Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2299: Flood zone


Xu Mo stood up, not only the lotus platform in the underground of their six **** disappeared, but the remaining three lotus platforms also disappeared. Six people looked at each other and Xu Mo said:

"It seems that these nine lotus stands are nine chances, but it should have been the opportunity of nine people, so that we all absorbed it."

Ren Gao Lin smiled and said: "Even if we don't absorb it, no one can absorb it. Do you really think that those who have not cultivated the law can come here?"


The heavens and the earth suddenly shook, and the sand-casting altar below the feet began to dissipate. The dust storm around the altar began to disappear, and the endless desert began to disappear. It was just less than ten minutes, everything disappeared and appeared. In front of them is another wilderness.

"The trial in this area is over." Qingcheng laughed.

"Zhang Daoyou, congratulations on breaking through the half-step fairy king." Xu Mo arched to Zhang Daoji. Others have also congratulated: "In this era of the Mozu Daxing, Zhang Daoyou was able to break through the half-step Xianwang, and let our humanity strength increase."

Zhang Daoji also hurriedly said: "I am lucky to break through, but this opportunity has saved me the time of my millennium cultivation."

"Not bad!"

The five people of Xu Mo also laughed, and in the laughter, six people looked at each other. Then he flew away toward the front. They are going to find the next chance.

Flood zone.

Xu Xuexue fell on a reef with an excitement in his eyes. He had seen the distant front and had a huge raised reef. The reef was bigger and heavier than other reefs.

"Where should it be the place?" Xu Luo Xue gasped a few mouthfuls: "It's still far away, but I can already see it. Let's adjust the interest first."

His gaze fell on the former reef, where An Shicong sat cross-legged and was adjusting his interest, and behind him, Xu Kaiyun was sitting cross-legged on a reef to restore interest.

Mountain area.

Above the peak, another lotus platform disappeared. The soil property of the Qinshuangdao has been liquefied to the extreme. The khaki liquid hovered around the corn, like a yellow river. And it began to solidify gradually.

When the third lotus platform disappeared, within the heart of Qinshuang, a miniature hill appeared, only three inches high, but the hill was gradually growing taller.

Twenty-seven days.

The nine lotus stands disappeared, and the piano double stood up. The inner view was in the heart. Within the heart of the road, a hill about three meters high stood there, exuding the strong earth property.

The face of Qin double has a happy color, although the hill that is condensed by the power of the earth attribute is not useful to her, but when she derives the root of the soil, it will speed up the process of her soil cultivation.


The mountains began to become illusory, and then disappeared without a trace. In the view of the piano, a wilderness was restored. The piano double turned and looked up, looking to the front.


The piano flew in front of the two-way, and there was a burst of cheers in this area. At the same time, a strip of figure rushed toward the direction of the piano.

Close to the horizon!

The piano pair is constantly releasing the world. In less than a day, the piano double stops the figure. In her field of vision, there is a clear dividing line. The side of the dividing line is a wilderness. The opposite side of the dividing line is a piece. The flood is soaring. And she saw a monk on a piece of reef, and the monks looked at her with a look of disdain. The disappearance of the mountain range makes it natural for them to know that someone has got the chance to end the trial.

Who is it?

Have such a great ability?


They saw the piano double, and some people recognized the piano double.

"is her!"

"Qin double!"


The double body of the piano leaps and sways, and the field of fire and phoenix constructed by the mystery is like a fire phoenix flying.

"She..." The monk on the reef was shocked.


The monks with the mountain range flew in, falling on the edge of the flood of the sky, watching the back of the piano double, the envy of each face.

"If Yuedaoyou, is Qinshuang finished the trial?" A monk on the reef shouted to a known monk who came from the mountain range.

Liang Ruyue stared at him, his face smiled and said: "Yes, Wu Daoyou, it is Qin double. She has cultivated the mystery, ended the trial and saved us."


The shape of the piano pair fell on a reef and arched to several monks on the reef:

"Several friends, can you have a monk in the trial?"

"Yes!" Several monks looked at the piano with admiration: "There are three people, too far away, and there are floods in the sky, and it is impossible to see who it is."

Qin double eyes stared at it, the water was soaring, the water vapor filled, and obscured the line of sight.

The original Qinshuang was thinking about resting on this reef for a while, but now I have heard that three people have already tried it. How can she wait for her organic relationship?

If you let the three people absorb the opportunity, it is not a glimpse.


The piano was bi-directional with a few monks and archers, and they rushed out of the reef and walked on the waves.


Qin Xuan’s mysterious power was consumed madly. She swept past the reefs, did not go to any of the reefs, and flew straight ahead. Let the monks on the reefs look like a mistake.

" so strong?"

“Is it stronger than snow?”

"Crap, when the purple city of Dawei, when the snow fell to the piano double is good?"



The piano that was flying was heard the voice of Wei Qingjue. When he turned his eyes, he saw a piece of reef standing on Wei Qingjue and two people.

"Master sister!"

Qin Shuang’s gaze turned, and he saw Mu Chong and others on another reef. When he was swept, he fell on the reef of Wei Qingjue.

"Who are the three people who are trying to test?"

"It's An Shicong, Xu Luoxue and Xu Kaiyun!"

Qin nodded and said: "You stay here, I will go and see."


The shape of the piano double flew out again, and at this time she was running a long way and quickly chased forward.

After half a day.

She saw the three people in front, and the three men almost formed a straight line, not far from each other, about a few hundred meters away.

"Five lines!" Qin looked at the eyes, she saw the five rows of rings released by Xu Luoxue and Xu Kaiyun.

"The black sword!" Qin looked a glimpse of the black sword that hovered over An Shicong's head. The black sword was falling in a circle of black curtains, enveloping An Shicong.


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