Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1802: Join hands

It’s just that he doesn’t have a good way to do it now. He looks at the piano doubles with a sense of killing, and his mind is spinning fast, thinking about the way.

Close to the Xianjun, the voice of Zheng Tianhua into the secret road: "Tianhua, the speed is fast. You only have less than 20 interest time, once I let the light curtain cover him, he will be completely in a quarter of an hour Recovery. But he does not need a quarter of an hour, he is Xianjun, as long as the recovery of 30%, then if you have not completely left the brand, then he will be counterattacked."

"Big sister, I understand."

Zheng Tianhua is very nervous. After all, he is doing this for the first time, and it is still a fairy.


"Yeah!" Zheng Tianhua nodded hard.

The piano took a step forward and shrouded the fairy.


The energy in the magnificent beads on the head of Xianjun began to follow the silk, and returned to the body of the fairy. Zheng Tianhua rushed into the other's eyebrows when the light curtain was shrouded. When he entered the other side's knowledge of the sea, he saw that in the sea of ​​knowledge, the other god's **** was very weak, bleak and completely lost his mind. He quickly began to build a mysterious brand of God.

I am dying.

Two interest rates.

Three interest rates.


The **** of the immortal and not glorious, with the return of energy, began to swell rapidly, and began to have a glimmer of light.

Eighteen interest...


The brand of gods was branded on the **** of the immortal, and then hidden into the **** of the gods, disappeared.


Zheng Tianhua took back his knowledge and spit out a sigh of relief, but he did not speak, but closed his eyes. He was reading the message of Xianjun.

After half an hour's clock, the two men opened their eyes almost at the same time. The fairy was silent for a few moments. Looking at Zheng Tianhua's eyes flashing, but it turned into a long sigh, and then looked at the piano double. Then I looked at Zheng Tianhua and my lips moved, but I didn’t know what to say.

He now knows that he has been harmed by the lord. Although he does not know why the lord wants to harm him, he does not need to know at this time, as long as he knows that he was saved by the two men. And he knows very well that Zheng Tianhua has completely controlled himself. The other party will die if he has a thought. I just don't know if Qin Double is also controlled by Zheng Tianhua.

At this time, Zheng Tianhua’s eyes flashed a shocking color. He learned from the memory of this fairy king that the situation of the alliance was originally divided into inner and outer circumferences. He hurriedly said these things to the piano through the voice of the gods. Double listening. After listening to the piano, my heart was overjoyed. God knows the voice:

"This is even more problematic. These people have developed a loyalty loyalty and have a strong hierarchy. So if we kill the lord and control the two sects, it will be easy to control the whole. The inner perimeter of the Alliance. Controlling the inner circumference, it also controls the entire ink star's alliance."

"I think so too!" Zheng Tianhua's look began to get excited.


He was only the periphery, and he felt that the Alliance was very strong. He did not think that the Alliance and the Encirclement. If you master such a strong alliance, you will not have the resources to use it, and you will have the capital to repay the piano.

Rewarding the piano double has always been something he never forgets.

"This Taoist friend, I am Qin double, what do you call it?" Qin Qinshen knows the voice.

"Sweet and quiet. Daoyou... Can you give an explanation?" At this time, how can you not know that Qinshuang was not controlled by Zheng Tianhua, but he was still a principal.

Qin doubled and nodded: "We have a long story short, your ally has set up a big squad of plunder, the purpose is to plunder your Shouyuan, you will not doubt my statement?"

"will not!"

Xian Xianxin immediately understood, how can he not know that the squad leader has not lived for decades? Before, he still didn't understand why the lord was going to harm so many people. This is completely destroying the squad. It is totally unreasonable to do so. But when he heard the ability of this big array, he immediately believed. The sound is a bit harsh:

"Thank you! What do I need to do? Do you want me to be a slave?"

The salty heart is very bitter. The reason why it is bitter is that he does not want to die. He has cultivated to Xianjun. No one wants to die. In order not to die, the lord can make such a devastating squad, a wrathful thing, and he has tens of thousands of Shouyuan people. How can he want to die?

However, he is controlled by life and death. Is this not a slave? Is it that people are free to control you to play?

I am a servant of others and a slave to others...

However, if you don't do it, then you will only die, but you don't want to die. How can you not suffer in this heart?

"Not a slave!" Qin Qinshen said: "It’s a subordinate. Well, a loyal subordinate. We will save another singer in a while, how can we kill the lord, and then Tianhua is the lord? You two sages assist him. Rest assured, as long as you are loyal, Tianhua will treat you as a subordinate, and confess."

A happy and happy heart, the heart is not a slave, although he is controlled by his confidant. But as long as you are loyal and useful, Zheng Tianhua will certainly give him some respect, and there will be no shortage of resources. At this time, Zheng Tianhua also knows the voice:

"Salty old, you need to help you in the future."

Seeing Zheng Tianhua’s attitude, the salty and quiet is more assured. But the old monster who has lived for so many years, naturally knows that Zheng Tianhua’s attitude is good, does not mean that he can be mad, and immediately politely respects:

"The subordinates meet the lord."

"Salty old please!" Zheng Tianhua reached out and helped.

"Good!" Qin double show Yan Dao: "We are going to save another Xianjun."

Several people walked toward another fairy, and the salty and fascinating voice said: "Qindaoyou, I am the water root, the fairy is called a plexus, he is a natural poison."

"Natural poison?"

The eyes of the piano are not bright, the poison is natural, the body is poisonous, and the breath is poisonous. Usually have to control, otherwise they are poisoning all the time. The natural poison cultivation is uniquely endowed by nature. This system is terrible. If you don't pay attention, you just want to kill whoever you kill.

However, the lord must be prepared.

Just thinking of it, the salty and fascinating voice said: "When I joined forces with the plexus, I released the waterway law. He integrated the poisoning into my waterway law, and I was able to check it. The pressure. However, it still can not form a fatal threat to no investigation. And no investigation is the root of space, Zheng Meng is mainly careful to be attacked by him."


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