Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Ink school


The look of the jade has changed greatly. When was the second time that the human race increased?

That is the kind of avenue that is hurt!

"Is it because the piano double hurts the kind of avenue?" Yu Yu looked sharply at the opposite jade crown court.

Yu Guanting lowered his eyes and said: "The grandchildren don't know."

Seeing the performance of Yu Guanting, Yuxi knew that his speculation was true. He naturally does not force Yuguan Ting to violate his vows, but his own grandson, the future of the jade family.


Yuxi couldn't help but **** a cold air. If the first Luo Luobang is the first, it is not a big deal, but it can still survive if it hurts the avenue. This air transport is not generally strong. If you have this kind of air transport, do you really treat it as a chess piece?

As long as the piano is not dead, when the piano grows up, can the jade be able to withstand the anger of the piano?

The jade family also has Xianjun, even if the jade family is not afraid of the piano double, but with such people enemies, one heart for the jade family, as long as you think about it, the heart is a bit cold.

There are only two roads today, one road is to kill the piano before the piano double has grown up. One way is to change the plan and make good friends with the piano.

Kill the piano double?

Not ordinary difficulty!

On the one hand, it is impossible to let people discover that the jade family is killing the piano pair, even if it is behind the hand. Qinshuang’s reputation in the ink star is now very high, reaching the spiritual leader who has become an ink star monk. If the monk of the ink star is known to be the piano pair that the jade family killed, even if the jade family is one of the four major families, with the immortal, it cannot withstand the anger of the entire ink star monk.

not to mention……

There are also Tang family and Moh family. At that time, they will definitely come up and give the jade a fatal blow.

In the second aspect, Qin double is the boss of Xu Kaiyun. If Xu Kaiyun knows that Yujia has killed his boss, does the jade family bear the anger of Xu Jia?

Of course, Xu Kaiyun may not be a disciple of Xu’s attention. Xu Kaiyun may not be able to let Xu’s attention to his attitude. But Yuxi doesn't think so. Xu Kaiyun was able to use the first layer of the Da Luo Jinxian to kill Ye Zedao, who killed the nine-day Xuanxian Peak. The strength of the more murderer would be the ordinary disciple of Xu Jia?

This can't help but make him jealous.

And third, the piano is too mysterious. The mystery of strength, mysterious whereabouts, mysterious means, such people want to quietly count her, it is too difficult.

Originally, Yuxi did not think about killing the piano pair. He just wanted to use the double piano as a chess piece to suppress the piano and the Tang family. The Mohist struggled for power. But now he realizes that he has been in the position for too long, and some have ignored the piano.

Originally, the piano double was regarded as a small character. Even if the piano is used as a chess piece, the piano should be convinced. The big person can treat you as a chess piece, and you should be happy because it proves that you still have value.

However, it seems that now I have taken it for granted...

North District.

At Cao Yi’s home, everyone is enjoying a drink, and Xu Kaiyun has finally broken through to the second floor of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Boss, don't you go see my grandfather first?" Tang Handao.

Qin double shook his head: "No, Xiaohan. To be honest, I have no interest in the ink star alliance. I will not stay in the ink star for a long time and will leave soon. So, I will go to the ink court first, if they are alliance Don't look for me, I will leave soon."

"How come you can't find you?"

"I know! But this kind of chores can drag one day and drag it for a day."

The next day dawn.

Qin Shuang and others walked to the street in the North District. Qin double looked back at Cao Yidao: "Chu Da Ge, go back and talk to the monks. If you are ready to follow me, be prepared."

"I understand!" Cao Yi nodded.

Qin nodded twice, looking to Xu Kaiyun, Tang Han, Chu Dali and iron soft road:

"Let's go!"


Five people strode off the street and walked for a while. Five people separated, Xu Kaiyun, Tang Han, Chu Dali and Iron Soft each returned to their place of residence. They had to go back and prepare, and follow the piano to the right.

Qinqin went directly to the ink court.

Standing at the gate of the ink house, looking at the gate of the ink house, there is nothing shocking about the piano. Her knowledge is rich enough. Although the gate of the ink house is very grand, the piano double feels like that.

The piano double entered the door, and the old man sitting on a lounge chair in the door opened his eyes and looked at the piano pair standing in front of him. Qin double ceremony:

“Predecessors, how does the Secretary for Education go?”


"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Show me." The old man's eyes fell on the bracelet of the left hand of the piano.

The piano doubled off the bracelet and handed it to the old man. The old man took it over and the gods swept away. Huo Ran looked up:

"You are a piano pair?"


The old man looked at the piano curiously: "I didn't hear you coming to Mexico, you didn't go to the league?"

“No!” Qin double shook his head and said: “I first became a student of the ink school, so I feel that in order, I should come to the ink court first.”

The words of the double pair made the old man feel very happy and kept on saying:

"You are right!" Then took out a blank jade, and the gods portrayed a path map and handed it to the piano:

"This is the way to the Academic Affairs Division. Go. Don't worry, I won't tell the Alliance that you are here."

Qin doubled and said with a smile: "Predecessors, even if you don't say it, I think the Secretary for Education will report it."

"That's their business, it's not what I said."

Looking at the old man's old urchin-like cute, the piano doubled a ritual, and then walked toward the inside of the ink house.

"The fairy power here is about three times higher than other places!"

On both sides of the piano, while admiring the scenery of the ink garden, he walked in the direction of the Academic Affairs Division. There are many monks coming and going on the way. If the city of Motown is full of killing and scenting, this ink hospital is a bit more peaceful and peaceful.

"It’s a paradise!"

Looking up at the five-story building in front of him, Qin double stepped in and went down the stairs to the third floor, and came to a door with a sign from the Department of Education. The piano doubled his fingers and tapped three times on the door.

"Come in!" came a soft girl.

When the piano doubled the door and walked in, I saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind a table and working on documents. The piano double went to the table and stood there quietly waiting.

About ten minutes later, the woman looked up and looked at the piano:

"you are?"

Qin double took the bracelet of his left hand and placed it on the table: "I called Qin double, come to report."

"Qin double?"

The middle-aged woman looked shocked and quickly grabbed the bracelet and probed into the gods. She quickly looked up and looked at the piano:

"It's really you!"


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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