Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2297: Peak

At the same time, he also felt that he was able to release the law's power to withstand the laws of sandstorms, to make his own mystery more concise, and more importantly, to confront himself with the laws of the dust storm. The rapid improvement, let yourself control the law more.

“It’s a great place to try!”

Zhang Daoji shines brightly, but he doesn't have the slightest slow speed. The piano doubles can think of it. This trial place should have rewards. How can he think of Zhang Daoji?

Perhaps the rewards in this trial land are not precious to the fairy world, but the monks of the spiritual world must be extremely precious. How can he give up this big opportunity?

Xu Mo and others have already rushed to the front, he must catch up with them, otherwise they can't even drink soup.


Zhang Daoji swiftly swept over and crossed the monks. At this time, the monks who had not fallen were Xianjun. They all followed the various fairy instruments and flew forward. The worst is also the best fairy. Even he saw a few monks offering Xianbao. At this time, the monks also refused to hide their cards.

He recognized several patriarchs of the 34 families of Tianzicheng, passing by them, and gradually saw the shape of Xu Mo and other half-step kings, but they silently swept them. It is also extremely fast, Zhang Daoji has been chasing, but he can't catch up.

However, there are only fourteen people in front of him.


Xu Mo and other fourteen-and-a-half-step kings flew toward the front. Fourteen people suddenly saw their eyes bright. They saw that there was a huge sand-casting altar in the distance.


Twenty-four suddenly speeded up, and the altar was too big, much bigger than the altars they had encountered before, which made them realize that the difference was there, and it should be the place.


Fourteen monks landed on the sand-casting altar, and their eyes were condensed. They saw nine lotus platforms.


Nine of them took the lead and rushed toward the lotus. The five monks who responded slowly also rushed forward, thinking about whether they were attacking from behind, attacking the monks in front and grabbing the opportunity.


Then I heard the explosion, and fourteen figures appeared instantly from the sand-casting altar. They flashed in the golden awns, and each of them punched Xu Mo and other fourteen and a half steps.

Xu Mo and others looked awkward, and they felt that the punch that attacked themselves was full of the power of the law, and hurriedly lifted the magical powers of the law, and fought with the fourteen golden people.

Mountain area.

One monk stood in the foothills of the mountain and looked toward the highest mountain. At that time, on the highest mountain, Qinqin was flying towards the mountain.

“Can she succeed?” The monks on the mountain were nervously discussing.

"It should be able, she has passed so many mountains."

"But this mountain is too high. Is her mystery enough? There is no place to adjust the interest."

"We can only pray, she is our last hope!"

Silence down on the top of the mountain, each monk looked nervously at the petite figure and flew on the hillside, flew toward the peak.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


Six hours.

"Go up!"

The peaks of the mountains shouted with cheers, and the cheers of a mountain spread to one, and the cheers were connected on the peaks.


Qin double has just landed on the mountain peak. Before seeing the situation above the mountain, he saw a stone man suddenly appearing. The stone man’s legs are less than one foot high and the upper body is not one foot high. But a big head is five meters high and very weird.

And the big head has no eyes, ears and nose, only a huge mouth.

The mouth of engulfing!

The big mouth suddenly opened like a bottomless pit.

A strong hurricane suction, swallowed toward the piano double, the suction is full of a law force, let alone the piano double did not react, even if it is a reaction, it may not be able to. Only in an instant, the piano double was sucked into the mouth of the swallow.


That big mouth is closed.

On top of a mountain, one monk smiled.

"We are finally saved!"

"Yeah, this devilish trial is finally over!"

"You said, how do you practice the piano? Everyone is a human being, and most of our monks are still higher than her? People can do anything here, and we can only be trapped here!"

"Is this person and person comparable?"

"There are people who are arrogant, how many days of arrogance in each era?"

"I don't know what chance the piano double got?"

"I really envy!"

Towering into the peaks of the high mountains, the weird and ugly stone man stood there motionless. In his body, the piano enters the town demon tower in a double moment. Even so, in the moment of entering the stone man's mouth, the powerful law force also shreds the fire and phoenix field that she constructed with mystery. The muscles of her look were crushed.

When she entered the town demon tower, she immediately ate a Vientiane and then hurriedly said:

"Old town, can this town demon tower stand up?"

"The top is able to withstand!" The old town looked relaxed: "The rule of this stone man is weaker than the town demon tower."

"How come out?"

"I don't know!" The old man shook his head.

"I will heal first!"

The piano sits on the knees and begins to accelerate the refining of Vientiane.

After three days, the piano double recovered, and the metaphysical exploration of the town demon tower, instantly smashed by the law.

"Hey..." Qin double couldn't help but **** a cold air: "The power of the law in this stone is stronger than the mountain!"

"How can this go out?"

"Even if you can go out, you have to be attacked by this stone man, you have to kill this stone man!"

Qin Shuang’s face is not bitter, and with his own strength, how could he beat this stone man? Is it that I have been caught here, but I am trapped in the body of this stone man?

"There are no stone people on other peaks. How can there be a stone man on this mountain?"

“Is this the final test of the trial?”

"What should I do?"

Qin double thought and thought, suddenly moved in the heart, toward the old road:

"Old town, you let this town demon tower grow up, can you blast this stone man?"

"You can try it, there is no damage to the town demon tower anyway!"

The old man nodded, then his hands slammed upwards.




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