Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2180: Assassination

The piano doubled a sigh of relief, then the fingers painted in the air, and a sigh of anger rose from the fingers, and soon the image of Yan Wenchang appeared in front of Xu Mo.

Xu Mo nodded, and the piano doubled the portrait.

"You want to establish a sect, can you help me?" Xu said by default: "Don't be polite with me, you can give me this secret, I owe you."

"No! The Dean of the Sea has promised to help me."

Xu Mo nodded, knowing that Qin Double became a college department, but he did not care. Although the Qin double is very strong, but a single Ling root plus three acquired spiritual roots, in the view of Xu Mo, is not strong enough.

"I don't hesitate, I immediately went back to Yan Wenchang."

When the words fell, the prohibition of the two people disappeared, and the shape of Xu Mo disappeared.

Qin double turned back to his seat, watching the excitement around him, but there was a kind of depression in his heart. Then they will have three humanities:

"Sister and brother, I have to go back, what about you?"

"Let's go!"

Three people stood up and bowed to Xu Kaiyun and Xu Luoyin. The two men sent them to the door of Xujia, watching the five people leave.

"Qin Shimei, we have to go back to Tianziyuan. Are you going back and continue to sing the peak?"

"You go back first, I still have some things."

"it is good!"

Three people bowed their hands and the piano looked at the backs of the three people gradually disappearing. This took off the gloves of the left hand and walked toward the square, while the voice of the gods said:

"We are not in the middle, what is the way to quickly earn Xianjing?"

"Are you not a seven-master? Are you still missing the crystal?"

It’s strange that this time it’s not screaming. On the contrary, it was very calm and seemed to accept the state in which Qin double separated her.

"I need a lot of fairy crystals. If I just rely on the town demon tower refining equipment, it will take a hundred years to pay off the loan. I need to be faster."

"Then go to the bounty hunter."

"Bounty Hunter?"

The eyes of binoculars reveal the color of thinking. She knows the bounty hunters. Usually, they are all scattered in the line. They also have family children, and even disciples of Tianziyuan have experienced as a rewarding hunter.

Someone out of the fairy crystal rewards killing someone, you go to kill, bring the person back, even if you complete the task, receive the bounty.

"You can go to Tianzige to get the task." It seems that I know what Qinqin is thinking. Weiyang continues to say: "The mission of Tianzige’s rewards has been investigated by Tianzige and will not let you kill the wrong people."

The piano nodded twice and then put on the glove.

"Piano double, can you not wear it?" The sound of Weiyang sounded: "At the very least, when you don't have any secrets and don't want to let me know, please don't wear a glove, can you?"

When Qinqin thought about it, he took the Ghost Gloves and flew away in the direction of the city. She has to go to the city first and exchange her resources for refining materials.

She is preparing to refine 100,800 swords and then set up an oversized big Sunday sword in her own ancestral hall. She believes that once the sword array is completed, it is a half-step fairy king and don't want to break in.


Qin Shuang's eyes condensed, she saw Zuowuhai and the Xianjun peak came over. She has already passed the reminder of Xu Mo, so I immediately took care in my heart.

Zuo Wuhai does not seem to pay attention to the Qin double, and he is looking forward to admire the scenery of Tianzicheng. When they came to Tianzicheng, they also screamed and placed Xu Mo, so the surrounding human race monks were cold-faced and pointed at them, but no one came up to trouble them.

The distance between Qinshuang and Zuowuhai is rapidly shortened.


Zuowuhai, who is looking around and looking forward, rushed to the piano double, and there was already a magic knife in his hand. The magic gas was screaming and murderous.


Zuowuhai, who was rushing forward, suddenly burst out of blood and fell into several sections and fell to the ground.

It turned out that Qinqin had in time released the invisible and colorless sword silk, and cut off the body of Zuowuhai.

The face of the Mozu Sinjun changed, and he found a hand, grabbed the head of Zuowuhai, and saw the left Wuhai, which fell on the ground, become black smoke and gathered toward the head of Zuowuhai. Going, Zuo Wuhai's body is rapidly reappearing.


The other hand of the Mozu Xianjun peak caught the piano pair.

In the moment of grasping the piano double, the power of the dragonfly pressed against the piano. The body of the piano double becomes stiff, which is the suppression of the realm. This is the suppression of the peak of Xianjun.

Qin double quickly encouraged the mystery to push the three-law chain in the heart.


She hasn't waited until she pushes the law chain, let alone the control of the body, and the big hand of the demon has already reached the front of the piano.

As long as this palm is photographed, the piano double will become meat!

"The purpose of this time the Mozu came to me is this?" This is the last thought that came out of the heart of the piano.


In front of the piano double, a transparent big hand suddenly condensed, and the big hand madly absorbed the heavens and the earth at the moment of appearance, but the big hand instantly became opaque and translucent.

In the process of this change, the big hand has just greeted the big hand of the demon sage.


When the two big hands collided, there was a circle of fine space cracks. The demon of the Mozu Sinjun was defeated, and the big hand suddenly closed, and a punch hit the past with the demon sage, while a hoarse voice sounded:

"court death!"

The Mozu Sinjun looked dignified, and the left hand grabbed the left-handed sea that had been restored, and the right hand clenched the fist toward the past with a large hand emerging from the body of the piano.


A loud bang, the big hand that protruded from the body of the piano burst into blast, and the demon sage jun followed the boxing force and flew out into the air.

Reversing away.

In the vision of the monk in Tianzicheng, two black smokes broke through the clouds and rushed into the void.

Tianzicheng does not prohibit the fight, but when the party to this battle is a Mozu monk, if you can't strike the piano, you must escape. Otherwise, it will definitely cause the anger of the old guys of the Terran.


Numerous sturdy gods swept through the place where the battle broke out.

The body of the piano is wrapped in a transparent light and flies away in the distance. It was only in an instant that there were countless streets, and that layer of light ran away toward the left palm of the piano pair.

When the piano looked up, he saw several figures chasing toward the void, and a figure appeared in front of the piano double.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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