Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1742: valley

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask." A fear of a demon monk's eyes.

"I heard..." A demon monk looked around and looked down, then lowered his voice: "Hou Daren gave them a kind of remedy. After the Terran ate, it was very painful and mourned all night."

A few demon monks could not help but fight a beggar. The demon monk continued to lower his voice and said:

"I heard that those demon people who have not been able to complete the task have been arrested and fed the kind of remedy."

"Don't say it!" A demon monk trembled.

The demon monk closed his mouth, and the faces of several demon monks became pale. One of the demon monks headed by the monk sings the piano and doubles them:

"In any case, we have completed the task this time, and it is over-subscribed. Hou Daren will reward us with the demon Yuan Dan."

When I heard the demon Yuan Dan, several demon monks’ eyes were bright, the throat was squirming, and the sound of swallowing water was heard.

Qin double has climbed up from the ground at this time, and his mouth has also deliberately forced a blood, making himself very embarrassed. Behind the twenty or thirty captured Terrans, go to the mountain.

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept through the front 20 or 30 people and found that the breath of those 20 or 30 people was very weak. Everyone was seriously injured. Don’t say that they faced the demon monks, they faced more than one hundred. The beast is only shredded.

At this time, the dark brother and Kun Shimei were also observing the monks. The two of them walked side by side with the piano. The eyes of the two men could not help but look at the piano pair, but they clearly revealed a meaning in the eyes of Qin double:

"How come there are two people who are short of heart?"

The dark brother blinked a bit, which means: "What do you mean? Why are we both missing?"

Qin double believes that the strength of these two two is definitely strong. She also made a detailed understanding of Mu Tianxue in the Tang Dynasty’s Tianlun Camp. Everyone's own strength is very strong. If you add the hidden weapon on them, it is already the fearful power in the world of ink stars.

However, this experience other than combat is really lacking!

You have been slapped from the sky by the demon monk, and even a blood is not spit, as clean as a shower. Moreover, she had some doubts in her mind at this time. The two men went to the ruins of the right gate first. After so long, they are still nearby. What is the purpose of their coming here?

The place that was noticed by Tang Jiatian Wheel Camp should not be idle. What secret is there under this mountain?

However, she began to raise her finger to the blood of her mouth and chest, this dark brother and Kun Shimei understood, and could not help but make two big red faces.

Then I saw the eyes of the piano double contempt, the dark brother's blush was hot, but the elite in the Tang family's round camp, there would be such an omission.

Two people hurriedly rushed out of a blood, and could not spurt out loud. If the demon monk found it, when he hit you, he would not vomit blood. After so long, he spit. You are a demon monk. Missing? The two slowly spit out the blood in the mouth, dyed the chest, and looked at the piano pair. The two eyes were easy to look away, and the eyes became deep, and both sides had a faint alert in their hearts. But the eyes that touched that moment also expressed the meaning of both sides, and the two sides needed to help each other.

After all, everyone is a human race, and in this avenue of the road, mutual trust is more. The three men were driven by the demon monks and followed the other monks who were arrested and walked inside. The monsters around the ocean, although not attacking the piano doubles, etc., began to gnaw their teeth and even groan.

The twenty or thirty monks who walked in front of the piano doubles held their breath at this time, and their faces were pale and fearful, for fear that some monsters would come up and eat them.

These monks were severely wounded in their own right. At this time, they looked at the infinitely visible monsters, listening to the rolling behemoths, and their legs began to tremble. Even some people were scared to walk, but they were surrounded by people. Half-turned and dragged away.

When the piano is in the moment of the demon, the finger will move slightly.

When she hits the monster, her instinct's first action is to kill. This is the aftereffect of her after sweeping twenty-nine peaks. The instinct has exceeded thinking.

But she still reacted quickly, and when her finger just moved, she controlled her instinct. The face is filled with the color of fear, and even deliberately makes his legs tremble.

The dark brother and the Kun Shimei heart beat vigorously. Both of them were sluts, but walking among so many monsters was also the first time.

The two of them couldn't help but sneak at the piano pair. When they saw the piano double step, their legs were shaking. The two men almost at the same time, showing disdain in their eyes.

With this guts, isn’t it to find death?

Qin doubles all the way, shaking all the way, finally passed through the Wang Yang general monster group, eyes, and already saw a valley mouth.

There are no monsters in the mouth of the valley, and there are no demons. Those monsters and demon monks seem to have been given orders, not allowed to be near the mouth of the valley.

Even the more than one hundred monsters surrounded by Qin and other people stopped at a distance of a kilometer from the mouth of the valley. Only a few of the demon monks continued to **** Qin and others to the valley mouth.

The piano double sneaked into the surroundings and found that there were no monsters and demon monks in the direction of the valley mouth, but in the other three directions, there were countless monsters surrounding it.

Several demon monks stopped, and Qin and others stopped. Some monks even had no monsters around them, and the spirit was relaxed, and they sat down on the ground.

That is to say, Qin Shuang and others have just stopped. There is no more than five interest time, and there are more than a dozen demon monks coming out of the valley.

Qin double, dark brother and Kun Shimei are not allowed to make a slight glimpse of the two, all of them are demon monks, not a monster.

Qin double could not help but look at the dark brother and Kun Shimei. There is also a dignity between the two people's looks.

"I don't know if they both know about the valley?"

"Today's harvest is good!" The opposite of a demon monk headed, his eyes swept over the piano and other people, his face showed a smile, said to the demon monk who escorted the piano and so on.

"Good luck!" said the demon monk who was acquainted with the piano.

The demon monk smiled and nodded: "Go in."

Qinshuang and others were taken toward the valley. The twenty-thirty-person monks were all nervous, looking at the surroundings with helpless eyes. The piano is also the same. It is also helpless and the same. Looking around. There is no monster in this valley, but you can see a lot of demon monks. There are many caves in the valley. From time to time, there are demon monks coming in and out from the cave entrance.


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