Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2057: circle

"Hey!" Lang rain waved his fist in the air, his eyes looking at Lang Heng above the gimbal, and there was a voice in his heart:

"Grandpa, I am not worse than Lang Yumeng! I am the unicorn of Lang's family! There are also talents and arrogance! I don't rely on the family, I can also make a difference!"

"Lang Yumeng, your home is raining and good!" Qing Honglou smiled and looked at Lang Yumeng.

"If you want to prestige, you can also go to Tianziyuan for evaluation!" Lang Yumeng said faintly: "With the ability of these people, passing the assessment is just a passing, and only these people will think that this is the stage of Tianjiao. Ha ha……"

Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng and others smiled silently.

Not bad!

In their hearts, this day of the Purple Academy assessment is just the same thing! Only the soil bun outside Tianzicheng will regard the assessment of Tianziyuan as a stage for Tianjiao. In fact, there will never be Tianjiao on this stage, because the real Tianjiao is them!

It is the young patriarchs of these families, and even their 34-year-old children are better than the disciples of these assessments. Every three years, Tianzicheng has a big ratio. The contestants of Dabie are 34 families, Tianziyuan, scattered alliances, and Danfu dynasty. That time, the Big Purple House was only ranked thirty-fifth, every time.

and so……


Ha ha……

"There are less than a thousand left!" Above the PTZ, Shen Chongguang whispered. Ling Tianhua nodded: "Zheng Lun is still there, entering thousands. Look!"

Ling Tianhua suddenly got excited. The huge light curtain of Qin Double rose to the top and entered the ninth floor. However, the piano double is different from Lang Yu. Although Lang Yufeng is not a master, he still tries to make alchemy. It is necessary to know that the medicinal materials of the great masters are very expensive. Where do you have the opportunity to refine the master medicinal herbs?

Especially their age?

Therefore, Lang Yupeng did not give up this virtual opportunity. However, the piano is different, and the piano is not lacking in herbs. Even if it is a master's medicine, since it is impossible to succeed, why waste time here?

Therefore, Qin double directly said that it could not be refining and was transmitted.

Going to the ground, looking up to the top of the list. The face is like a flower.

First place: Qin double, Zhongxing domain, ink star.

Second place: Lang Yu floats, inner star field, sky purple star.

"It should be that the Dan drug grade that he refines is higher than that of Lang."

Qin double is very clear that his refining of the medicinal herbs must be the best immortal, the reason why the gods are not used to smelt Dan, because it will refine the Danyun-level Xiandan, Qin double does not think of the limelight.


Now the limelight is big enough!

It is simply eye-catching!

A monk in the middle of the star field, the limelight actually overshadowed the rain of the purple star?

Although thirty-four did not see the younger brother of Lang Yufeng, but now they have been overshadowed by a monk in the middle of the stars, their hearts are still very uncomfortable.

Didn't you see that Lang Heng's face was gloomy?

"Lang brother!" Wen Hualiang smiled bitterly: "Lang Yu is not bad, my boy is still on the eighth floor!"

Qingcheng smiled and said to Xu Modao: "Xu brother, Qin double alchemy is too fast, and even caught up with the first monks who entered Danta. If I am not mistaken, she uses the purple flow alchemy, you teach Give her?"

"No!" Xu Mo shook his head, but his heart said: "Where does this girl learn from the purple stream of alchemy? And the level is that the realm is not as good as Uncle Jiang, the rest is not inferior to Uncle Jiang!"

"Go!" Xu Luoxue said to Xu Kaiyun: "Call the piano."

Xu Kaiyun turned a blind eye, the whole party did not hear it, Xu Xuan Xue looked apathy: "Open the cloud, do I mean not to move you?"

"Know still ask?" Xu Kaiyun turned a blank eye again: "Who do you think you are? Can you call me boss?"

"Don't make a disciple, and call a spoiler as the boss. It doesn't matter if you lose your face. Don't throw the face of our family!"

"Little patriarch!"

Seeing Xu Kaiyun want to fry, Xu Kaitian held out a hand and held Xu Kaiyun’s shoulder, looking at Xu Xueyu and said:

"My brother and whom to make friends, who is the boss, this is his freedom. The young chiefs are much more managed."

The scene is a quiet, everyone is looking at Xu Luoxue, a young patriarch can not suppress the disciples within the family, this is not a small matter in a family.

"Good! Very good!" Xu Luoxue was anxious and smiled: "The ancestral land came to people and was proud to be in the bones. Just today, Qinqin used the alchemy of our Xu family. I have the responsibility as a patriarch of the Xu family. You are also a Xu family. Do you think I should ask a question?"

Xu Kaitian sighed for a moment and sighed a little: "I am going to ask the piano to come over."

"Big brother..."

Xu Kaitian took a shot of Xu Kaiyun's shoulder: "Some things are clear, it is better than unclear. I believe in Qinshuang, you should also believe in Qinshuang."

Xu Kaiyun stunned Xu Xuanxue and turned to walk towards the piano double: "I will please!"


"Open the cloud!"

Qin Shuangzheng and Wei Qingjue, Yu Guanting chat, while paying attention to An Shicong's light curtain. Looking at An Shicong in the light curtain, Qin double could not help but slightly nod. It seems that An Shicong got a lot of advice from the prisoner and should be able to enter the ninth floor, but it is unlikely to refine the master class. At this time, I heard Xu Kaiyun’s call. After seeing Xu Kaiyun’s body, he followed the angry and inspiring Chu, and the iron was soft and soft, and he greeted him and asked:

"what happened?"

Before he even waited for the opening of the cloud, Chu said with great enthusiasm: "Miss sister, that Xu Xuexue said, your alchemy is their home, ask you to ask in the past."

Xu Kaiyun is a snarl: "Boss, we don't care about him. Go, let's drink!"

The piano did not move, and looked at Xu Xuanxue. Slightly indulged, and walked towards the snow, and came to the face of Xu Luoxue. His eyes swept over thirty-four young masters and handed the ritual:

"You friends, we met again!"

At this time, Xu Mo and others on the gimbal also looked at the eyes, including Xu Mo, they are also very curious about the Qin Shuanghui Ziliu alchemy.

"I have seen a piano friend!"

Thirty-four less politely courtesy, but the attitude is alienated, not everyone can enter their circle, their circle is the most advanced circle of the Tianzicheng youth generation. Qin double only traded with them once, and only surpassed Qing Hong Lou in strength, and was not qualified to enter their circle.

The piano nodded in both directions, then looked at Xu Xuanxue and asked faintly:

"Xu Daoyou, is Zi Li Alchemy created by your family?"


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