Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2228: Big ratio

Forget it!

Refining some ordinary symbols, relying on blood to refine the magical symbols, it is to win, not glory.

Qinqin began to make Fuxi in the town demon tower. After making some Fuxi, she had nothing to do after she finished the feat. The lower sword has been refining a lot. She prepared everything for Dabie. It is the guqin and the pens that each refines a lower product. From the town demon tower, sitting on the swing, quietly looking at the sky, the thoughts gradually empty.

I don't know how long it took, a voice passed into her ear.

"Qin double, big door collection!"

Qin double waking up, then disappeared on the swing.

The next moment, she appeared at the gate of Tianziyuan, and saw Haikuotian and Dingzhao all the high-rises of Tianziyuan, and Mu Chong and other four people also came to the gate. When I saw the arrival of the piano, I didn’t wait for the piano to double, and Haikuotian swung the sleeves.


At this time, the monks of the entire Tianzicheng City are moving toward the central square. Today is the beginning of the Tianzicheng Dabi, starting with its three-month ratio and the beginning of the re-division of the Tianzixing forces. The string Yuezong was also dispatched as a whole, heading towards the central square. In fact, the monks from all directions simply did not reach the central square, far from the central square, the road was already congested, and no longer want to move forward.

However, there are no monks who are anxious. They have already known this situation. They stopped at the place and were familiar with unfamiliar people. At this time, they all seemed to be friends and laughed at each other like a holiday.

Because they know that when the cloud platform rises, it will be far apart and they can see it. During the Big Purple City, the monks were not allowed to stay in the air. There were no people in the air. With the repair of these people, even if the clouds were far away, they would be as clear as they were in front of them.

"The deputy lord, what is the Yuntai?" asked the string moon sect to Liu Chuanwu.

"how could I know?"

Liu Chuanwu's face was red, and he looked at the ten elders beside him. The ten elders were also red, shaking their heads slightly. The waiting place is just the purple star, and the other nine elders have never been to the Purple City.

"The cloud platform has risen!" At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the direction of the central square, and saw a square of four squares ascending into the air. A total of forty-four squares were arranged in steps in the sky, one level and one level, pointing to the sky.


A group of people appeared on the ground and fell on the 44 heads. The monks of Tianzicheng gathered the power of the gods to gather their eyes and saw everything on the 44 heads of the sky very clearly.

At this time, each Yuntai has stood five people, one level and one level, and the clothes are fluttering like a wind.

"This is the Tianjiao of our Purple City!" Everyone shouted.

"That is Xu family!"

"That is a family!"

"That is Yang!"


Hearing the people around him shouting out a family on the gimbal, Liu Chuanwu shouted:

"That is our lord!"

"Your lord?"

Liu Chuanwu’s voice was not small. The surrounding monks couldn’t help but look at Liu Chuanwu. Finally, they reacted. At the beginning of the piano, the string was built, and the sound of the noise was not small. Even today, the starry sky formed by the string of the moon, it is also a scene of the purple city. Many foreign monks have to go and see Look.

"You are the sacred monk?"

"Not bad!" Liu Chuanwu said with a sigh of relief: "On the 35th platform, it is our sovereign! Our sovereigns will certainly challenge success."

"Oh..." The monks around didn't care much: "Don't dream, Tianziyuan has been in the thirty-fifth cloud platform for tens of thousands of years. You look at it. They are now standing in the thirty-fifth cloud. On the stage, after three months of the end of the purple city, she is still on the 35th platform.

Don't be upset, in fact, being able to stand on the thirty-fifth platform is already amazing. ”

Liu Chuanwu clenched his fist and stalked his neck: "Our master will definitely challenge success."

"Oh?" There are monks around and have a funny saying: "Then you said, can your lord finally be able to challenge the first?"

"The first..." Liu Chuanwu stuck in the shell, his face rose red.

"What?" The man smiled: "Is there no confidence?"

"Yes! Our lord... sure to be... thirty-fourth!"

"Hello hahaha..."

The surrounding monks laughed aloud. The name that Liu Chuanwu said was that everyone could hear it. Liu Chuanwu had no confidence at all. He was forced to the corner and had to say a minimum goal.

Around the central square, a circle of inns, teahouse wine cellars have been packaged. The largest inn was packaged by 34 families, Tianziyuan and Jiu Meng. At this time, 34 families, Dean of Tianzi Academy, and Jiumeng League were gathered in the lobby of the highest floor. While talking and laughing, I looked at the gimbal outside the window.

There is no provocation between each other, and everyone’s face has a kind smile. On the one hand, these amnesties are extremely deep people in the city. Naturally, they will not reveal their thoughts on their faces and mouths. On the other hand, nowadays, the devils are prosperous and the human race has never been united.

It can be said that this is the most harmonious atmosphere of Tian Zicheng!

The several floors downstairs are among the forty-four forces. According to the repairs, they watched Dabe in layers.

On the top floor of a restaurant, it was wrapped up by the seasons early. At this time, the half-step Xian Wang Zhang Daoji and the 28th Xianjun were on this floor, looking at the piano on the 35th PTZ. double.

"The little girl is getting beautiful!"

"The little girl was beautiful!"

"The temperament is different, Yinghua is restrained!"

"You said, can the young girl have a historic breakthrough with Tianziyuan?"

"Is this not nonsense? Tianziyuan has never had a historical breakthrough. That is because there is no such real arrogance as Xiaomei. Now that there is a younger sister, it is not a problem to make a historic breakthrough. We guess that Xiaomei I can finally get the first few!"


Everyone is happy like a holiday.

"Zhang Da Ge, do you think the younger sister can go to the first few?" Li Xian asked.

Zhang Daoji shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I feel that the younger sister is extremely extraordinary. I don't know what it feels like. She seems to be very fit with the heavens, not even me. So, the younger sister can definitely make a historic breakthrough, but can It’s hard to say when I rush to the first few. The 34th House of Tianzicheng is not free to beat."


Thank you very much for Liao Mubai (200), seaphay (100), and the Blue Sorcerer's Stone (100)!



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