Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1776: Founder

"In any case, our Yaozu still has an advantage. We have already had a battle for the family, and there is no way out. Collect this site."

"Yes! But..."

"but what?"

"According to the Terran, the reinforcements of the Terran have been less than half a year, and it is coming. There is not much time left for us."

The two Xianjun suddenly went silent, relatively silent. Half-sounding, the left-handed pine man looked down at the storage ring in his hand:

"The situation of the ancestors is getting worse and worse. If you can't make the avenue struggle mature, I am afraid that the ancestor Shouyuan is not long. How much nutrients did you bring this time?"

"Million." Liu Daren said: "Now the Terran is getting worse and harder."

"Let's go, let's go see the ancestors."

Two Xianjun stood up and walked out of the hall. The town demon tower floated and landed on the foot of Liu Xianjun. Soon, two people stood in a forest. The piano double looks through the eyes constructed with the mystery, and the heart is a glimpse.

This forest is not simple, it is a large array, and there are no traces of artificial, it is a natural array. And the trees here are all the same, just different heights and thicknesses. The bark on the tree turned out to be like a piece of scale. And the branches are like dragons. The leaves are also scaly.


Qin Qin double hearted, it is said that this Wolong wood has the blood of Qinglong, cultivation to the extreme, can be dragon. Wolong wood is very cherished, the tree itself is an excellent material for the refining device, and the fruit is the cherished material of alchemy. I did not expect that there is such a large piece of Wolong Wood.

Two Xianjun walked through the Wolongmu forest, and Qinqin was very curious about this big array, watching this big array carefully.

This should be a mystery, but the piano double can't see it. I don't know why these two immortals are walking here. After about five minutes, Qin double found a secret, that is, this piece of Wolongmu is giving directions to two Xianjun.

The Wolong wood in front of the two Xianjun will point them in the direction. Before the two immortals arrive in front of a Wolong wood, a branch will move, pointing out one direction. The two immortals are moving in the direction indicated by the branches.

The piano double heart can not help but jump, are these Wolong wood are demon?

The piano double watched carefully, and finally the heart raised anxiety. She is keenly aware that these Wolong woods have a demon atmosphere. If you have a demon, it must be a demon.

At the same time, this also makes the piano double strange.

Since these Wolong woods have been cultivated into demon, how can they stay here quietly, motionless? Are they controlled by what?

Was it controlled by the ancestors?

The line of sight gradually became blurred, and the forest was floating with a thin mist. As the two immortals continued to move forward, the fog became more and more dense. At the end, only the scene within ten meters could be seen, more than ten meters. I can't see the slightest sight anymore, except for the thick white mist.

The two immortals are in this rich white mist, in the direction of the branches of Wolong wood. Qin double has given up research and is completely incomplete. And Qin has a feeling that if he is stuck in this forest, I am afraid it is difficult to come out.

When the eyes were bright, the two immortals walked into a valley. There was no mist in the valley, and although it was dim, it was able to see the entire valley.

The entire valley has a radius of a dozen miles, and there is a strong mist above the valley, but there is no mist in the valley. There is only one big tree in the whole valley, and there is nothing else.

It was a Wolong wood. The tree was very tall, more than a hundred feet, but the situation was very bad. Two-thirds of the leaves were already yellow, and the tree also gave an unhealthy appearance.

Two sinisters walked to the big tree before they collapsed:

"Old ancestors!"

The dragon-scaled bark on the trunk of the giant tree began to wriggle, turning into a face, looking at the two immortals in front of themselves, slowly opening the way:

"How do I feel that the airship of our Yaozu is fading? Is it not the beginning of the avenue? Is it that we are defeated?"

“Not yet!” Liu Xianjun said: “It’s just that the situation has had an unfavorable trend towards us...”

Liu Xianjun said that the piano was doubled to the top of the list, and that the battle of the avenue was said to have been injured by the mysterious people. The ancestor sighed for a while and only sighed.

"Oh... is it that our ancestors were wrong?"

The valley was silent, and the giant tree seemed to enter into contemplation. The two sinisters were still there. Half-sounding, the tree sang sighed again and said to himself:

"Oh... I and a few other ethnic ancestors could not break through to the realm of Xianwang, and then fly up to the fairyland, and because Shouyuan is about to lobby other other Yao ethnic groups to launch the avenue.

In our ancestors, only the ink star became the avenue of the road belonging to our Yaozu. The whole ink star became the planet of the Yaozu, and the heavens that suit our Yaozu will become more visible. So we also Can realize the heavens in the shortest time, break through to the fairy king, fly up the fairy world, and extend the life.

And once it succeeds, this is undoubtedly a great merit for our Yaozu, and it has endless benefits for other other Yaozu ethnic groups. This is the basis for the commonalities of all our racial races. Even the ancestors of many other demonic races are far from the end of Shouyuan, and they agree to this gamble, because our present is probably their future, and they need a better cultivation environment.

In order to achieve the final victory, our ancestors spent a lot of money and paid a lot of conditions, and secretly invited the elites of several other planets and some elites of nine days of Xuanxian to help us. In the case of raids, we obtained A decisive victory, you can mature the avenue, how can this change suddenly occur? ”

Two Xianjun are there, regardless of words. Qin double sneaked into the Wolong wood, the more he observed, the more shocked his heart.

Although the Wolongmu was very degraded, and even exudes a trace of death, but it is undoubtedly very powerful, Qin double feels that he is already strong enough to break away from the scope of Xianjun.

Has he broken through to the half-step fairy king?

"If..." The tree ancestor began to talk to himself: "If our demon family finally fails, the Terran will definitely carry out a counterattack. At that time, the territory of our Yaozu may not be able to keep it. I am no longer able, I am It’s too old, especially in the recent period, when the demon’s air transport suddenly drops, so I can’t even make it. I seem to feel that the deadline is coming.”


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