Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1856: Counterattack

Qin double does not care about this, she is concerned about the route, the route of the ink star monk walking. When she saw the right valve on this route, she was relieved. So don't adjust to this side, she will go back and wait for the army to arrive, with the right valve and the army meet.

Therefore, Qin double left the next day, she has to hurry back, this will be a big battle, there are many things to be prepared. Ten miles after she left Mexico, she saw several starships falling in the direction of Mexico City.


After a dozen days, Qin double returned to the right gate. The positive valve quickly entered the operation, Qinqin only left a hundred righteous disciples in the secret government, and those who just joined the volunteers under the age of ten, the remaining thirty Wan Xiu was told that all of them must participate in the counterattack against the Yaozu.

The atmosphere of the war seems to have filled up all of a sudden, and the entire righteousness is quiet. Without the hustle and bustle of the past, every monk is taking all the time to improve his cultivation. At this time, he will improve his skills and improve his future. There is a chance to live.

Two months later.


A righteous disciple rushed into the hall.

"The Sovereign, there are a large number of demon monks who are rushing toward us."

Sitting on the main hall of the piano, the double heart is moving, and the figure has appeared outside the main entrance of the main hall. The sky is emptied and the body shape rises. Behind her is followed by Mu Tianxue, Mo Yan, Guan Kong and Bao Yi.

Above the sky.

Five people looked at the east and saw a piece of smoke rolling in the air. It is unclear how many demon monks there are, but they can't see the margins at a glance.

"It's very flustered!"

"It should be the demon army that was defeated." Officials also nodded.

Bao Yi is eager to try: "Lord, do we want to go out and kill a batch?"

"No!" Mu Tianxue hurriedly said: "There are so many demon monks, if we anger them, they will attack the big array together, and the big array will not last long."

“How long can it last?” asked Qin.

Mu Tianxue couldn’t help but suffer. Since Qinqin asked this question, it shows that Qinqin has the mind to go out and attack the Yaozu. Slightly thought about it:

"Half months can still be sustained."

"Enough!" Qin nodded: "Without half a month, the Terran who chased the Yaozu should be rushed over. And there is a big array here, if the Yaozu time is abundant, even if you don't attack They, they will also find ways to break the line and attack us. If they are in a tight time, they will always be chased by the Terran monks. They will attack them. They will only make them more confused, inform them, and all the monks will prepare for the offense. ""

"They have changed direction." Bao Yi suddenly spoke.

The piano looked at the distance in two directions, and then saw that the Yaozu only slightly changed the direction, and the distance from the right valve was widened. The direction of retreating to Bancha Mountain did not change.

"It seems that they are very afraid that we will go out and intercept them!" Qin said with a smile: "It is time to let the disciples go out to see the blood, save the jokes when they meet with the Terran army."

"Let's arrange it!"

Mo Yan, Guankong and Baoyi swooped down to the bottom. In fact, nearly 300,000 monks have been divided into countless brigades, squadrons and squads in the past two months, training more than once.

After an hour.

The monk's retreating monk deliberately opened the distance from the right valve, and began to pass ten miles away from the right valve. then……

Nearly 300,000 right-handed monks rushed out and ran straight away ten miles away.

The piano floats in the air and follows. When she saw the moment when the demon and the righteous monk collided, the piano double was relieved. Because those demon people have no mind to kill, they just want to escape. And the righteous monks are not chasing these monks, anyway, there are so many demon people can kill, where to kill is not killing?

After killing the sky, it was dark. After about half an hour, the piano double felt the power of a singer, and the hand raised a plaque. The plaque was made into a ripple in the air, and "Dangdang" rang. The monk of the right valve is like a low tide and generally retreats toward the right valve. Retired to the big array, one by one looking out of the big array. Qin double is also standing on the edge of the big array, looking toward the trace of the immortal.

The power of Xianjun is getting more and more concentrated. Gradually, Qinqin saw three fairy kings in the air, and it was the three demon sages. When the three demon sages passed through the right gate, they glanced at the right valve and ignored it.


The thundering general footsteps, countless demon monks passing by the right door, the earth is shaking, the demon obscures the sky. These demon monks spent two days and two nights outside the right door. On the third day, Qin double saw the Terran monks.

The **** atmosphere of the **** rushed into the sky, and every monk was bathed in blood, and even the wounds of some monks had not been able to deal with them. When the piano doubled up, it appeared outside the big array.


A figure came from the sky and fell in front of the piano. It is Jade Crown.

"Qin double!"

"Yu brother!"

"Go, go see the Tang seniors with me."

"it is good!"

The piano doubled in a void, and the figure flew up, and Yu Guanting crossed the air and rushed to the sky.

Above the sky, a huge flying boat broke through the clouds. Across the distance, Qin Double saw a few Xianjun, such as Tang Qianshou Yuxi, sitting on it.

"I have seen your predecessors." Qin double fell on the flying boat and saluted everyone. But did not see the ink city, he asked:

"Ink did not come?"

“Thousands of cities and a few Xianjun stayed in Mocheng. There are also many things to deal with there, and there are always a number of reinforcements arriving, and all need to be received by people with identity.”

At this time, someone brought the chair up and the piano was seated behind:

"What is the arrangement?"

"There is no arrangement." Tang Qianshou said with ease: "Now the Yaozu has reached the end of the strong, just chase them and fight, and rush to half of the mountain as soon as possible."

"I just saw three demon sages."

"This is a tacit understanding. The two sides do not shoot Xianjun, Xianjun, free to shoot. You bring the right monk out of the monk, and return to my hand, but self-contained, how?"

"I have to follow the instructions of my predecessors." Qin double stood up and said: "Then I will arrange it first."


Three months passed quickly.

In the past three months, the Terran and the Yaozu have experienced several wars. The Yaozu are not all the way to escape. When they gather to a certain number, they will also choose a terrain and a race.


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