Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2305: Yaozu

“No!” Fu Ruan shook his head and said, “Let's join us.”

"Yes!" Qin Shuang and An Shicong nodded, An Shicong said: "Predecessors can find some clues?"


Fu Ruan shook his head and walked freely in one direction. An Shicong and Qinshuang followed behind, and the three men were silent for a moment. After two more hours, An Shicong began to ask some questions about cultivation. Perhaps it was a panic that was as boring as he did, and he gave An Shicong an answer. As a result, Qin double began to ask questions about cultivation, and the three people were not lonely.

After walking, it took seven days. Still trapped in the white mist, only Qin Shuang and An Shi Cong, under the guidance of the practice, learned a lot about cultivation.

On this day, Qin Shuang and An Shicong, who were after the practice of practicing, suddenly looked at each other, because the prisoner and Weiyang discovered a trace of soul fluctuations.

"Predecessors, we are not a way to go so far." Qin doubled.

Fu Ruo said faintly: "Can that still go so far? Or do you lead the way?"

"I?" Qin double smiled and said: "I lead the way."

"I’m walking away. Didn’t you meet me before? You may have followed me and you can go out. Here, our realm is useless. I think luck is very important. Come, you are walking. front."

"Okay! The predecessors ordered, dare not follow."

The helplessness of Qin’s double face is in the direction of Wei’s direction. About half an hour later, in the eyes of the three of them, there was a figure, but it was a nine-day Xuanxian, and none of them knew. But that person knows three of them, and his face is ecstatic:

"I have seen the predecessors, Qindaoyou, Andaoyou."

There was a glimmer of glory in Fu’s eyes, and his eyes fell on the body of the piano: “It seems that your luck is really prosperous, let’s lead you.”


Qin double also knows that Fu Ruo has some doubts about her, but it should be uncertain. Sometimes the luck of this thing is really unclear. Maybe the piano is really lucky?

After three days of walking, the voice of Weiyang suddenly became excited.

"Qin double, I have perceived the soul fluctuations of Xu Mo."

In the heart of the piano, in her heart, in fact, her heart has been very strange. How did Weiyang perceive the fluctuations of other people's souls, and then walked toward the direction of Xu Mo, and asked:

"Wei, how did you perceive the fluctuations of other people's souls?"

"There are three souls in the world, and the soul is in the human body. The two souls of heaven and earth are outside the human body, so that they can be perceived. Of course, you have to cultivate the soul to my extent."

"What? The two souls of the heavens and the earth are outside the human body?"

"Well, it's mysterious, I can't see it, but I have a close connection with the soul. You know it slowly."

"So how do you know that it is Xu Mo's soul fluctuation?"

"I have been with him for a long time with the prisoner. What's more, the last time I changed my ancestors to the full moon, you talked with Xu Mo face to face. At that time, I remembered his soul fluctuations."

Behind the Qinshuang, Fu Ruyan’s eyes flashed, and he saw that the Qin double suddenly changed direction, and the doubts in his heart were even worse. Just still silently followed behind.

"Pay brothers, Qin double!" Xu Mo's voice sounded.

The face of Fu Rulian also showed an excited color: "Xu Xiong. It is great to see you."

"I have seen Xu's predecessors." Qin double three people came forward to give gifts.

"Good! Good!" Xu Mo nodded happily.

"Xu brother, you have no way?" Fu Ruan looked at Xu Mo, a look of hope.

Xu Mo shook his head and said: "There is no way, but don't worry, I have pushed it forward. There is no danger here. But if you want to go out, you have to test your luck."

"The luck of Qin double is quite prosperous." Fu Ruxiao said: "We can meet you, that is, she leads the way."

"Oh?" Xu Mo looked at the piano with amazement.

Qin double hurriedly said: "It's all luck!"

Xu Mo’s eyes are bright: “Luck is also a kind of strength, so let’s lead you. If you can take us out, I owe you a favor.”

Seeing Xu Mo also believes in luck, paying for the practice is a mitigation of Qin double doubts, but also laughed:

"As long as I can take us out, I owe you a favor."

"The younger generation is walking away!" Qin double said helplessly.

"It’s OK to go!" Xu Moile said happily.

"okay then!"

"Shi Cong, let's be together!"

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang and An Shicong walked side by side, Xu Mo and Fu Ruqian walked side by side, and the nine-day Xuan Xian was followed by Xu Mo and Fu Ruo.

After walking for four days, the sound of Weiyang suddenly rang: "Go left."

The piano double changed a little bit, and the voice of the gods said: "Someone?"

"Well, but we have to avoid him."


"We want to talk to Xu Mo, but I have to find a chance to pay for the practice and the little monk."

"How is this?"

"Looking for opportunities, there is always a chance to go there for the time being."

Qin double thought about it, and here only relied on Weiyang, and she did not think that the threat of the current strength of Weiyang would give Xu Mo a threat, and then follow the direction of Weiyang. In the next nine days, Qin double avoided the two people under the guidance of Weiyang.

This day.

The voice of Weiyang suddenly rang again: "Qin double, there is a Yaozu in front, very strong, this is our opportunity to pay and practice."

"The Yaozu? The Yaozu also came in? Do you want to tell Xu Mo and Fu Ruan?"

"What do you say?" Wei Wei said faintly.

The piano is not silent, this is really not a good explanation. The sound of Weiyang sounded again:

"You don't have to worry, there will be nothing to do with Xu Mo and paying for practice. It is you, when you see the Yaozu, you have to start with the first time. So silent and paying for practice, we must have hands. I will open the opportunity to practice."

Qin double thought about it, and this is also the reason. There is only one demon family on the opposite side. Even if it is very strong, will it be stronger than Xu Mo? On the contrary, she and An Shicong are very dangerous. I know the voice:


She did not inform An Shicong that there was a prisoner and An Shicong would be prepared.

Just a quarter of an hour, there was a demon monk opposite the piano. Perhaps it is the prisoner who is afraid that the piano will not listen to Weiyang. Instead, An Shicong took the lead to drink a lot.

"The demon!"


An Shicong shot and slammed out.

The opposite Yaozu shouted at the moment when An Shicong shouted out the Yaozu. He couldn’t see who was on the opposite side, and he slaped it to the piano and five people.


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