Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2325: Bigger crisis

At the same time, behind them, at the foot of the mountain, there were thirty-two celestial princes who did not make the slightest stop and walked up the mountain.

The piano double eyes are slightly congested, and she also vaguely saw that the eight Xianjun peaks are approaching here.

Five have been difficult to cope with, and this is eight more, which simply can't stop!


Qin double still stared at the demon monk kept blasting the four elephants, she stared at the demon monk bombarded for more than a day. The four monks of Zhu Qi have already understood the idea of ​​Qin Double at this time. Qin Double wants to stare at the injured Yao Xiu, first killing one. Therefore, among the four of them, in addition to Zhu Qi still guarding the piano double, the other three monks have gradually put down their guards and fully bombarded the big Zhoutian sword array.

In fact, the three of them are also full of confidence. Qin double gave them a big surprise, but they didn't think that Qin double could hurt them under the siege of their five immortals. Even if the piano double suddenly pulls out four elephants from one of them, it will not hurt them.

Sixiangyu is not used by Qinshuang in Tianzicheng, and now it has been fighting for more than a day. She has been picking up four elephants. It seems that this is the strongest card of Qinqin. It is.

So, what else is there to fear?

Ten swordsmanships from the bottom of the piano double, invisible and invisible to swim out. Her heart secretly sneered, this is the selfishness and greed of the monk. If Zhu Qi reminds the four celestial peaks and takes care of his own hidden weapon, there is no chance for himself. However, Zhu Qi did not.

She did not attack Zhu Qi, she knew that Zhu Qi must be careful.

Three swordsmen came to the front of the demon sage, and a sword silk entangled the neck of the demon sage, and instantly shrank inside. A sword silk shot at the Dantian of the Mozu monk, a sword silk shot at the eyebrows of the Mozu monks, straight through the sea.

At the same time, two other Terran monks also suffered the same attack. The remaining sword silk is entangled in the neck of the demon monk.


The demon monk who was resisting the double figure of the piano, a good head suddenly broke off from the neck.


The four elephants fell, and the demon monk was smashed into powder.

"Puff puff……"

The Mozu monk and the two Terran monks were also broken in the blink of an eye and were pierced by the sea and Dantian.


Qin doubled a sword meteor falling!

Countless meteors inundated the three Xianjun peaks and killed three Xianjun peaks.


Zhu Qi could not help but step back, but there was nothing to panic on her face. He has not released the light of the big day, that is, to maintain strength, use the four monks to consume the piano double. At this time, he felt that Qin double had already consumed almost the same. He could completely release the light of the big day and re-create the piano double, but he saw that there are eight Xianjun peaks coming, why bother and Qin double?

Continue to use the eight monks to consume the piano double!

Even if the piano pair is more powerful, and then there are cards, these eight monks are enough to drag the piano to death, but now he is embarrassed, how to grab the fruit from the hands of these eight monks?


Eight Xianjun peaks are approaching with heavy steps. At this time, less than one-third of the distance from the foothills, even the peak of Xianjun, under the thunderstorm, the action has become somewhat difficult.

"Qin double can't last long! We teamed up to kill her!"

Zhu Qi saw eight Xianjun peaks coming close, immediately shouted, and first attacked the piano against the double. The eight monks saw the four celestial peaks on the ground, and the heart was also a glimpse. No monk saw this situation, and he was sure that he could kill the piano alone.

What else can you say?

Eight Xianjun peaks attacked the piano double!

In an instant, the piano double felt a huge pressure, and the big Zhoutian sword array began to break. Qin double continually sacrificed the sword, complemented the broken sword array, his face became pale, and the consumption became worse.

The town demon tower entered the stomach of Qinshuang, and the town veteran threw a drop of fine monkey wine into the stomach of Qinqin.


Qinqin is recovering quickly, but even so, it is difficult to withstand the attack of nine Xianjun peaks. Among the nine Xianjun peaks, only Zhu Qi is releasing the defensive shield in attacking the piano double, so as long as the sword silk touches By his defensive shield, he was able to react quickly.

However, the new eight Xianjun peaks did not release the defensive shield. They believed that Zhu Qi released the defensive shield, which was resisting the thunder that fell from the sky. But this level of thunder is directly on them, and they can't hurt them. Why bother to hold up the defensive shield and waste the power?

Their hearts even faintly look down on Zhu Qi!


The two large Zhoujianjian arrays finally could not withstand the bombardment of the nine Xianjun peaks, and they were instantly smashed, and there was no chance to make up the swords.


A sword, the whole person of the piano double is shining, such as the sharp sword of the same handle, the whole body exudes a sharp light. The four elephants changed completely, and they took out a four-image world and covered the piano in it.


Nine Xianjun peaks surrounded the piano in the middle, launched a fierce attack, bombarded on the curtain of the four elephants. The sword curtain violently swayed, and the four elephants swayed, but they trembled. Qin double closed eyes, under the pressure of these nine Xianjun peaks, rapidly blending the four-way Taoism of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

Under the thunderous bombardment of the bucket, under the turbulent Thunder storm, under the siege of the nine Xianjun peaks, the pressure on the piano double has reached the limit. Under the pressure of this limit, the potential of Qinshuang was deeply excavated, and the mind of Qinshuang has never been integrated into the avenue. The speed of integrating the nine-day Xuanxiandao method has never been increased, reaching a An incredible situation.


The piano double fuses quickly with the Taoism of the nine-day Xuan Xian. The power of the four elephants is enhanced in a glimmer of light, and the four images of the golden wood and water fire gradually have a tendency to change shape, faintly.

Under the first mountain peak, hundreds of nine-day Xuan Xian appeared there, looking at the thick thunder of the bucket descending from the sky, one by one could not help but change his face.

However, at this time they have been able to hear the fighting sounds from the mountains through the intensive Thunder, knowing that they will catch up with the piano.

A nine-day Xuanxian peak with confidence in himself rushed into the seventh peak. Just stepping into the mountain, I felt the power of the violent and raging Thunder storm, and it immediately blocked his progress. He seems to be hitting a wall, and the speed of electricity suddenly stops. It’s just that his real strength is really strong, and he has not been bombarded by the Thunder storm, but his feet are firmly rooted in the earth.


I have to go out for a few days, these days, first and foremost, and when I come back to make up, everyone will help me remember how much more.




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