Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1782: Join hands

"Oh la la..."

At this time, countless Wolongmu surrounded the Qinshuang, and the tree ancestor retreated toward the distance. Qinqin was once again surrounded by the jungle.

"The phoenix wing scissors are too expensive, and the firepower in my body is estimated to be only once."

"Then you will adjust the interest here. I will set up a sword array. This time I don't need to unify the attributes. As long as it is a fairy sword, how many handles do you have?"

"There are a few hundred handles, but the grades are different. It was when I was learning the refining machine, I made it."

"OK! Give me three hundred and sixty handles!"


Three hundred and sixty handles of the sword were taken out by the piano and floated in the air.


Exquisite swords out, releasing three hundred and sixty gods. Controlling the floating three hundred and sixty handles of the sword instantly formed a sword array, protecting the piano double inside. Then a message entered the consciousness of Qin double, let the piano double understand the usage of this sword array.


The surrounding Wolong wood is like a wooden wall in the same circle, and it is squeezed toward the piano double, giving a feeling that the space is instantly exploding.


The sword arrayed in Qi Ming, and the sword was like a dragon. A tree was cut off and fell to the ground.

Wu Xiang returned to Dantian, and the piano was sitting in the middle of the sword array, taking the medicinal herbs and starting to adjust the interest rate.

The soul of the sun is undulating and then restoring the power of the ontology. The fire and phoenix gods are restoring the firepower. The Qinglong gods continue to cultivate the sacred magical powers, and at the same time spread out thousands of gods and tentacles, and insert them one by one. In Wolong Wood, it absorbs everything in Wolong Wood.

In the left palm of the piano, there is a small tree with two connected leaves on it, but the two leaves have no color at this time, as if they are only using a pen to outline the leaves.

However, the two outlines surprised the piano, even after being surprised. At this time, the piano doubled down and carefully observed the two contours, and suddenly found that within the contours of the two leaves, they each created a space.


It is space, but these two spaces are still very small at this time, and each one is about one meter. However, this is not the end because the two spaces are expanding.

The outline of the palm is still so large, but the space inside is expanding.

The Qinglong Yuanshen of Qinshuang has been completely immersed in it, and Qinqin is observing everything that happened with the spirit of the Tao. The heart suddenly violently jumped.

She found a difference from the past.

In the past, Muling only absorbed the essence of vegetation, but now it has changed. Of course, there is no grass and grass that has become a demon. The essence is the essence of grass and wood. It is the spirit of the strong green wood, which is the wooden vitality. It is not Mu Yuanli. Wait until the Qinling seed of the Qin double germinated, at that time it was absorbed by the grass-wood demon monk, and the essence absorbed from the grass-wood demon monk was Mu Yuanli. As for the other things, they were stripped out, not absorbed, or they could not be absorbed.

But now, Muling absorbs not only the wood power, but also the rhyme of the wood attributes.

Mu Yuanli accumulates in the body of the grass and wood demon, and the rhyme of the wood attribute is accumulated in the **** of the grass and the demon. The rhyme of this wooden attribute is actually the power of the **** of the human monk.

Muling is now beginning to absorb the gods of the grass and woods!

Moreover, Mu Yuanli and the wood attribute Tao Yun are absorbed into the space of one leaf in the two leaves, the wood element is expanding the space of the leaf, and the wood attribute is absorbed by the wood spirit, stored in The species of wood spirit. When a wooden element and a wooden attribute in the Wolong wood that was cut off by the sword array were absorbed, the Qin double shocked the discovery, and then two energy were absorbed.

These two kinds of energy are filled with the smell of silence, one belongs to Yuanli, and one belongs to Tao Yun.

Lonely strength and dryness.

That is the silence that comes after the end of life.

At this time, the Qinglong Yuanshen exudes a strong sense of enlightenment.

The end of life is the beginning of silence...

The power of silence is expanding the space of another leaf, and the dead rhyme is entering the wood spirit.

I don't know how long it has been. Yang Ling’s voice came.

"Piano double, wake up."

Qin double eyes opened and looked around, only to find that there is no forest around, only a huge tree ancestor is not far from her. There was a huge face on the trunk, and she looked at her with anger.

"Those little Wolong woods have been killed?" Qin double asked softly.

"Yeah!" Yang Lingyi said: "This tree is too old to run, but it is very hard to kill her. Although he can't kill you, because you can escape, but you can't kill him. ”

"Can't you think of a way?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Qinqin suddenly changed to a sacred voice: "Predecessors, can you attack him with the knowledge of the sea and kill him?"

"It's very difficult. The strength of this tree ancestor has reached the half-step fairy king, and my strength of consciousness has returned to being slightly stronger. If he is defensive, I can hardly break his defense. Even if If you break through, you don’t know how much time you want to spend. I’m afraid it won’t take three or two days, and there will be other Yaozu reinforcements coming in. Time is not enough.”

Qin double thought: "What if I bombard him with Thunder?"

"Yeah!" Yang Lingxi couldn't help but say: "Your Confucian book is a middle-class spiritual treasure. First, you can use the Thunder to bombard the tree ancestor. Although you can't hurt the tree ancestor, you can make him numb, so he can't organize defense. With this opportunity, I attacked him and knew the sea. It is very likely to kill him."

"Try it!"

When the piano is double-minded, the Confucianism will come out of the body and float on top of her head. The Confucian book slammed the pages, and then the four characters rushed.



The thick Thunder bombarded on the tree ancestors, and the ancestors of the tree were not even beaten by the Thunder, but they screamed and kept shaking.


A sword that is completely condensed by the gods rushes toward the tree ancestors, and the piano can't help it.

God recognition!


There was a sorrowful mourning from the tree ancestors, and the piano was ecstatic, shouting:

"Little Confucian!"


After another thunderous bombardment, when the Thunder fell, Yang Lingyi once again attacked the tree ancestors with the gods.



Xiaoru and Yang Lingqi cooperated with each other. Each time, Yang Linglong was in the gap between the thunder and the scorpion, attacking the tree ancestors, and letting the ancestors have no chance of defense.

Gradually, the mourning of the tree ancestors became more and more fierce, but it was getting weaker and weaker, and the leaves were burnt and began to burn and fell off the branches.




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