Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1745: Proceeding


Guan Wei reached out and gently patted the shoulders of the official empty, and the big hand had a trembling.

His official prestige led the League, defended the city of Xianfu, and saved hundreds of millions of people, but the most exciting thing was that his son was still alive.

A flying boat quickly flies on the clouds.

The snorkeling defensive shield of the flying boat has a strong sash on the shield. On the fly, a mighty monk stood on the deck.

In a room in the flying boat, the official emptiness stood in front of Guan Wei, and there was a stubborn insistence in his eyes.

"Father, I am going to be right."

Guan Wei has learned about the Qinshuang from the mouth of the official, and also knows that he saved his son in the tide of a million animals. I also know that the piano pair is going to the right valve.

However, in this case, going to the right gate, even if he is a Xianjun, is the ally of the League, it is also dangerous. So he hesitated on his face.

"Empty, you know that it is dangerous to go to the right gate at this time."

"I know!" In the eyes of the official, there is a color of prayer: "So, I am waiting for your father, I don't know what the boss is doing right, but I hope I can help her. Father, help I am once."

Guan Wei looked directly at the official airway: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"Well, I promise you. But you have to promise to be a condition for the father."

"What conditions?"

"This time the battle of the avenue has passed, I sent you to the headquarters of the Union for the Father. Put away your free heart and give me a good effort. I hope that you can compete for the position of the League of Nations."

"Good!" The official office simply responded.

Falling Sakura Mountain.

A figure quickly shuttles through the woods, and the figure sheds in the shadow of the shade. Every time in the shadow, the figure disappears, like a ghost.

Suddenly, Zheng Tianhua suddenly lived in a figure, hiding in the shadow of the shade, looking at a young boy in the inkfield not far away.

The robes are not ordinary black, but an ink-dyed black. The hands exposed outside were very slender, and what surprised Zheng Tianhua was that he did not find the boy until he was close. Be aware that since he cultivated the thorns that Qin double gave him, it is even more secretive.

He looked at the boy, and the alert in his eyes was thicker. He found that the other person's body seemed to absorb all the light, and the other side was like a black hole.

"You are a man... is it a demon?"

Zheng Tianhua feels that he has been very surprised since he cultivated the sting. But the other person feels even more surprised.

Do not!

Not surprised!

Very atmospheric, there is a feeling of majesty, but it feels strange from the pound.

too weird!

"How do you get the right valve?" asked the boy in the dyed robes.

"Positive valve?" Zheng Tianhua stunned, and then both eyes still looking at the opposite boy, pointing in one direction:


"Thank you!"

The boy who dyed his robes went away like the same ink. Zheng Tianhua suddenly had a thought that he really wanted to know who the other person was, shouting loudly:

"How do you call a friend?"


The sound floated over, and Zheng Tianhua was shocked.

"The Mojia minority patriarch, ink words?"

"What is he going to do right? Isn't it going to find a big sister?"

Mexico City.

The main hall of the proceedings.

Everyone has a jade slip in his hand. When these fairy kings and nine days of Xuan Xian read the content of jade, one by one looked solemnly silent.

The view of Mo Qiancheng was very serious and said: "Heroes, blood, brothers, are you sure?"

Tang Qianshou nodded solemnly: "This is the news from Tang Jiatian Wheel Camp."

There was a voice in the hall.

"Can you control the demon monks and monsters?"

"Does this Gorefiend belong to the devil, or is it a demon?"

"Should it belong to the devil? After all, he is called Gorefiend."

"In any case, this Gorefiend and **** must be eliminated. The Terran can't stand the toss, and the Gorefiend has not yet grown up and killed."

"Tang Lao, how do you find blood?"

"Our Tang family is checking one thing and stumbled upon the blood. At this time, there are two disciples of the Tianlun camp to explore there."

"What exactly is Gorefiend and Blood Donation? What is the quantity?"

Tang Qianshou seriously said: "The specifics don't know, but more than fifty are observed. It is estimated that there will be many in the cave. However, the demon monks they control, according to the current observation, have exceeded 20,000, and the monsters have surpassed two. One hundred thousand.

This is only the quantity we have observed, and the exact quantity is unknown. ”

"The demon monk is only 20,000!" Yu Yu said faintly: "This is not much? Fifty blood, even if you are several times more, it just disappeared."

"Can't say that." Mo Qiancheng Road: "The demon monk and the demon beast are set aside. The Gorefiend is just the savage demon that appears in the legend. If it can't kill it in time, let him grow. As a result, more and more blood will be created, and more and more monks will be controlled."

"How to control the demon monk?" Tang Qianshou looked solemnly: "They can also control the Terran and the Mozu."

However, some people disagree, and Yuxi still does not think about the so-called Gorefiend and blood:

"The legendary Gorefiend and Blood House are worth noting, but the situation at the right side of the valve is somewhat fussing. After all, there are only dozens of blood, and it is not known whether the Gorefiend is there. Now we are investigating that Is there blood in other places, or is it where the Gorefiend is?"

"The blood in the right side of the valve is still to be solved."

Tang Qianshou’s look is unquestionable, and he has to pay attention because there is a good chance that there will be people in their Tang family who need to be saved.

At this time, there was a sneer. At this time, it is not all Xianjun sitting in the hall. The entire ink star, also thirteen celestial princes, and this time is not all here, some lead the monks army, go out to resist the Yaozu, and some are stationed in other cities. Today, there are six Xianjun in Mocheng. However, like this big event, it is necessary to unite all the power of the ink star. Therefore, apart from the four first-class families of Tang, Mo, Yu and Lei, many patriarchs of the second-rate family also came to the alliance meeting. For example, Chu’s Chu family, iron and iron family.

Tie Baiqing, the patriarch of Tiejia, is now very cold with the Tang family. The main reason is that Qinqin had a conflict with the Iron family. In particular, Tie Baiqing also personally injured Tang Han, and Tang Li was even on the spot, letting the Tang family destroy the iron family.

Tie Baiqing injured Tang Han, Tang Qianshou naturally did not give Tie Baiqing a good face, and Tie Baiqing’s heart was also clear. When such a thing happened, Tiejia could not restore relationship with Tang family, it would be better to vote. others. Therefore, he opened his mouth at this time.


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