Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1928: Piano sound

In fact, these thousands of monks have been very grateful to Qinqin. If there is no Qinshuang, I am afraid that many of them will have fallen. It is because of the fact that the piano double blocks almost half of the attacks, which gives them a chance to survive. I thought that the thousand monks who stood behind the Xiongtie were not nearly half of them?

It was because of the death of Xiongtieguan that it caused the monks who followed him to suffer heavy casualties. There are many teams that are similar to them. The thousand monks who followed the piano pair had the least casualties.

After the piano, the thousands of monks were not the first monks who stood in the piano. They also had casualties, but they believed that they were less. The shortage of fallen monks was added from the teams that had been disabled.

At this time, their hearts are full of fear. This kind of fear is not from Qinshuang. The swords of Qinshuang are still very stable. Their fear comes from the collapse of the violinist. It comes from the more powerful double-sided. The attack of people crying and laughing. Almost half of the thousands of monks were affected by the double-faced crying and laughing voices, and they also saw the dilemma of Tianqin Xianjun and Ling Tianhua Xianjun.

It was at this time that in their field of vision, they saw the piano double that had been standing upright, and suddenly sat on the ground.

"What is she doing?"

“Is it tired?”

"Is it because the power of Xianyuan and Yuanshen is too high? Can't stand up?"

Thousands of monks suddenly got nervous!


Xianyuan Li was poured into the fairyware in his hand, and the sound of humming sounded. The sound of this humming sound attracted many people’s eyes. Ling Tianhua couldn’t help but look over the piano and sit in the heart. I couldn’t help but be surprised.

"The piano can't hold on?"

The thought just floated up, and I saw the piano double raising his hand to the center of the deck.

The guqin in front of the violinist who was knocked down by the double-faced man’s crying laughter was caught by the piano. Qin double does not want to expose the Guqin in his heart in front of so many monks. The Guqin was born in the heart of the Tao. Although it has not yet formed, it is likely to become a treasure of Xianbao.


The guqin that was caught by the volley fell on the knees of the piano. Ling Tianhua’s eyes are bright.

“Does the piano double be a powerful violinist?”

Tianqin Xianjun also looked at his eyes, and his eyes showed the color of expectation. If Qinqin can solve the attack of the double-faced person's crying and laughing, he can liberate him, which is definitely the winner of this war.


The two hands of the piano move on the strings. What she plays is not a quiet song, but a higher level of clear heart in the realm.

It is to give the body to the Xuanwu Yuanshen of the water property, and to infuse the power of the Xuanwu Yuanshen into the Qingxin Qu, so that the Qingxin Qu is more heart-warming. And her fire and phoenix gods control the small Zhoutian sword array.

The power of the gods of Qinshuang is the first layer of Xianjun. The power of the gods is poured into the strings. The music of Qingxinqu is centered on the piano and spreads rapidly around, quickly spreading the entire interstellar boat. .

The first to be affected was the thousands of monks behind the piano, but the moment the piano sounds fluctuated, they recovered their waking, and they were no longer affected by the double-faced crying and laughing. Although the sound of the music spread, one monk recovered to be awake. Although there was a double-sided man who rushed into the starship, but now he was killed by the waking monks, which put Ling Tianhua's heart hanging.

However, his heart was hung up again, and at the same time, the voice of Tianqin Xianjun’s worries came over:

"Ling Xianjun, can the Qinsong child hold on?"

As soon as the words of Tianqin Xianjun came out, many Xianjun looked at the Qinshuang with their worried eyes.

At this time, the piano pair can be said to be used in one's own eyes. It is necessary to control not only the small Zhoutian sword array constructed by the 36 swords, but also the Qingxinqu. They do not know that the piano pair has cultivated four gods.


Suddenly, there was a rush of screams from the far left of the piano, and then the roar and screams of various Taoism.

Qinqin couldn’t help but lean over his head and looked at the left side. He saw that the crack on the left side of the light curtain had fallen, and countless double-faced people were struck from the crack, and the Terran monks were madly confronting those two-sided people. It is necessary to block the crack again. It’s just the two-faced people who have already rushed in, losing the limitations of the cracks, and the scope of activities has increased, making people’s monks confused. While the Terran monks continue to kill both people, the Terran monks are constantly dying.

"Help, save us, seniors, save us..."

Some monks have already been bathed in blood, physical pain, plus the double-faced people's crying and laughing, so that their psychology has begun to collapse. Asking for help from the immortals, some monks began to cry.

“The past 500 people helped!”

When the piano is open and drinking, the crack must be re-blocked as soon as possible. Otherwise, the crack will enter this way from the double side of the piano. The double-faced person who rushed in will soon attack the double.

Qin double is not Xian Jun, can not afford this kind of belly back to the enemy.


Five hundred monks shouted in unison, and then flew over to the left. They have never participated in the battle, they are completely unconsumed, and they are absolutely vital forces. They rushed to the crack and instantly blocked the crack, cutting the double-sided torrent of the incoming rush into two sections. The original monks who saw the doubles of the piano again blocked the cracks. They were in great spirits and began to encircle the two-person people who rushed in. The situation suddenly improved and was within the controllable range.


Those huge double-faced people finally rushed to the front of the interplanetary boat and began a crazy attack on the interplanetary boat.


Thirty-six handles of the Chinese swords shine brightly, and each sword is instantly turned into powder. Numerous swords are madly rushing toward the huge two-sided people. The front of the double is dyed. A piece of white.

The white sword is fleeting.

It’s awkward...

A huge double-sided person's body fell on the deck, but more huge double-faced people were rushing in through the crack.


Qinshuang's Huofeng Yuanshen mobilized thirty-six handles of the Chinese swords to spurt out, constructing a small Zhoutian sword array, and blocking the huge double-sided people and cracks that rushed in.


In the small Zhou Tianjian array, there is a sword, the sword is like a dragon, criss-crossing, cutting a double-faced person.

The heart of Qin double is a sink!

The small Zhoutian sword array built by the Zhongpinxian is in the face of ordinary double-faced people, only the cutting of the small Zhoutian sword array can kill those two-sided people. But dealing with these huge double-faced people today is a lot harder.



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