Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2294: Metaphysical field


Suddenly in the heart of the piano, his current mystery has been able to break through the law of the mountain and explore two meters. Does this mean that the mystery can resist the law?

It is possible!

The rule was originally to be able to understand and construct the mystery, and it would be feasible for the metaphysical to resist the law. Qin double to the old town:

"Old town, you saw it, only two meters, can you go out?"

"no problem!"

The town demon tower gave birth to a force of law, circled around the town demon tower, the town demon tower turned into a dust, and went out to the outside.


The town demon tower came out of the mountain, rolling down the hillside and being blocked by a raised stone. Qin double spreads the mystery from the town demon tower and feels a heavy feeling. The heavy feeling is not as simple as the gravity of the piano. The piano double that has perceived the law immediately recognizes the law of soil properties. Power. The power of the heavy law is to dispel the mystery of the piano, but this disintegration is much lighter than in the mountains. The mystery of Qin double was quickly swept around, and it could not sweep far, only about three hundred meters. Qin Double found no one in the distance of three hundred meters, then he thought about it and came out from the town demon tower.


In the heart of the piano, she heard a scream from behind her, and Huoran turned to see a monk with a big mouth open and stared at himself with shock. On his body, a piece of muscle is slowly falling down.


The piano doubled a sigh and felt the pain of his body. It was a law of gravity, and the law was disintegrating the tissues and organs of her body.


Qin's eyebrows shed a fire, it is the fire and phoenix, the mystery revolves around the body of the piano double, turned into a fire phoenix. The phoenix tail is wrapped around the legs of the piano pair. Two phoenix wings are wrapped around the double arms of the piano. A phoenix head is found behind the piano pair, forming a fire and phoenix field. .

This is not the field before Qin double, but the field completely constructed by Xuan.

In the moment of the formation of the metaphysical field, the piano double feels light and the pain disappears. However, the brows of the piano pair are still locked, she can feel that the fire and phoenix field is suffering a strong disintegration, and she needs to constantly perfuse the mystery to be able to maintain this field to protect herself.

She looked at the monk. The monk was about three hundred and fifty meters away from her. When the two sides of the piano were in the town demon tower, the gods did not scan him.

Undoubtedly, this person saw her sudden appearance, even if she did not see the town demon tower, she would know that she had a space fairy.


The monk raised her finger at her, and she couldn't speak in her mouth, because the muscles on his body had almost lost, and only a simple byte could be issued.


He walked toward the piano and struggled very hard. The internal organs of his body still collapsed, the bones began to disintegrate, and finally scattered on the ground.


Qin double sighed, and looked around and found that he was now halfway down the mountain, want to understand the surrounding situation, only up the mountain.

"Treading step..."

Qin double found that although he felt a lot lighter, he still couldn't fly into the air, only running on the ground. Running towards the mountain.

After running for about a quarter of an hour, she began to see some monks, not many people, and was struggling to climb the mountain. Every monk’s body was destroyed. Most of the monks had only one skeleton left. Still climbing.


Some monks fell to the ground and the bones were quickly disintegrated. There are also a small number of monks who have not completely disintegrated their muscles. They are surrounded by blood and struggle to climb towards the foothills. These monks are relying on Fu and the fairy to persist until now, but after thirty days have passed, their Fu has long used up, and the fairy has been smashed. Now it can only use the body to resist.

On this road, Qin double saw a lot of dead bones, crushed bones, no doubt these were once monks who turned over the river, but now they can only be turned into slag.

"Treading step..."

Qinqin ran hard, and Xuanzhi consumed it very quickly. Her speed is much faster than those struggling monks, so it took a day, and she finally rushed to lightning.

The look is a glimpse.

Above the mountain, it is a very flat place, like being cut off by a knife with a knife, but the area is not large, it can accommodate about 100 people. At this time, there were more than 30 people sitting on the top of the mountain. They were sitting there with their knees. When they saw this, some people rushed to the foothills, and their looks were not lost. It is even more shocking to see that the piano body has no slight damage.

Qinqin stepped on the foothills and immediately felt the power of the heavy law. He took up the realm of the metaphysical field and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was safe.

Looking at the 30 or so people, I found that there are more than a dozen people whose bodies have not fully recovered. In some places, there are bones exposed. There are more than a dozen monks without any damage and intact.

"This friend, can you resist the danger here?" A perfect monk stood up and bowed to the piano.

Qinqin did not answer the other party, but asked: "This friend can tell me why some of you are injured, is anyone intact?"

The monk did not care and did not care. Qinqin can rush up in perfect condition, which makes him feel jealous, but also hopes. The opening explains:

"We, those who have not been injured, changed when they suddenly appeared. When we suddenly appeared in these mountains, we were just above this mountain. This mountain is like a protected area, there is no danger. And these injured people are Because the change occurred, not far from the foothills, although it ran to the foothills in time, it was still hurt."

When the words fell, they looked forward to the Qinshuang. The same was true of the thirty monks. They all expected Qinshuang to tell them that Qinqin had no secret of injury, so they could leave here without being trapped here.

"I cultivated my mystery!" Qin double condensed the channel: "Xuanzhi can resist the rules here, but it consumes a lot."

"Xuanzhi? Are you a piano pair?" A monk suddenly opened his mouth.

"Do you know me?" Qin double looked at the monk.

The monk smiled bitterly: "I didn't go to Tianzicheng to see the big ratio, but the news of your cultivation of the mystery has spread throughout the purple star. So, when you say that you cultivate the mystery, I will I thought of you, I didn't think it was really you. Qindaoyou, what did you say?"


Thank you very much AliLX (600), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (500), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100) reward!



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