Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1850: return

Humph! "The thunder star on the side snorted: "Your words are too full." Perhaps the person who finally went to Tianziyuan with Qin double was me. ”

Lei Xing is in a bad mood now. Although his strength is slightly inferior to Yu Guan Ting, the cultivation of the realm has always been the same as that of Yu Guan Ting. Everyone is the tenth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. However, I did not expect that in just a few days, Yu Guanting actually broke through to the nine-day Xuan Xian. Therefore, he has decided to wait until the piano has been delivered, and then go back and immediately retreat. Anyway, before the arrival of the reinforcements, there will be no major battles. He will also break through to the nine-day Xuanxian. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to catch up with and even surpass Yuguan Ting when the Terran counterattacks, and regain the place to go to Tianziyuan.

As for the piano double, that's it!

Jade Crown turned a white eye, and the heart said: "Brothers are the best spiritual roots, you know? Again, I have nine days of mysterious, you are the big Luo Jinxian.


The tenth floor of Da Luo Jinxian is also Da Luo Jin Xian, I want to overtake me on the demon list, dream of you. ”

Qin double looked at the sorrow hidden in the eyes of Yu Guanting. He couldn’t help but laugh, and said a few words with Tang Han, and then he said goodbye to everyone. At this time, Mei Jiufeng and Yu finished the Meiliuxiang, and everyone went to the flying boat and flew in the direction of the right valve.

The speed of the flying boat is very fast, because the previous Mocheng war, the Terran and the Yaozu have a huge casualties, and the entire ink star has a temporary peace. Qin double did not encounter any accidents on the road. On the 16th day, he came to the right.

The positive valve has been completely established!

The mountain gate is very magnificent, and it is built into a book that looks like it. It is very characteristic and fits the image of the righteous valve. Qin double has informed Mu Tianxue in advance. Therefore, when the flying boat landed, Mu Tianxue, Guan Kong, Mo Yan and Bao Yi greeted him. Qin double took everyone down from the flying boat. Qin double introduced Mu Tianxue, Mo Yan and Bao Yi to Xu Kaiyun, and then everyone walked into the mountain gate.

"so many people?"

Once you enter the gate and pass through the big array, the look of the piano is a glimpse. Here is the outermost part of the right valve, the so-called name disciple area. The most peripheral site is the largest, but at this time there are many people. These people are all adults, and they are not low. The knowledge of Qinshuang spread out, and it was slightly calculated. The number of monks here exceeded 100,000.

Mu Tianxue smiled and said: "The disputes of the avenues today, the human race monks have been displaced a lot, we are able to rebuild and form a shelter. The surrounding monks will naturally come here if they hear about it. But these people are all Those who are unwilling to practice Confucianism and Taoism will wait until the end of the avenue, and they will leave. According to your instructions, these people are sworn by their souls, and those who do not want to swear, we let them leave."

"Is there nothing to look for?" Qin said softly.

"The first time we had no experience, we were forced by two groups to occupy our righteousness, but the appearance of official and ink words, and also pointed out that you are the right gatekeeper, so they pressed those people, except for the left. Some resources swear by the scattered, the rest of the people have been driven away. After that we will not easily let people come in. Anyone who has gone to us, we are all entertained in the fierce flames, people who swear by the soul, can Let them enter the righteous. Those who do not want to swear by the soul let them leave. If there is a person with a guilty conscience, they will be strangled directly with a large array. So, there is no accident."

"Theone who made the oath did not repeat?"

“No!” Mu Tianxue said with a smile: “Although it is not necessary to swear by the soul, there is no limit, but no one is willing to try to violate the oath. And these people know that your righteous lord is still full of you. Expectation and respect."

"This is fine!"

The eyes of the piano swept over the people around, and at this time, countless monks were quietly standing on both sides, forming a wide humanoid alley, and the eyes looked at her warmly. Qin double thought about it and said:

"Dear friends, I know that you are only leaving the right valve for the time being. When the dispute over the avenue is over, you will leave. But it doesn't matter, you are at the right gate for a day, it is a part of the righteous valve. I hope that in the future, in the comprehensive counterattack Yaozu They can fight side by side and eventually survive.

Let's practice well, the comprehensive counterattack will not last long, and the time left for you is not much. ”

"I am willing to follow the Qinzong master to expel the Yaozu!"

"I am willing to follow the Qinzong master to expel the Yaozu!"


More than 100,000 monks issued a tsunami-like sound, and the doubles stepped again. They walked out of the area in the sound of the mountains and the tsunami, and passed through the array. They entered the outer disciples and the piano doubled all the way. The monks in each area finally came to the main hall in the center of the right gate. I heard the report of Mu Tianxue and others, and I realized that the Mohist family also sent people, and the heart was secret, no wonder that so many embarrassing.

After dealing with three days of affairs, and then pointing out the cultivation of the people for ten days, and finally gave Mo Yan, Guankong and Baoyi each had a net spirit, and then Qin double entered the right gate of the right gate to retreat.

Her retreat was mainly to understand Confucianism, because she knew that she would leave the ink star, and once she left the ink star, she would never return. Therefore, she is ready to leave something to the right valve.

Inside a cave.

Mo Yan sat on the futon, holding the net Ling Dan in his hand, and his face showed a sense of emotion and a tangled color. At the beginning, he came to the right door with the heart of the piano. The result was defeated by Qin Double in various ways. Even if he is not convinced, he always feels that with his talent and qualifications, he will be able to overcome the piano doubles when he catches up with the piano.


Qin double gave him the Gongfa and the medicinal herbs, which made him feel a bit tangled in his heart. Can he recognize the piano as the boss for the rest of his life?

"Even if you recognize yourself as the boss, I will beat you."

Mo Yan whispered a whisper, and then swallowed the net Ling Dan.

The piano is sitting on the top of Xianshan.

This mountain range is the Xianjing vein sent by Yuxi. It was placed in the center by the town, and the original mountain that was promoted from the spiritual vein to the Xianjing vein was placed in the east of the town demon tower. At this time, Qin double sat on the top of this fairy crystal vein, combing his own understanding of Confucianism and Taoism.

Every Confucianism that I have read has been flowing in my heart, understanding the meaning of every word, every sentence, and every article.


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