a graffiti, and the three demon monks did not dare to run. I bite my teeth, two nine-day Xuan Xian slowed down half a step, the middle nine days of Xuan Xian turned over the body, back to the piano double, one left and one right two nine days Xuan Xian fell in the middle of the nine days of Xuan Xian, one person One hand pressed on the shoulder of the nine-day Xuan Xian in the middle.


Two nine-day Xuan Xian's demon power madly poured into the body of the nine-day Xuan Xian.


In the middle of the nine days, Xuan Xian roared, the whole body was like a balloon blowing up, the look became awkward, the violent breath climbed up in an instant, and the three demon trinity slammed into the violent meteor. The demon monk in the middle showed the original shape, a giant turtle. On the turtle shell that faces the piano, it releases the light of the water.


The meteor continually bombarded the treasures of the water, and cut off the treasures in layers, eventually revealing the real turtle shell and bombarding the turtle shell.



The turtle demon spurted blood continuously.


Cracks began to appear in his tortoise shell, and the crack spread instantly and the smell of the turtle demon fell instantly. It is the nine-day Xuan Xian who will infiltrate the body of the turtle into the body of the turtle. At this time, it is also pale, and the corners of the mouth seep out blood. However, the eyes of both of them were full of embarrassment because they successfully blocked the piano. When the two hands were loose, the turtle demon fell to the ground, and the remaining two nine-day Xuan Xian, squeezing their final potential, released a strong magical power.


The Sword of Starlight ruthlessly reaps the life of a demon monk, and has gathered together into a river of grass and soldiers, drowning those big Luo Jinxian and Luo Tianshangxian.

The piano doubled up and pushed the left hand, and a large handprint was in a hurry, blocking in front of himself. At this time her heart was cold, she knew that she had been blocked by the three nine-day mysterious immortals, and she had already fallen into the encirclement.

She is not able to rush out of this encirclement. She also has twenty-one silky water lines. As long as she releases a line of Xianjun waterline, she can kill the opposite nine-day Xuanxian and rush out of the encirclement.

But what about that?

She can guarantee that as soon as he releases the Xianjun waterline, the graffiti fairy above the peak will attack immediately.

For a true Xianjun, the power of her Xianjun waterline is limited. How can a trace of Xianjunwei compare with a fairy?


Thanks to seaphay (200), a gust of james (100), serious study and serious study (100), babyvoxsun (100), elegant rain (100), Bai Zibing (100) reward!



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