Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2214: Icicle forest


Just as this sound broke and spread, there was a scream of uneasiness.

At the foot of Qin double, there was a white snow, and the snow white spread quickly, spreading from the peak of Tianjiao Peak to the bottom of the mountain.


In the volts of the moon, the body shape flew toward the Tianjiao Peak. This is not because of his fear, but that the palace has covered the entire Tianjiao Peak at this time, and the snow under the feet of the piano has spread to their feet. If you don't retreat, you will be involved in the battle between Mu Chong and Qin.

Only in an instant, there are no other people on the peak of Tianjiao. Only the Qin and the other are standing on the peak. The snow under her feet spreads rapidly, but it is less than ten years. The whole Tianjiao Peak is completely white and completely frozen. At this time, the day of the palace is only a hundred meters away from the top of the piano double, and the fabulous Tianwei rumbling down.


After the Tianjiao Peak was frozen, an icicle appeared from the Tianjiao Peak, rising, the thick icicles, the ultimate freezing, the hustle and bustle of the winter.

Only in an instant, the entire Tianjiao Peak became an icicle forest. Under the sunlight's mapping, the magnificent and unusual, beautiful and touching, let the onlookers look dazzled.


The icicle forest grows rapidly, and the majesty of a scorpion spreads around, leaving the onlookers unable to retreat to the distance.

The faces of everyone are discolored!

This is simply a way of doing things that does not belong to the Heavenly Palace!

The palace was magnificent and solemn. And the icicle forest is unyielding!

Jinghong Peak.

Ding Hao’s eyes are fierce: "A strong way!"

"Not bad!" Haikuotian’s shackles also showed a sigh of praise: "Although it is not a law, but it is also full of rhyme, there is boundless possibilities in the future!"

Above the Temple of Heaven.

Mu Chong looked down at Tianjiao Peak, and there was a hint of accident and dignity in his eyes.

The Temple of Heaven is falling!

The Ice Palace is rising in the festival!

Above the Temple of Heaven, Mu Chong took the hand and stood, and the golden robes were hunting, and under the sunshine, it was even more majestic.

On the peak of Tianjiao, the piano double-armed sideways, white fluttering, under the mapping of the icicle forest, more unyielding and stubborn.

The direct distance between the Tiangong and the icicle forest is rapidly approaching.

One hundred meters.

Ninety meters.

Eighty meters!

The Tiangong and the icicle forest have not really touched, and the power of the two has begun to collide.


It was a collision of greatness and ambiguity, and it was a majestic and unyielding collision.

In the meantime, the space in front of the Tiangong and the icicle forest was broken, and the small and dense space cracked, and the power suddenly exploded toward the surrounding area.

The onlookers retreated to the distance again. In the years of the glory, Zhang Zining and Liang Hong’s face also became pale. This is the collision of the power of the Tiangong and the icicle forest. The power of birth is so amazing, if the real collision ?

Thirty meters.

Twenty meters.

Ten meters.

The monks took the initiative to start retreating. They can imagine the power that broke out after the real collision between the Tiangong and the icicles.

Above the Temple of Heaven, Mu Chong looked down.

In the icicle forest, the piano double looks up.

The sight of both sides collided in the air.


The Tiangong and the icicle forests collide in one place, and the cracks in the fine space suddenly expand. The Tiangong vibrates and the icicles scream. Then the Tiangong and the icicle forest began to squeeze each other, rubbing, making a sour sound, and the horrible power spread, so that the monks who had retreated in advance had to retreat again.

"The icicle forest is still rising!" The monk exclaimed.

In the eyes of everyone, the icicles of the forest rise above the suppression of the Temple of Heaven. And the bottom of the Temple began to appear frost, the frost spread to the Temple of Heaven, to freeze the Temple.

"The piano teacher is very good!"

Above the Temple of Heaven.

Mu Chong's face has not changed, his eyes are more arrogant, carrying his hands, hunting in the golden robe, raising his right foot and slamming toward the Heavenly Palace.


Above the Temple of Heaven, there is a sudden thunder, such as the golden snake dance.


A thunder, thousands of thunders poured down from the Heavenly Palace, blasted to the icicle forest, blasted to the piano double in the depths of the icicles.

"Sure enough, not only the soil properties, but also the tired properties!"

The piano doubled and the arms lifted sideways.

The icicles of the forest are full of heavy snow, layered, fascinated, and cut thousands of thunder. However, there is still the power of Thunder falling on the body of the piano.

Mu Chong’s look above the Tiangong was a joy, but then it was a stagnation.

He found that the thunder fell on the body of the piano, and the piano did not respond. Instead, the Thunder were sucked into the body by the piano. At this time, the Qin double remembered the thunder room that he had used to go to the Tianziyuan for a period of time, expelling the impurities accumulated by his own medicine, because the establishment of the string moon Forgot to forget. I want to find a time to go to the thunder room, while running the jade body quenching body, guiding the thunder, running in the body.

Put your hands together in front of you, pull the ball, and then keep your hands in front of you and stagger.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw the icicles on the entire Tianjiao Peak move. Every time there is an icicle, there is an icicle sinking, which is shaped like a wall of the wall. Subsequently, the protruding icicle forest began to fall, and the sunken icicle forest began to collide.


Thousands of icicles collided on the Tiangong, and then the icicles that collided fell, and the icicles that had fallen down hit it.


The icicles of the icicles continually hit the Temple of Heaven, and the palace was shaken and slammed into the sky.



Above the Temple of Heaven, Mu Chong discolored and kept crippling.

However, the icicles are intertwined and constantly hit the Temple of Heaven. The thunder of the sky continually landed, and the flying snowflake was like a net, so that Mu Chong above the Tiangong could not see the double figure in the depths of the icicles.


The Temple began to crack, and a crack appeared, and it began to spread instantly, intense, like a spider web.

Mu Chong's mouth oozes a trace of blood, his eyes are unbelievable, then unwilling, then lost, and finally become firm.


Mu Chong’s body left the Temple of Heaven and flew toward the sky. His hands were handcuffed, and the sky quickly flew toward him, narrowing and dispersing...

The piano double hands out, slowly pressed, the icicle forest fell to the ground and disappeared.

Mu Chong’s body slowly descended on the peak of Tianjiao. At this time, Tianjiao Peak was quiet inside and outside, and all eyes were gathered on Mu Chong and Qin Shuang.

"I admit defeat!" Mu Chong looked at the piano double, and his eyes were filled with unyielding warfare: "However, Qinqin sister, when I am further perfected, I will challenge you!"


I am very grateful to Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), Bai Zibing (500), Liao Mubai (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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