Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1734: Brother, you are sad...

The piano double sighed and turned and walked toward the bamboo door. He reached out and pushed the bamboo door, standing on the steps and flexing his fingers.


The bell hanging on the eaves rang.

Mu Tianxue, who was sitting cross-legged in the quiet room to raise his aura, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face showed a relief.

"It’s always calculated!"

Qin Shuang just started to enter the library for two or three months, Mu Tianxue is not very worried. But when it was half a year, Qin Double did not come out, and Mu Tianxue began to worry. I wonder if the piano double was killed by the Confucianism in the library.

Such things have not happened, and there have been many incidents. In the history of Zhengqimen, every generation of true disciples has died in the library.

Many times, Mu Tianxue wanted to break into the library to see, but when he thought of the scene of the double battle of the piano, Mu Tianxue dismissed the idea. In his opinion, perhaps the piano doubles but the Confucianism in the inside, but if you want to escape, there should be no problem.

I thought so, but I was worried or worried. Finally, I heard the news of Qin Double today, and Mu Tianxue quickly left his quiet room.

The next moment, it has already appeared in the mouth of the valley, offering a jade card, along the misty path, quickly came to the valley, and saw the piano double standing on the steps.

Mu Tianxue’s gaze is shrinking. He feels a thick book from the body of Qin Double. This kind of book is not seen even in the original Zong.

It is a kind of temperament with poetry and poetry, and it is also a temperament of the world.

"Sister, you..."

"Brother!" Qin Shuang’s face showed a sigh of relief: "I have a little trouble."

"Are you a little trouble?" Mu Tianxue looked awkwardly: "What trouble have you made?"

Then the face changed: "You, you, you... are you ruining the jade in the library?"

Qin double's face was black and shook his head: "I am not as destructive."

"That... what did you do?"

The piano doubled his eyes and let it go: "The brothers go in and see, you know."

Mu Tianxue raised a deep uneasiness in his heart. After flying a step, he came to the bamboo door, hit the road, pushed the bamboo door open, stepped in, and stood there. Half-sounding, stupidly asked:

"What about the Confucianism?"

"I was blown up by me!" Qin double whispered.

"Ah? What do you say?" Mu Tianxue turned his head and looked at the piano.

"That... I want to compete for the top two in the demon boy's list, so I don't have time to comprehend here, I want to copy these Confucian classics, but those jade are in the shape of the body, so... so ......"

"So you just blasted them all?"

"Yes!" The sound of the piano double is smaller, like a mosquito.

"Ha ha ha..."

Mu Tianxue suddenly burst into laughter and laughed and tears came out. He smiled and turned red and looked excited.

This makes the piano double not calm!

Brothers will not be able to stand the stimuli, crazy?

If it is crazy, you can feel guilty in your heart. I couldn’t help but smash the sleeves of Mu Tianxue.

"Brother, you are sad..."

"Thank you! Thank you!" But I didn't think that Mu Tianxue grabbed the hands of Qin Double, and he looked excitedly:

"Sister, thank you! You solved a big problem for the right valve."

"Ah?" This time it was the turn of the piano to look at Mu Tianxue.

Mu Tianxue took a deep breath: "In fact, the righteous valve has long wanted to remove these Confucianism, but has never found a way. To say that the nine-day Xuanxian like a brother can also go in. Eliminate some of the Confucianism of the Great Luo Jinxian period. However, as long as they can not destroy those Xianjun formations, those fragrances radiated from the immortal form will resurrect those jade slips in a short period of time and form again. The shape of the right, but the righteous valve has not destroyed so many of the strength of the Xianjun Confucianism.

If you don't have these forms, righteous disciples can read those jade curiosities. Although the comprehension is slower, there is always a chance. But being blocked by those Confucian classics, the disciples did not have that chance at all.

And none of us have the opportunity to comprehend those priests. This is also the reason why the right valve has not been Xianjun. If we can read those Xianjun Confucianism early, we are already in the right place to have Xianjun. ”

"That... I am not a disaster?"

"Not counting, count meritorious deeds!"

"Call..." Qin doubled his own chest and spit out a breath: "I will be relieved."

"I will inform the disciples, they can come in and read these legends."

"Is their realm enough?" Qin double worried.

"Confucianism and Taoism are different from other monks' cultivation methods. Confucianism and Taoism speaks of the book's reading and self-seeing. As they read it repeatedly, the realm of nature will naturally ascend and become more and more comprehensible."

Having said that, Mu Tianxue looked at the full volume of the piano with a strong book:

"Sister, are you harvesting this time?"


"What plans does Shimei have in the future?"

"I want to leave here, go out and kill the demon monk, and go to Mocheng. Right, what are your plans for the brothers?"

"What else can I plan?" Mu Tianxue sighed and said: "Hide here."

Qin double thought, and said: "Senior brother, now is the avenue of the avenue, but also the battle of gas. If the end of the human race is extinct, then it will be. Under the nest, there are eggs.

However, if the end of the human race regained the air transport, the avenue was eliminated. Then, this avenue is also a battle for gas.

In this great world of gas warfare, the competition is the air transport, and the righteousness is likely to leave the five hundred disciples. The air transport has already declined to the extreme. Even if we were hiding in this secret house and survived the battle of gas transportation, the air traffic of Zongmen has disappeared. It can be said that the positive valve is bound to die. It’s just a matter of time. At this time, this secret house cannot be guaranteed. ”

Mu Tianxue’s face changed: “What does Shimei mean?”

"We have to fight, we must fight. Only when we fight, the air will come, maybe after the battle of the avenue, we will be glory."

"Is it going?" Mu Tianxue looked hesitantly: "We are weak in the air, and now we are hit hard. Only five hundred disciples are left. If we go out of the secret house to fight, we may not wait for the victory of the Terran, and we will die." And this secret house can't keep it."

"I said it!" Qin said with a sigh of relief: "Even if it is not contending, after the catastrophe, the right valve does not compete for a little luck, it must die. Since it will die sooner or later, why not fight, don't fight?" Maybe the right valve will not die, but it will be brilliant!

Brother, don't forget, now Qin is not the original five hundred disciples, I joined the right valve. ”


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