Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: destination


Qin double spit out a sigh of relief, blowing out a flash of lightning, the town demon tower for nearly ten years, seems to have forgotten the taste of the Thunder, this time once again into the Thunder Mountain Range, instantly felt the fear of the Devil and Gorefiend, Qin The double couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Mux, this seal is for you!"

"Hugh think!" The body of the piano doubled out the anger in the anger with the roar of fear.

The piano stepped toward the mountain, step by step, although it was extremely slow, but it was unwavering. At this time, she was only a hundred meters away from the mountain, but it was slower. After an hour, she set foot on the peak.


The thunder on the peak is more powerful and the storm is more intense. The piano is far and wide, and there is another mountain in front.

"The eighth mountain!"

Qinqin whispered in a low voice, and then sat down at the peak of the peak, and the spirit entered Dantian, hovering over the Thunder vortex on the right hand side of Wuxiang, observing the Thunder and comprehending the Thunder.

The Baihu Yuanshen guided the Thunder into the Dantian, and the power of the Thunder was like the rivers and rivers, and it was poured into the Thunder vortex on the right hand side of Wu.

Yangshen began to guide the Thunder's power to refine the body of the piano, and to enhance the body strength of the piano.

The remaining three gods, together, began to suppress the magic and blood of the blood of the persecution of the magic.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The piano opened his eyes and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

This time she was forced to open the Simeon fellow initiates, releasing a powerful magical and **** blood. Now, with the power of the Thunder, I want to push it back, but it is extremely slow. Qin double does not know, if the next time I encounter a certain situation, I have to release the magic of the seal, can she regain control of the body?

Maybe your own **** will be destroyed directly by the magic!

"Power is not enough!"

Qin double stood up, she now knows that her own seal of the demon and the Gorefiend is to raise the demon, the devil and the Gorefiend will become stronger and stronger.

There are only two future results.

One is that she can always suppress the magic and the Gorefiend, and eventually find a way to completely eliminate the Devil and Gorefiend.

The other is that one day, she can't suppress the magic and the Gorefiend, and she is backed up by it, and she is really enchanted.

However, her current situation is that even if she knows the result, she can only seal it because she has no other way. Even now, even seals have become difficult. There was still a small Confucianism, and now Xiaoru went to seal the Lord of the Magic...

As soon as I thought that I still sealed a magic master, Qin double felt a big head.

"Then let the Thunder come more violently."

The piano walked down the mountain in two directions.


Dozens of half-step Xian Wang appeared here. Originally, according to the agreement of the three tribes, let alone the half-step fairy king, it is that Xianjun is not allowed to enter Baoxing. Moreover, the tribes of the three tribes also strictly abide by this agreement, lest they once violated the agreement by one party, and finally detonated the battle of Xianjun at the star level, and destroyed the star.

Xu Mo walked in front of the team. On the left was a troll. The head of a machete on his head had four eyes. It was the four eyes that led the Mozu to attack the Purple Star. Walking to the right of Xu Mo is a dragon with two horns on his head.

A line of overhaul seems to be very slow, but every step has crossed thousands of miles and went to the depths of Baoxing. Xu Mo looked around and condensed:

"Where are you who discovered it first?"

The four-eyed demon and the dragon's overhaul looked at each other and looked at the four eyes: "It should be almost at the same time."

The dragons overhauled the interface: "At the beginning, some of our demon and the demon's juniors fought, and the situation expanded. More demon and demons joined in and went to the depths of Baoxing. They found a crack that revealed a force that was completely different from the spiritual world. These cubs, under curiosity, temporarily stopped killing and entered the crack.

As a result, only eight monks escaped from the inside and reported it to us on the first floor. We also abide by the original tri-family agreement. Although they each took a fairy to enter the star, they were not allowed to shoot in Baoxing, but to explore the space inside the crack. ”

There was a slight disappointment on Xu Mo’s face. In any case, the two demons did not reflect the notice of the Terran, and privately sent Xianjun into Baoxing, which is a violation of the tri-family agreement. However, Xu Mo at this time will naturally not say anything, just listen to it.

The dragon's overhaul also knows that Xu is not happy, but at this time he can't hide it, he continues to say:

"The two immortals joined forces in the crack space, but eventually they escaped. According to the two of them, the power inside not only did not help the monks, but would destroy the body of the monks. They are precisely because Trying to absorb a bit of inside, I almost died.

Moreover, there are still some suspected chaotic creatures inside.

In the end, our Yaozu and the Mozu were in business, each sent a half-step fairy to enter the crack space, and the result was faster than the two Xianjun. Because, the monks who have not cultivated the law, enter into it, as long as they do not actively absorb the power inside, they will not be injured. But the monks who practiced the law once they entered it, the laws there would take the initiative to attack them, as if the laws there were inherently rejecting the laws we cultivated. Therefore, when they entered the two, they were enrolled in the law there, and the injury has not yet healed. ”

Xu Mo couldn't help but frown. Just hearing the story of the dragon's overhaul, he felt that it seemed to be a completely different law from the spiritual world.

The rules are different and naturally mutually exclusive.

"What do you mean?" Xu Mo silent for a moment, asked in a condensate voice.

"We have gathered almost all the half-step fairy kings of the three races this time. Let's go in and see together. We are all stuck in the half-step fairy king, and we have not been able to break through to the real realm of the fairy king. In my opinion, maybe we It is because of the lack of the law in the crack that it is an opportunity for us."

Xu Mo nodded. He believed that if the dragons were overhauled, they would not need to lie until they were in this status and cultivation, because in the spiritual world, no one deserves to lie.

Of course, he also understands in his mind that it is good to say that the dragon’s overhaul is good, and it seems to give him a chance to make a big difference. In fact, it was his mind that he was not sure, even the entire Yaozu was not sure. This only informed him that almost half of the tribe’s half-step fairy kings joined forces to enter the mysterious space, in order to protect themselves first, and then explore.

Moreover, the demon and the two have once gathered together the half-step fairy king of their own family to explore, but without success, they have to inform the Terran, the three tribes.

No one talks again, everyone walks silently. Every step spans thousands of miles.




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