Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2336: visit

These people have already been used to it, because they have been low-educated, they have been bullied before, and even they have been killed. They have also endured. If the ordinary string moon disciples were killed, they would still habitually endure.

However, this person is different!

This man is the mother of two pro-disciples of the sect, and the patriarch of the lord is the governor of Yuan Ziyi.

If this is tolerated, when the sovereign returns, how can I explain it?


Liu Chuanwu’s look suddenly changed: “Yuan Tong and Yuan Hingqing?”

The ten elders said: "I have already investigated, today Yuan Tong, Yuan Hieqing and Yuan Ziyi's family leave the Zongmen together."

The hall was silent, and Liu Chuanwu’s face showed an angry and awkward look.

There is no doubt that Yuan Tong and Yuan Hughing also have problems!

How to do?

what should I do?

There is only one person here who has no anger and embarrassment, and that is the great elders.

He has been in the piano for too long, from the avenue of the avenue of the ink star, all the way to the Qin double in the purple city revealed. His heart has long been very strong. In his opinion, this matter can not be bowed at all, because the piano double has never been too low. Therefore, his face showed disappointment, disappointment to Liu Chuanwu and other elders, and disappointment to the entire string.

At this time, the eyes of these people are also looking at the waiting place, the piano is not in the room, they can not help but regard the waiting area as the backbone. When they saw the disappointment of the face on the floor, they all responded, and the face was shy. Liu Chuanwu said:

"The elders, we... can’t beat the house now."

"Oh..." Waiting for a sigh: "I didn't say that I want to fight with the Qing family, but we must at least understand the truth of the matter, and the situation of Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching. If this step is not dare Going out, the string moon is not as good as it is."

When the words fell, the station stood up and walked outside the hall.

"Great elder, where are you going?" Liu Chuanwu stood up.

"Qing Jia!" said the faint sigh.

Liu Chuanwu looked a glimpse, and then his face rose red. I will bite my teeth: "I will go with you!"

"Let's go too!" The other nine elders also stood up.

"Take the martial arts to come. Don't go. We are going to know the truth first!"

Any family.

Ren Hongshou rushed into the gate of the ethnic group and went straight to the second brother to be Gao Fei’s Dongfu. Nowadays, the big brother is not high, and the family is dominated by the second brother.

"Second brother, you have to be the master of me!" Ren Hong sleeve rushed into Ren Gaofei's Dongfu.

Ren Gaofei is sitting there with his brow slightly, and there is a trace of brilliance between the eyebrows. Big Brother and those half-step fairy kings left for a long time, and no news came back. The fruit that was sent back gave the third brother Ren Gaoming, thinking that only three of the family members were most likely to break through the half-step fairy king. However, now Qing’s Qingcheng cry broke through, and Sha’s sand turned through. The Ren Gaoming of their hometown has not broken through.

Once the big brothers, what happened to those half-step princes, they can’t come back. There are half-step kings in other people’s homes, and there is no family. This is a big deal.

Hearing the voice of Ren Hongshou, he lifted his eyes and saw the figure of Ren Hong’s sleeves, and dissipated the ambiguity between the eyebrows and smiled.

This little girl is the one they love most.

"Little girl, what's wrong? Is it bullying you in the fall? It's impossible, he can't beat you now."

"He has wild women and wild hybrids outside."

"Well? Tell me!"

Ren Gaofei smiled and did not change. In his opinion, this is not a big deal. Even if it is a woman who has a woman outside, and has a child, it is not a problem.

Ren Hong sleeves will say things again, and there is no change in Gao Fei’s look. Soft channel:

"Little girl, don't be self-willed. This is not a big deal. Since the Qing family wants to protect the two children, you don't want to make trouble. Anyway, that's the blood of the family, don't you want to put those two?" The child killed? It has already killed the wild woman. This is all right."

"Second brother, how can this be counted? I want the two wild species to die." Ren Hong sleeves face iron.

"Don't make trouble!"

"Second brother, are we still afraid of our family?"

Ren Gaofei closed his eyes and pondered. He decided to let Ren Hongshou know something. Otherwise, he would not be able to clean up the matter if he made things big. Because the timing is wrong.

"Little sister, you know that big brothers went to a place."

"Well, what place? Second brother, do you know?" Ren Hongshou’s face also showed curiosity.

"I don't know!" Ren Gaofei shook his head. "Just knowing that it is very dangerous, it is also likely to be a big chance. But, after not coming back for a long time, there is no news from us. We can't help but make the worst."


The face of Ren Hongshou has changed. He is just spoiled, not stupid. If her big brother had an accident, her face turned pale.

Ren Gaofei whispered: "Now the Qing family is half a step to the king, and we are not at home."

Ren Hong sleeves changed his face again, his chest ups and downs, and finally calmed down: "I understand, I stay in the family for one night and go back tomorrow."

"Grieved you!"

Qing family.

The gate of the ethnic land.

Houdi and Liu Chuanwu stood at the door, and a footstep came. A figure came out of the gate and came to the front of the place and Liu Chuanwu.

"Qing Luoqiu has seen two Taoist friends."

"Liu Chuanwu has seen Qingdaoyou!"

"I have seen Qingdaoyou!"

Qing Luoqiu Suo: "Two friends asked, this is an accident today, I will give two explanations."

Waiting for the nod and nodded, followed Qing Qiuqiu into the Qing family, sitting in a living room. When Qing Qiuqiu did not wait for the ground to ask questions, he told the two people what the cause and process of the incident were. After listening to the two people, they couldn’t help each other. They did not expect that there were so many hidden things in this matter. The waiting area has been indulged for a moment:

"I want to bring Yuan Tong and Yuan Hingqing back to Zongmen."

"Hou Daoyou, they are my children, naturally they want to stay at the Qing family!"

After waiting for a while, he stood up and said: "Farewell!"

The string moon.

The main hall of the proceedings.

The atmosphere is dignified.

"Great elders, what do we do?" Liu Chuanwu asked nervously.

The waiting room closed his eyes and the hall was very quiet. Half-sounding, the eyes opened and said:

"Tell the Zongmen disciples about this matter and let them work hard to cultivate. When the sovereign returns, I am afraid it will be the time of the war."

"The Sovereign She..."

"I know what you are going to say." The Houji whispered through Liu Chuanwu and the Nine Elders: "You don't think there is anything in this matter. Yuan Ziyi is a Taoist in the fall of the autumn. Yuan Tong and Yuan Hughing are Qingshouqiu. Son. So, the original match of Qing Luoqiu, killed Yuan Ziyi, Qing Xiaoqiu left Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing, this is the family affairs of the Qing family. This did not hurt the face of our string moon, even if the sovereign returned It is also impossible to fight with the Qing family because of the family affairs of the Qing family."




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