Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1736: Confucianism

"you alone?"

"Well, one person."

"I am going with you."

"No! I can't beat it alone, there is no problem running. You will prepare for the array. For up to ten days, I will at least give you 100,000 monsters inside the Dan, as for the demon monk's god, that will Look at the opportunity."

"That... you have to be careful."

"rest assured!"

The positive valve is located in the Gaochun Mountain Range. Zongmen is not big, only Jiufeng. The three peaks are the inner door and the six peaks are the outer doors. However, at this time Jiufeng has been almost destroyed and become a ruin. However, this is no problem for the right valve, you can start the nine peaks.

However, Qin double does not want the future of the right valve is only Jiufeng, the future of the right valve is to expand. Therefore, this Jiufeng will be designated as the inner door. Outside the inner door, he chose thirty-three peaks as the outer door. That is to say, the large array of Mu Tianxue is to cover the re-restored Jiufeng and Thirty-three peaks.

Qin Shuang and Mu Tianxue studied for a long time and identified thirty-three peaks. Drawing this site out is considered a righteous valve. In the left and right of the positive valve is still a rolling mountain range, in the future it can be used as a trial of the right valve, there are many monsters, even the demon monk.

In front of the positive valve is a large river with a width of kilometers. There are also many monsters in Hanoi.

What the piano pair needs to do now is to remove the monsters and demon monks who are ready to be included in the thirty-three peaks of the right valve.


A thunder fell in the sky, like a thunder pool appeared in the sky. The huge thunderbolt came down from the thunder pool, killing thousands of monsters on the ground, and the smell of barbecue was floating in the air.

In the air, floating a figure, floating on her head is a jade-colored Confucian book, a Confucian shirt, holding a sword without a knot.

"There are six peaks."

The piano used seven days, sweeping twenty-eight peaks, and sweeping the twenty-eight peaks, almost all used Confucianism.

Nowadays, the Confucianism and Taoism of Qinshuang has reached the peak of nine days of Xuanxian. Various Confucianisms have been released, like the wind blowing the leaves, sweeping away the demon monks and monsters on the 28 peaks.

This is also because the level of the demon monks and monsters that remain in the vicinity of the right gate are not high, and at most, they are some nine-day Xuan Xian, and they are still in the early and middle stages, and even one late period has not been encountered.

These twenty-eight peaks, the piano double harvested 120,000 monsters inside the Dan, and more than 30,000 demon gods.

In the air, the piano doubles and the body shape disappears in place.

Close to the horizon!


The shape of the piano double appeared on the twenty-ninth mountain peak, and the gods spread out over the mountain. Later, Qin Shu’s Confucianism will come out of the body and hang on the head of the piano. I slammed the pages of the book.

Four big characters flew out of Confucianism:

Thunder's Wrath!

The rapid clouds in the sky converge, and the sky is still clear, like the night falls.

The monsters and demon monks below looked up to the sky with eager eyes. There was a frightening color on his face.

Whether it is a demon monk or a monster, there is an instinctive fear for the Thunder. That is their natural enemy.

It’s just that the eyes of these monsters and the demon monks are different from the usual ones, and each pair of eyes has a **** red color.

Under a big tree.

Sitting on the knees, a monk wearing a black cloak, looked up at the air and saw a trace of fear in his eyes.

His face was extremely pale, but his eyes were blood red.


In the dark clouds of the sky, countless thunders are swaying, shining through the thick clouds.


The Thunder is angry, the Thunder is roaring, and the dark clouds are no longer visible in the sky. It is not that the dark clouds do not exist. Instead, the dark clouds are more and more rich, but they are covered by the rays of the dense Thunder. The heavens and the earth seem to enter the Thunder at this moment. world.

The chaos on the ground became a mess, the unskilled monsters ran around in a panic, and the monsters released their own magical powers against the Thunder.

The black cloak under the big tree spit out and spit out a blood, and the blood immediately turned to a **** shield, protecting him inside. In his eyes, the **** light suddenly spurted out three feet and glanced at the four.


Countless thunders landed, and the smell of disgusting smell was floating in the sky. Countless monsters and demon monks fell to the ground, motionless. But there are still more monsters and demon monks running away.

The gods of a demon monk rushed out of the body, and they stayed for a while. Looking at the thunder of the sky, they screamed and fled into the body.


Qin double left hand extended, grabbed toward the peak, Xuanwu Yuanshen communicated with the heavens and the earth, and suddenly a root water tentacles, explored into the body of a demon monk, bound the demon monk's god, and flew toward the piano. . The thunder of the sky gave way to a road, and the one **** was taken into the town demon tower by the piano.

The monk in the cloak, the blood mask released, was instantly weakened layer by layer, and the black cape monk squirted another blood, forming a blood mask again.

Above the peak.

The singularity of the piano double sweeps across the peak, and then the undead bamboo sword is directed at the party where the demon monk and the monster are the most concentrated.


The thunder pool in the sky quickly moved to the sky, and countless thunders bombarded down.

The monk in the black cloak, his eyes suddenly gathered on the piano double above the peak. The mouth shouted, and the sound actually overshadowed the thunder.

"The Terran is above the peak and kills her. It is the Tao that she released."


All the demon monks and monsters look at the doubles above the peaks. The double mouth of the piano is upturned, revealing a cold smile.

She was annoying that these monsters and demon monks fled around, so that they could not take care of them. At this time, the demon monks and monsters were rushing from all directions, giving them a chance to annihilate.

"Oh la la..."

The Confucianism on the top of the double head of the piano flipped again and stopped at a moment. The four big characters above are bright, forming four light words and flying towards the air.

The wind is sobbing!

There was a heartbreaking cry between the heavens and the earth, a cry of extreme sadness.

Only in an instant, all the monsters and the demon monks slowed down, then paused, and the sorrows appeared on the faces one by one. The tears of the big drops slid down, and they cried from the monsters and the demon. The monk’s mouth was issued.

On the peak of the piano double, the bamboo sword in the air crossed a mysterious trajectory, as if to drag a sky down.


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