Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2204: Baijiao

Xuanwu Yuanshen has already had a five percent liquidification, and the Fengfeng Yuanshen has a three percent liquidification. The Qinglong Yuanshen, Baihu Yuanshen and Yangshen are only one percent liquid.

“It seems that the next step is liquefaction, and liquefaction is much more difficult than gasification!”

Qin Shuang’s thoughts returned to the question of understanding the sea and the soul space. After thinking for a long time, I finally came to a conclusion. I am afraid that only my own real breakthrough will be to Xianjun. At that time, my sea of ​​knowledge and soul space will expand again. At that time, I was able to compile the chain.

"However, this matter can be asked to ask people!

Who are you looking for?

Xu Mo?

No, now I am not sure about Xu Mo, and many things are still better.

Dean Ding? Or is the sea dean?

There should be no problem in finding these two people. Now I have completely stood in the academic school and owe them a big favor. If they have any intentions for me, they can just mention it. Both sides have the basis for cooperation.

Is that to ask Ding Dean or Hai Dean?

Dean of the sea, after all, the sea dean is a half-step fairy king, know much! ”

Qin double spent nearly three months on this retreat, less than five months from Tianzicheng. The entire Purple City is in a state of gradual excitement. Every monk who will participate in Dabi disappears in the teahouse and is practicing hard.

"However, it is not anxious, and it has been closed for so long, first go to the Tianjiao Peak."

Qin double left Dongfu and flew toward Tianjiao Peak.

She had just left Dongfu, and she was always concerned about her Haikuotian and Ding Wei. Two people gathered together and paid attention to Qin Double.

"Qin Shuang has been retreating for nearly three months, and it has not been effective. It is still the sixth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian." Ding Yan frowned.

“It’s not ineffective!” Haikuo Tiandao said: “I feel that she is closer to the heavens, and she exudes a natural atmosphere.”

"You mean, in the past three months, her mind has broken through?"

"It should be!"


Far away, Qin double saw the battle of Tianjiao Peak, and many monks were onlookers. However, the monks on the Tianjiao Peak did not come out, but only the challenged Dongfu monks fought against the challengers on the Panshan Road, and the rest of the Dongfu were closed. It seems that the monk of Tianjiao Peak still looks down on the challenger and thinks that there is no need to observe it.

Of course, Qin double is an exception!

However, Qin Shuang also saw some monks standing outside the cave, and these monks were the new arrogance that once challenged success and became the peak of Tianjiao.

The piano doubled a glance, and there were more than 200 people in Xintianjiao, and none of them had more than 5,000 caves, all under the 5,000-hole cave. Perhaps as time goes by, there will be more new Tianjiao born before Tianzicheng, and there will be a new Tianjiao Shaoguan 5,000th cave house.

In fact, Qin double is also a new Tianjiao.

It’s just that Qinshuang’s new Tianjiao is somewhat different. Once other students become new Tianjiao, they will immediately move to Tianjiaofeng to practice. Only Qin and a person, still returning to the Dongfu practice in the Ding District, never practicing on the Tianjiao Peak. However, the Dongfu that belongs to her is empty, and no one dares to occupy it.

"The piano master is here!"

"Mr. Qin, do you want to hit the top today?"

"Mr. Qin, majestic!"

"I have a lively look today!"

"Look, let's see the monks in the caves coming out, and they will look down on us. Can you look down on the piano master?

Knock them down! ”

"Ha ha ha..."

Qin double shook his head, not to be smiling. Falling from the air at the foot of the mountain, stepping on the winding road and going up.

Only a few thousand monks called for the Qin Shijie to come. Such a loud voice naturally spread into every cave in the Tianjiao Peak.


The gates of a cave house opened, and the figure of a monk appeared. The eyes looked at the piano pair that followed the Panshan Road. The arrogant that has been defeated, at this time, there is no sense of shame in the heart, because the arrogance that is stronger than them is not defeated?

Therefore, at this time, their eyes on the piano pair are full of expectations, and hope that the piano can be higher.

And those monks who have not yet been challenged by the piano are very dignified.

"Does the piano double hit us in front of this time?" Zhang Zining whispered.

"I hope so!" Fu Lunyue said: "But, Qin double can not be relaxed today, the last two thousand people, the strength is not like the arrogance she encountered before."

"Maybe Qin double will find a hundred pirates today!" Mu Chong said faintly.

"Please!" At this time, Qin double has stood in front of the eighth thousand peaks.

"Please!" The opposite monk shook hands.

The two men fought in an instant, and the piano pair was still the equivalent of the third step of Xianjun's footsteps and the power of the ontology, while the other side was equivalent to the strength of the third layer of Xianjun. Although he was beaten by the piano, he was very embarrassed, but he was not beaten by the piano.

However, after all, the gap in strength, the other party finally did not resist the Qin double so embarrassed to send, did not survive ten strokes.

Qin doubles all the way, everyone is better than the previous ones, but no one can still stop the sound of the piano, no one can stop the ten tricks of the piano.

The arrogance on the peak of Tianjiao is dignified. Looking at the small body of the piano, there is such a powerful force. Let their hearts sink. The monks on the periphery of Tianjiao Peak, from time to time, issued a burst of cheers.

Ten days and ten nights, in addition to the daily sunrise and dusk, the piano will eat, adjust for a while, the rest of the time is used to Shaoguan. Finally, I reached the ninth and a thousand caves. At the moment of confrontation with this monk, Qin double knows the true strength of the other party and has reached the third stage of Xianjun.

The challenge has become difficult, but the Qinshuang is still stepping on the air and the power of the body, because she finds that under the pressure of more and more, her understanding of the stepping step is more and more subtle, this is definitely a rare opportunity.

Every time a monk resists the piano doubles longer and longer!

Eleven punches!

Twelve punches!

Thirteen punches!


It took twenty-nine days for Qinqin to reach the front of the 9,900th cave house, and the true strength of the monk facing it has reached the peak of the third layer of Xianjun, which is equivalent to the strength of Qin double.

In the end, the piano double used the shock, superimposed the power, doubled the power and defeated the other side.

Standing in front of the ninth and nine hundred cave houses, looked up and looked up. On top of him, there are only a hundred cave houses left, that is, one hundred monks on the list.


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