Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2195: Cloud rain

"Good!" The prisoner sighed with a double voice: "Qin double, you have to practice well, don't be killed by An Shicong."

Qin double looked at An Shicong, and An Shicong’s face showed a bitter smile.

"Just settled, I will let An Shicong come to you after the Big Purple City."

The body of the prisoner made a gas and entered An Shicong's eyebrows. Weiyang also entered the dry world in the left hand of Qin.

An Shicong stood up and handed his hand to the ceremony: "Mr. Qin, thank you."

"I see you off!"

Qin Shuang took An Shicong out of the room and returned to his room. He carefully examined it with the power of the gods, the mystery and the soul. He did not find anything to be supervised by the prison, and this was a thought. Enter the town demon tower.

Commanded a large number of ghost face tree demon, and moved a large number of small-aged fairy fruit trees from the town demon tower into the medicine garden. It is estimated that the entire sect can be laid out and the piano has stopped. Then came out of the town demon tower and left the Tianziyuan.

Qin double returned to the string moon, at this time there was no monk watching the string moon, but some children pointed at the distance, looking at a starry sky, the eyes showed a surprise color.

The shape of the piano doubled through the big array, into the string moon, and flew straight above the sky, looking down. A smile appeared on his face.

It’s only these two or three days, the entire string of the moon has been built. Each monk also has his own cave, and the villages below are also formed. After all, they are all monks in the Fa, and they are built very fast.

Of course, Qin double knows that this is just a basis for the completion of the monks, who do not have to manage. However, the various public halls, the public buildings of the string moons, need to arrange their own arrays, or arrays. Let every building become sturdy and not to be collapsed by the battle of the monks.

As for the caves of the disciples, it is the matter of the temple and the temple. They can go to the monks and the temple's monks, spend the fairy crystals or various resources, and let the disciples of the temple and the temple go to them.

Of course, the disciples of the Fu Dian and the Temple are very good at the level, and they can only arrange the patterns and patterns of the dishes. But the price is also cheap. By the time the level of these disciples has increased, it is possible to spend more on the promotion of Xianjing. This is a virtuous cycle of sacred trading and promotion.

It just gives people a sense of ruin. Apart from architecture, there are ruins everywhere. Even the nine mountains are bare.

"See the Lord!"

On the mountain, under the mountain, some people found the piano in the air, and they all saw each other. Then more than 30,000 monks stopped their work and bowed to the piano.

A stream of light blew out from the eyebrows of Qin Double, which is a familiar medicine garden for the disciples of the string. The pharmacy, where every monk looked at the air lovingly, became bigger and bigger, fell to the ground, and finally landed on the ground, which has become as high as a mountain.

An incomparably huge portal opened in the medicinal garden, and you will see the densely-faced tree-faced demon, carrying out countless spiritual fruit trees from the inside, rumbling on the ground of the string moon, mountains, rivers, valleys, On the hills...

Qin double looked at it, it is estimated that there are so many ghost face tree demon, it takes a month to complete the entire tree of the string moon.

The piano double fell on the peak of the Crescent Moon and began to set up a layout for the main hall.

Thirty-six days.

Under the old cooperation of the inner town of the town, the piano doubled the layout of the building and the large array of the cloth. During the period, it went out several times, and spent more than 200 billion yuan on the purchase of various materials. crystal. The ghost face tree demon also planted the fairy fruit tree in the planning of the string moon Zongqin double.

Nine reclining mountain ranges, lush at this time, there are large forests under the mountain, but there are no trees, but still bare.

The double body of the piano flew into the air, two sleeves fluttered, and a large number of herbal seeds fell. The piano double flew back and forth in the air, flying all over the string, and a piece of herbal seeds fell.

When it fell to the last corner, the piano flew back to the center of the string moon, and moved the handcuffs to call for the rain.

Clouds gradually emerged in the sky, and the clouds of gas gathered to become dark clouds, covering the entire string of moons. The air gets wet.

The piano double took out a bottle of fairy liquid cream, and the vitality surged. The liquid cream inside the jade bottle was sprayed into the dark clouds in the sky. The piano doubled and moved, and the road was printed into the dark clouds. The dark clouds roll like a sea tide, and the fairy liquid paste is diluted in the dark clouds and spreads into the dark clouds of the positive film.


The double sleeves of the piano are raised!

Wind blows!


The rain is floating!

The silk is raining and wetting the earth. The sprinkled seeds are rooted and sprouted at a speed visible to the naked eye. They grow continuously. The whole earth, mountains, valleys and plains become lush and green. The air is filled with the aroma of herbs.


One by one, the string of the disciples could not help but exclaimed, and the exclamation was full of joy.

This is like a place of wonderland, the place where they cultivate!

"See the Sovereign!" One of the string moon monks excitedly bowed to the piano in the air.

"From tomorrow, everyone can go to the library to choose their own methods. Tianzicheng is definitely not a calm place. It is a happy thing to practice in Tianzicheng. It is also a cruel thing. Here is the strong. I hope that you can work hard to cultivate and upgrade the strength of the Zongmen as soon as possible."

"Supreme Master!" sounds four wild.

The double sleeves of the piano fell into the hall of the council. Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders also came to the forum.

"See the Lord!"

"sit down!"

Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders are seated, Qin double will organize the good practice, as well as geography, foreign objects, including Confucianism, Danfu, and other paintings, and so on. Even in the **** heritage, I also selected a lot of cheats from all aspects, copied them in a jade, and handed them to Liu Chuanwu:

"Chengwu, here are the various inheritances and cheats in the library. You and the nine elders lead some disciples, and put these classifications in the library for the disciples to observe and watch."


Liu Chuanwu took over the storage ring, and the gods swept the inside. The hand was a glimpse, and almost the storage ring was dropped on the ground. Huo Ran looked up and looked at the piano pair and said:

"This is... so much..."

The ten elders were also welcome. They each explored their own gods into the storage ring, and then they were dumbfounded. They reacted for a long time, and they looked at the piano pair with excitement. They didn’t know what to say.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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