Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2314: Leishan


There was a thunder in the distance, and the piano looked up and his face became pale. In front of her there was a thunder-filled area, a mountain that was connected to it, and it was surrounded by the thunder. Thunder in the sky, like a snake, screamed and slammed down the mountain below.

The Thunder are some evil nemesis. Now how can the Gorefiend who controls the body of the piano dare to get there?

Qin double changed direction immediately, and flew out in the oblique thorn!


The Qin double, the four great gods, the Yangshen and the spirit suddenly released all the power and began to compete for control of the body. The weak **** devil roars:

"Qin double, do you want to die?"

"Don't want!"

The piano doubled the weakness of the Gorefiend, and instantly robbed half of the body control, rushing toward the thunder.

"Since I don't want to die, what control do I take with me at this time?" Gorefiend roared: "Be caught up by those immortals, you and I will all die. You have to hand over control to me, we fled and said."

"I don't want to die!" Qin's voice sounded calmly: "But if I am enchanted, I would rather die!"


At this time, Qin double has snatched 60% of the control and rushed toward the Thunder.

"Stupid! When you die, there is nothing left. Or hope!"

Qin double no longer speaks, while continuing to compete for control of the body, expanding his advantage, while flying toward the Thunder area.

"Do you think that you will be saved if you rush into the Thunder?" The voice of the Gorefiend became violent: "The Thunder there you can't bear it, I don't necessarily die, but you will die."

And, now everyone knows that you are enchanted, even if you survived?

Will anyone believe in you?

They will only chase you! Demon enchantment is the hypocrisy of your humanity. They won't let you go, you will be cast aside by human beings and be chased until you die.

What's more, you still have a fruit, no one will let you go.

Give me the body, only I can let you stand at the top of the spiritual world and let those hypocritical humans fall under your feet. ”

The piano doubles and the eyes are full of determination. The vast thunder quickly approached, and the water thunder beads on the wrists of the piano fell off and turned into an umbrella, which was held in the hands by the piano.

Suddenly, the piano doubled in shape. She was less than five meters from the foot of the mountain that was drowned by Thunder, but at this time in front of her, at the foot of the mountain, on the edge of the thunder, there was a person who was in front of her.


Behind her, countless gods drowned in her.

The man standing in front of him stopped him, his sleeves slammed, his sleeves suddenly magnified and extended, like a city wall, bypassing the doubles, blocking behind her, all the attacks Sleeve down.

The immortal monks who chased the doubles of the piano saw the appearance of the figure, and they couldn’t change their faces. They stopped their bodies and looked at the person with uneasiness.


A figure appeared around the doubles of the piano, and the look exudes the atmosphere of the law. A Yaozu explored a big hand and grabbed it toward the piano.

The man who stopped the piano double looked up suddenly, looking at the big hand with both eyes, and two magnificent swords in his eyes. Crush the big hand.

The demon figure flew back and looked at the figure with caution. Condensed and shouted:

"Xu Mo, you dare to hurt me!"

Xu Mo faintly looked at the demon half-step fairy king, and then his eyes fell to the front of the piano double, the eyes showed a complex color.

"Xu brother!" Ren Gao Lin walked over and said: "Qin double has been enchanted, kill it."

"Not bad!" Qingcheng smiled and looked at Qin Shuang's eyes full of regret: "She was my genius, but now she is enchanted. The more she is arrogant, the greater the harm after entering the devil. Xu brother, don't hesitate, We don't want to kill her, but for the human race, kill it."

"I owe her love!" Xu Mo's complicated eyes gradually disappeared.

The monks of the monks couldn’t help but look at it.

"Xu brother, human feelings are human, and righteousness is righteous. The owe to you can still be on the string. But if she is released today, with her qualifications, give her another hundred years, we may not be her opponent. At that time, she will bring havoc to the Terran.

Xu brother, can not be a woman's benevolence! ”

"Qin double!" Hai Kuotian walked up and looked at Qin double. His eyes were filled with regret: "Are you really enchanted?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded and said: "However, I can still control my body now."

"Xu brother!" Haikuotian looked at Xu Modao: "Let me bring the piano back to Tianziyuan. I will seal her in one place until she expels the demons."

"You see that she is now in the spirit of the demon, can it be removed?" The Sha family long cold said: "You don't raise a magic tire. What can be considered? Kill it, one hundred."

"Ha ha ha ..." A demon half-step fairy Wang looked at the piano double road: "Qin double, the Terran will not let you go, don't struggle, give up, go directly into the devil, my ancestors I take you back Family."

"Xu brother, have you heard it?" Ren Gao Lin said: "What are you waiting for? If you can't go, let me come."

When the words fell, they extended a big hand and grabbed the piano. The hand was far from the piano, and the piano was completely imprisoned. Qin double wants to struggle, but can't move a little.


Xu Mo stretched out an index finger and made a stroke in the air, which cut off the attack of Ren Gaolin. When Gao Gao’s eyes narrowed, he screamed and said:

"Xu Mo, what do you mean? Do you really want to protect this demon? Daoyou, we can't look at Xu Mo's disappointment because of personal feelings. I am so troublesome to stop Xu Mo, wait for me to kill Qin double. Demon."

"Qin double, complaining only to blame you into the devil." Qingcheng smiled and walked toward Xu Mo: "Xu brother, let it open."


Zhang Daoji’s figure appeared on the left side of Xu Mo’s, and he smiled and said: “I think the piano double is still taken away by me. I will help her to expel the demons.”

"You want her fruit?" Qingcheng smiled and said.

"You think so!" Zhang Daoji said: "That can let the sea dean bring the piano back and seal it. I can help the piano in Tianzi."

Haikuo Tian also stepped to the right side of Xu Mo, and marched toward the crowd of half-steps:

"Please also ask your friends to give the piano a chance."

"You are the seed of the next catastrophe for the human race!" Ren Gao angered and yelled.

"Qin double!" Xu Mo, who has been silent, said: "What do you say?"


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