Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1720: What do you say?

Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali and others did not know how to converge on the piano doubles. The first name of the demon squad must be Qin double, which made many people unhappy.

You know, Yu Guanting and Lei Xing have been at the top of the list and the second place in the past year. Their prestige has accumulated over a year and has countless crowds. Even many monks have become admirers of these two people, and no one is allowed to whisper.

Where is Xu Kaiyun and others?

It is simply a big slogan, Zhangkou closed mouth, Qin double will definitely squeeze Yuguanting and Lei Xing, which makes those monks not angry?

Therefore, every day when Xu Kaiyun and others are accompanying the square to watch the list, it is the time when the two sides are screaming at each other. The saliva is flying, but it is obvious that Xu Kaiyun and others are falling, because their number is too small, Yu Guanting and Lei Xing There are too many admirers. Even if Chu and Tie are so soft, they can’t argue with each other.

Every time Xu Kaiyun and others were surrounded, blushing neck and arguing with a monk who could not see the head. It has become a scene in Mexico.

Inside the hall of the council.

A dozen of Xianjun’s faces were also filled with helpless smiles. They couldn’t stop this quarrel, let alone the two sides quarrel.

Tang Qiang smiled and looked at Yuxi and Lei Silong: "The two brothers, Yu Guanting and Lei Xing are a lot of people! These two people must be the leaders of the ink star in the future."

Yuxi smiled and shook his head: "A thousand brothers laughed, your grandson Tang Han, and the grandson of the thousand city brothers, in the future are bright people."

Mo Qiancheng said: "Can't say that! I admit, Mo Yan, Tang Han and Yu Guanyin, Lei Xing are equally excellent people. But this time the method of going to Tianziyuan has long been settled. , Mo Yan and Tang Han regardless of the age and cultivation are far away from Yu Guanting and Lei Xing. If Yu Guanting and Lei Xing can enter Tianziyuan, Tang Han and Mo Yan will definitely Not on Yu Guan Ting and Lei Xing."

Yuxi and Lei Silong looked at each other and showed their smiles:

"Where is it so easy to enter Tianziyuan? How many of our ink stars are accompanying guests, and they are all returning after a trip. It is not only the repair of Tianqiyuan, but we are forced to avenue this time. The dispute has to choose to compete for strength in the quota. I am afraid that this year, Yu Guanting and Lei Xing will not have any results."

Everyone in the hall could not help but be silent.

Gao Shiguang suddenly said: "You have forgotten one person."

Everyone saw the high time opening, and instantly remembered the doubles he chose. Tang Qian’s eyes are bright:

"What are you talking about?"

"Not bad!" Gao Shiguang nodded: "Qin double is a ascendant, flying to the barren land of the alien domain. Now promised to represent the ink star to participate in the assessment. So she is from now on, is our ink star Maybe in the future, this piano is the true leader of the ink star."

"You said..." Tang Qianshou’s face showed hope. In these days, he did not listen to Tang Han’s trumpeting in front of him, so he raised hopes for Qin Double:

"Does the piano double win one of the two places in the youth list?"

“Impossible!” Yuxi immediately shook her head. “She is too far away from Yu Guanting and Lei Xing. She is now more than a thousand. And she has only been given her for only one year. One year later, we are assisting It will arrive, and that time is when we counterattack. When countless other monks of other planets come in, the demon who will be killed for her will be sharply reduced."

"And..." At this time, Lei Silong also said: "Even if she continues to kill the demon monk now, isn't Yu Guanting and Lei Xing not killing? These days, the scores of the two children are also non-stop. Growth."


The sound of the quarrel in the square suddenly stopped, and the quarrel of the quarrel stopped. In contrast, people felt very quiet.

"what happened?"

Everyone in the hall jumped in the heart, and in the heart, these kids wouldn’t feel that they were quarreling and ready to go, right?

A dozen of immortals appeared on the steps outside the main hall, and their eyes were bright. They saw that the two lists had a name that was bright and bright, and the name was still rolling up.

斩 demon list: Qin double: 3265, points 1526325.

Demon Boys List: Qin Double: No. 965, score 1526325.

"Into the thousand people?" Zhong Xianjun could not help but jump.

"See? No? See?" Xu Kaiyun slammed his fist and snorted: "My boss is arrogant! Within a thousand, within a thousand..."

"That is also far away from the hundred..." There was a monk refuting immediately.

However, it was the time of this interest. Before he rebutted, he saw the top of the two lists. The name of Qin Double once again shined brightly and rolled upwards. Finally stopped at a position.

斩 demon list: Qin double: 2651, score 1632522.

Demon Boys List: Qin Double: No. 712, score 1632522.

"See you?" This time, Chu is vigorously arrogant, and his neck is exposed: "Do you still say 啥? Still want to say 啥?"

"The first five hundred did not go in, is it far from the top 100?" Someone said disdainfully.


The two lists once again shine brightly, the monk who just dismissed the words, the look is a stiff, the heart secretly:

"No way?"

I saw the name of the piano double again, and tumbling upwards. Finally stopped at a position.

斩 demon list: Qin double: 1999, points 1712526.

Demon Boys List: Qin Double: No. 499, points 1712526.

"Sister is mighty!" Tang Han screamed, and a small face was excited.

Chu vigorously stretched out the thick fingers of the carrot, pointing at the monk, and the spit star sprayed each other's face, shouting:

"You still say you? You still say?"

"I..." The monk's face swelled red, but the loser did not lose the line: "I just entered the first five hundred, what is the pride? From the front hundred away!"

The immortals in front of the main hall are not allowed to look at them.

"Is this gimmick blocking the demon nest?"

"It has changed again!" Tang Qianshou was shocked by his heart.

I saw the names of the two pairs on the list again, and once again, they rolled up and finally stopped at a position.

斩 demon list: Qin double: the 999th, points 1824562.

斩 少年 teenager list: Qin double: 99th, points 1824562.

"Into the top hundred!" Xu Kaiyun, Tang Han, Chu Dali, iron soft, Cao Yi, Che Chen, Guan Kong, Mei Jiufeng, Ying Baimiao and others rushed to the monk in front of the monk Sprayed over and shouted together:

"You still say you? You still say?"


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