Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2266: Four sword arrays


Two loud crashes, I saw two of the two monks with the help of Ren Pingsheng, rushed out of the sword net, one left and one right to the piano double five people rushed over, far from the piano double five, the fairy sword It has been turned into a giant sword, and it is far away.

Mu Chong's four people changed their minds and hurriedly sacrificed their own defensive defense.


Thirty-six streams of light flowed out of the storage ring of Qin Double. This time it was not an attack, but an array.

Xiao Zhoutian Jianzheng.

Because it is only around the five pairs of people, the speed is extremely fast. Almost the moment when the fairy sword rushed out, a small Zhoutian sword array was enveloped around the piano five.

"Hey! Hey!"

Two loud roars, two huge swords smashed on the small Zhou Tianjian array. Was rebounded back by Xiao Zhoutian Jianzheng. The eyes of the piano are as light as electricity. Regardless of the two monks who left the team, they took advantage of the control of the thirty-six-handed swords and went to the three monks of Ren Pingsheng. They were to hang them in the small Zhoutianjian array.

Ren Pingsheng’s face changed and he screamed: “Retreat!”

The giant swords in the hands of three people waved and dialed the swords that came out of the piano. The figure flew back and avoided being shrouded in the small Zhoutianjian array. At the same time, the eyes could not hide the shock.

How can this be?

How can she control two small Zhou Jianjian arrays at the same time?

Do not!

This is not the main thing!

How can she control two small Zhou Jianjian arrays at the same time, and the two small Zhou Tianjian arrays can not be weakened?

Qin double hands and set up a small Zhou Tianjian array in the center, the clothes are fluttering, quiet as a virgin.

On the other hand, Ren Pingsheng's three monks, although not talking about wolves, are also in a hurry, flying back between defenses, and some confusion. After all, when they were missing two people, they were suppressed by the piano.

In the sea of ​​the piano double.

The Fire Phoenix God and the Xuanwu Yuanshens swayed the swords, and the Fire and Phoenix Gods controlled the thirty-six-handed swords. They were attacking the three monks of Ren Pingsheng. The Xuanwu Yuanshen controlled the thirty-six-handed swords to build a small Zhoutian sword array, shrouded in the piano. Surrounded by two and five people, defend against the attacks of two other monks.


Just in an instant, the top of the gimbal became two battlefields.

A battlefield is a double-double attack, and Ren Pingsheng has three guards.

One battlefield is the Qinshou, and the two monks attacked.


The Fengfeng Yuanshen controlled thirty-six-handed swords, and attacked Ren Pingsheng three people like a squally shower. However, just less than ten years later, they had already suppressed the three people of Ren Pingsheng and could only evade constantly.

At the same time, the two monks of Renjia were madly attacking Xiao Zhoutian Jianzhen, who was controlled by Xuanwu Yuanshen. They wanted to take the energy of Qin Double and win some opportunities for Ren Pingsheng.

The mouth of the piano double bends slightly, revealing a smile.


The thirty-six-handed swords that are attacking Ren Pingsheng suddenly rolled back in the direction of Qinshuang as the rivers poured back.

“Not good!” Ren Pingsheng’s heart slammed and realized what he was saying, “Be careful!”


It is already late!


The Fire and Phoenix gods controlled the thirty-six-handed flying swords to rewind, but they instantly shrouded the monks who attacked the piano on the left side. How can he resist a piano double?

Only in an instant, the thirty-six-handed flying swords constructed a small Zhoujian sword array, shrouded the monk inside.


The sword is vertical and horizontal, and the sword is like a dragon.

The monk who was shrouded in the sword of Xiao Zhoutian showed despair in his eyes.

"Shocking sword!"

Ren Pingsheng shouted, the monk on the right side flew back, and instantly four people gathered together, each offering a sword in his hand, the four swords in the air are four in one, four monks swaying the sword, the four The formation of the giant sword blasted a dazzling light, and the power was climbing.

"not good!"

In the heart of the piano, she knows that she is now raising her own cultivation to the peak and can not stop the sword of the other side. Not because her strength is not strong, but because her thirty-six-handed sword is just a fairy. If it is the best fairy, she is not afraid at all.

Of course, if she really allows her to use the best fairy, Ren Pingsheng four people must also use the best fairy, even with the foundation of the family, but also have a Xianbao, Qin double this small Zhou Jianjian is also lost.


Knowing the Qinglong Yuanshen in the sea, he moved the sword, and the thirty-six-handed swords roared out, forming a small Zhoutian sword array in front. This is not over yet, the White Tiger God also touched the finger, and the thirty-six-handed sword whistling out, once again set up a small Zhoutian sword array.


All the monks who watched the Purple City were stunned. They were shocked by the strength of the Qinshen, and they were able to release four small Zhoutian sword arrays. They were also speechless. How many swords did the Qinshuang prepare?


The whole world of Yuntai was trembled and screamed, and the first small Zhoutian sword array was stunned. The small Zhoutian sword smashed and smashed. The horror of the sword was inexhaustible, and the small Zhou Tianjian, who was built by the White Tiger God, fell down.


The Xiao Zhoutian sword swayed violently, but the final result was that the sword was smashed, and the Xiao Zhoutian sword was innocent.


A burst of swords, the small Zhou Tianjian array on the left side suddenly spread out, turned into a stream of light, shot to Ren Pingsheng four people. Ren Pingsheng’s eyes were swept away, and his look was a sinking. The monk was lying on the ground and passed out.

Ren Pingsheng’s heart is a sigh. He knows that his four people can still release a shocking sword, but when he looks at the three small Zhoutian sword arrays, he knows that he can’t hurt the piano. Once the two swords were released, their power and the power of the gods were also consumed.

"Leave the next challenge!"

Ren Pingsheng sighed and snorted: "I admit defeat!"


The stream of light, which is usually spurred by the stream, is in the air, and then rewinds back to the piano. The three small Zhoujian swords were scattered, like fireworks, and then they were taken into the storage ring by the piano.

Mu Chong’s four faces were so wrong that he didn’t think so fast, so easy to end the battle. They are also prepared for serious injuries.

To know that in the previous challenge to those families with lower rankings, they also participated in the fierce battles, bloody, and even seriously injured in the years. However, I did not expect the stronger the opponent, the easier they were. For example, this time, they just shot once, and later almost all of them were bystanders, watching the piano double victory.


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