Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2349: Invincible

A huge roar in midair was deaf. Hao Tian and the four elephants slammed together, and the blow was evenly divided. The raging powers swept violently, and the surrounding monks erected the defensive shields. The monks who had been repaired as low were swept out and spurted.


The vast swordsman sounded intensively, and the big Zhoutianjian array built by the swordsman collided with the Allure. The sword is constantly being consumed, and the city is constantly collapsing and evenly matched.

Qinshuang and Qingcheng fly deadlocked together, water dragons and flying swords, 斩天和四象斩, swords and allures.

Countless monks and Qing family monks fought, the battlefield was roaring, there was a broken, and there were also monks who fell to the ground.

When the eyebrows of the piano doubled, the frequency of the tremor of the hundred and eight flying swords began to slow down, and gradually became bound by the water dragon. The sky and the four elephants collided sharply, and the four elephants began to show signs of collapse. The huge city of Allure has collapsed in half, but the one hundred and eight swords of Qin double are consumed more quickly.

Qin double is in a disadvantage!

However, at this time, both people are in a state of being glued. If they want to separate, I am afraid that only one person will be defeated.


Suddenly a figure flew high from the crowd, holding a giant hammer in his hand, and instantly flew to the top of Qingchengfei, but it was the iron softly rushed.

No one thought that someone would suddenly appear there, and the people of the string month were supposed to be low, and they could not go. The most important thing is that they are surrounded by the monks of the Qing family and have been self-sufficient. The people of the Qing family have enough confidence in Qingchengfei. Who dares to help the city fly, it is a shame to the city.

Therefore, in the case that everyone did not think of it, the iron softly and easily reached the head of Qingchengfei, and the giant hammer in the hand that was picked up smashed toward the head of Qingchengfei.

For a moment, the hammer zoomed in like a giant mountain. The sunny day of the sun was instantly covered by a huge mountain-like hammer, as if it had arrived in the night.

The entire battlefield seemed to be caught in a huge shadow. All the people could not help but stop the battle. The string moon was a surprise to the reinforcements, while the Qing family was worried.

There was an anger in the eyes of Qingcheng, and the strength of iron was a ants in front of him. When he was in peacetime, he gave a sigh of relief and was able to blow the iron softly. However, he is now deadlocked with the piano, although he has an advantage, but there is not much effort.


His long hair suddenly burst into the air with the same handle and sharply stabbed the huge forging hammer.


The slender hair collided with the huge forging hammer, and the huge forging hammer like a mountain flew out.


Iron soft nose and mouth spurting blood, the body flew out and fell to the back of the crowd. However, although it was only a minor interference with Qingchengfei, it allowed Qinshuang to move back a little advantage. It was only at this time that Qin’s heart was not a little bit pleasing. There is a worry between the eyebrows, she is worried about iron soft.


Mo Yan, Chu Dali, Yu Guan Ting, Lei Xing, Bao Yi received the news of Tang Han, flying wildly to the Baoxing Terran.


Five people saw Tang Han in front of the transmission line and immediately entered the transmission array with Tang Han.


The monk of Renjia flew over under the leadership of Ren Gaoming, and his eyes fell on Qin’s body, but he did not. Ren Hongshou is already a daughter-in-law of the Qing family, and at this time, seeing that the Qing family has the upper hand, there is no need to shoot. Just a face is always gloomy.

Even if Ren Hongshou has been married, it is also a family member. Now Qin Qin has dared to kill Ren Hongshou, this is the face of playing the house.


That is the second family of the whole spiritual world, second only to the existence of the Xu family, so that it is beaten, if the piano does not die...

Do not!

If Qin double and her string moon are not dead, how can we fight back?

Now the Qing family is shooting, if the Qing family can't, the family will not hesitate to shoot.


Although the water dragon and the fairy sword are stalemate, the sword and the imperial city are still deadlocked, but the sky is finally defeating the four elephants. It is not that the four elephants are not strong enough, but the repair of the piano is not strong enough. The four elephants are completely smashed. And Hao Tian only left a thin knife, falling to the piano.

This sickle is nothing, if it is placed in the past, the piano can be crushed.

However, now it has the effect of the collapse of the dominoes, this scythe is standing on the body of the piano. With the body strength of Qinshuangxian, it only left a white mark on the skin. However, the tone of the piano doubles. Because the piano double at this time has reached the critical point of collapse. This undulation affects the flying sword in the air and the sword that is released.


The figure of the double pair flew out and spewed out a blood.

The left hand of Qingchengfei instantly explored, and the white clouds rolled, and a huge vortex emerged from the air. A slender big hand of Qingchengfei emerged from the vortex and grabbed the past with the piano. It is only caught in the air, the ground and the surrounding buildings are a humming, reinforcing the ground and the structure of the pattern from the ground, the building is revealed. Colorful and bright, big and bright. Without these reinforcements, I am afraid that the building of Zhou’s house has collapsed and the earth is cracked.

The body of the piano double fell in the air, she struggled to control her body, but the big hand is faster, it is too late!


A piece of water, like flowing water, crossed the sky, blocking the sky above the piano, and instantly constructed a huge shield.


The big hand of Qingchengfei was caught on the huge shield, and the shield burst into flames, but it also blocked the speed of the big hand falling.


The body of the piano double fell on the ground and pulled out a stream of striated lines.


A figure appeared in the sky above the piano, and I couldn't see who it was, because his body was surrounded by a Zhang Fu, like a hurricane, surrounded by the figure.


A figure appeared on the soft side of the iron. When I saw that the iron was soft and fainted, the look was a sinking, and the **** swiftly swept the iron softly, and the face was a slow one. Iron soft and hurt is very heavy, but there is no danger to life, and it will not be abolished. I hurriedly took out the medicinal herbs and stuffed them into the soft mouth of the iron.


Another group of people flew in and fell to the side of the man.


It was the ally of the ally that gave the iron soft and soft medicine. He was only a peak of Xianjun, so he did not go to Baoxing with Xu Mo and others. The ally of the ally of the ally, the iron was gently picked up and handed over to an elder next to him, and the angry eyes fell on the body of Qingcheng.


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