Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1771: public

Yuxi looked at Lei Silong and gratefully changed his topic and resolved his embarrassment. At the same time, he also wants to know why Xu Kaiyun wants to kill Ye Zedao. Since he does not dare to use force to open the cloud, it is reasonable to talk with Xu Kaiyun.

Xu Kaiyun looked back and glanced at Tang Han: "What fun?"

"Hey..." Tang Han gloated in a disaster and smiled at Xu Kaiyun, in exchange for Xu Kaiyun a white eye. Then Tang Han walked to the side of Xu Kaiyun and looked at the Mo Qiancheng Road:

"My grandfather, I received the news of my brother."

The impression of the ink city is a joy, and the ink words quietly leave. These days, there is no less to let the ink city focus, now I heard the news of the words, can not help but rush to the front two steps:

"Xiaohan, where is your brother now?"

"He went to find my boss."

"Qin double?"

"Yeah!" Tang Han raised the jade in his hand: "Mr. Grandpa, you first listen to the words of the brother of Mo Yan."

Tang Han urged the jade to the power of the gods, and the voice of the ink words sounded.

"Tang Han, I am a motto, you guess who I saw..."

After listening to the words, everyone inside and outside the hall was silent. At this time, there are not only people in the main hall, but also outside the hall. There are also countless people.

"I do not believe!"

Yuxi finally broke out, it is really too much of his inner loss. From the very beginning, I heard Ye Zedao’s joy of winning zero casualties, the confidence to force Tang’s hand to abdicate, and then I heard that Ye Zedao was killed. Finally, I heard the words of the roller coaster. This feeling of roller coaster is really uncomfortable. .

"This is easy to prove!" Tang Qianshou, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up. Then he said to the outside of the hall:

"Following the 100,000 monks of Ye Zedao, immediately go to the central square to gather."

When Tang Qianshou spoke, it was very strange that the people in the hall did not hear the sound, but only saw Tang Qian’s mouth moving. Then the voice of Tang Qianshou echoed over the city of Mok, and the sound was loud enough to be heard in any corner of the city.

This is why Tang Qiang condensed the sound to the sky and then rang.

Sounds like thunder!


When the voice of Tang Qianshou just fell, he flew up from all sides of the city and flew toward the central square.

That is 100,000 monks! Follow the 100,000 monks who went out to Ye Zedao!

At the same time, there are countless monks who are also flying towards the central square. They all want to know, what happened, Tang Qianshou wants to gather 100,000 monks?

"Let's go!" Tang Qianshou took the lead and went out.

Everyone silently followed Tang Qiang’s hand and left the hall, flew into the air and flew toward the central square of Mocheng. The jade's lips moved, and he strongly resisted Tang Qianshou, but looked at the back of Tang Qianshou who had already gone, biting his teeth and flying to the air.

When 100,000 monks gathered in the central square, they had already seen the big cockroaches that were rarely seen in the air, and they looked at them seriously, which made their hearts very nervous. After all, they went out this time. A monster has not killed.

Tang Qianshou grabbed the volley in the hands of Tang Han, and the communication jade in the hands of Tang Han flew into his hands. He directly urged the communication jade, and the voice of Mo Yan rang.

After the sound of the ink words was finished, Tang Qiang’s eyes swept across the hundred thousand monks below, and shouted:

"What you just heard, but what?"

The hundred thousand monks below are silent. One face is full of shame.

"It's over!"

As long as I saw the look of the 100,000 monk's face, Yuxi knew that the things spoken by Mo Yan were true.

"Say!" Tang Qianshou drunk.


The 100,000 monks finally spoke up, and everyone’s voice was not loud, but the voices of the 100,000 monks gathered together, but they were resounding through the clouds.

The whole city of Mexico fell into silence, and everyone fell into horror.

Isn't Ye Zedao winning zero casualties?

The whole person of Yuhua was a little depressed. Ye Zedao died and was killed by Xu Kaiyun. He didn't dare to take Xu Kaiyun. The most important thing is that Ye Zedao did not kill a monster. After returning, he still took the effort.

How could this be?

Mexico City is as dead as death, and every monk’s heart can’t turn.

Qin double is their idol and their spiritual leader. However, the piano pair is too mysterious and has not appeared. It is better to say that Qinqin is their idol and spiritual leader.

Because the piano double gives them the feeling of being too illusory!

Not bad!

Just smell it, not see it, this is illusion! This is not true!

It’s hard to see a Ye Zedao and a great victory in zero casualties. This is the real idol. This is the real spiritual leader.

At that moment, it was the moment when the human race was venting to its peak.

However, they were then broken into vain. The idol was still the original idol, and the spiritual leader was still the original spiritual leader. The legend is still the legend.

Unreal... is still the illusion!

No one can clarify his own emotions at this time and distinguish his own thoughts at this time.

"She is alone..." Tie Baiqing, behind the people of Xianxian, suddenly whispered to himself: "A person has killed hundreds of blood, more than 20,000 demon monks, more than 200,000 monsters, she... Has the cultivation been broken into nine days of Xuanxian?"

He is different from others. Others only know the power of the piano pair through the Luo Luobang. Through some legends, he knows the strength of the piano pair, but he actually hands over the piano and feels the power of the piano pair. At that time, the piano pair was only the fifth layer of the Great Luo Jinxian. He believes that the piano double tower, when winning the first place in the Luo Luobang, is definitely no longer the fifth layer of Da Luo Jinxian. Now I have received such news, the piano double is so powerful, has it broken through to the nine-day Xuan Xian?

When this sentence comes out, it is Tang Qianshou, Mo Qiancheng, Yuxi and Lei Silong and so on. They are not those who have not seen the challenges that can be overcome and overcome, but they have seen too many people in the long years.

There is one in front of them!

Chu vigorously!

Chu Dali is a person who can be challenged by a big step. Chu Dali is now the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian, but he can definitely challenge the fifth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Once a powerful punch is erupted, he can even fight against the nine-day Xuanxian peak. . He is hailed as the enchanting confrontation with Xianjun once he breaks through the nine-day Xuanxian.

Not to mention the opening of the cloud, not to mention!

There are also Moh's ink words, and even Yu Guanting and Lei Silong can be more challenging, but there is no such exaggeration as Xu Kaiyun and Chu.

Therefore, it is no strange that Qinqin can be a big-order challenge. Is it a stranger to be a top-ranking monk?


I am very grateful for the serious study and serious study (100), Bai Zibing (100), Yangge (100), small bookworm children (100) reward!



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