Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2358: Ten years limit

Qingcheng cried suddenly and unexpectedly, and his face was sorrowful. He said, "Go, you two... good for it."

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hingqing cried a head toward Qingcheng, then stood up and came to the front of Qinqin. Some uneasily whispered:


Qin binoculars looked at Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching in a complicated way. The two children grew up and had their own thoughts. She also did not know how to ease the psychology of the two children at this time, and whispered:

"After a while, they followed them to the gate."


Qin double looked at Xu Mo, revealing the color of inquiry. Xu Mo looked at Qingcheng and smiled:

"Just use the noble hall to use it."

Qingcheng smiled and nodded: "Please!"

"Zong Zongzhu, you are coming along." Xu Modao.

Qin nodded twice, then to Liu Chuanwu Road |: "You return to the sect."

"Yes, the lord!"

Qin double looked at Li Xian and others: "You brothers..."

"We also go to your sect." Li Xian began.

In the two-way piano, Li Xian and others arched their hands, and then they looked at Yu Guanting and others, and they smiled on their faces:

"You also go to Zongmen to wait for me."

"it is good!"

After the Qin double arranged everything, he followed Zhang Daoji and Hai Kuotian and walked toward the Qing family.

The House of the House of Representatives.

Qin double sat at the end, listening to Xu Mo's simple narrative, and his eyes showed a faint color.

It turned out that the three-family and half-step king used so many years, and finally only reached a conclusion, it is impossible to seal the crack in the snow mountain. Even if it is sealed, even using the track to repair the crack, rather than the seal, will be penetrated by the continuous gray gas in the crack space, and then open the crack again. The only solution is to go deep into the crack space and find the source of the gray gas.

They believe that there must be another crack in the depth of the crack space, and that crack is the real source. Only by repairing that one can solve the problem from the root.

Not bad!

It is to fix the crack, not the seal. After Xu Mo’s research on these half-steps of the King of the Kings for more than a decade, it was finally determined that only through the martial arts to close the crack, that is, to fill the sky, can solve the problem fundamentally.

It is not easy to find the crack in the depth, at least these half-steps can not be done. Because these half-step princes enter the space, they will be attacked by completely strange laws. They can't bear the continuous attack of the strange law. If it is too long, it will fall into it.

Entering this crack space, Xianjun's cultivation is the best. The monks below Xianjun are too low to go in. I am afraid to go to death. Be aware that there are chaotic beasts inside. There is no law in Xianjun, and it is the strongest force under the law. Although the gray gas in the crack space cannot be absorbed, it is possible to bring some medicinal herbs into it.

After the decision, the three tribes were separated at the top of the snow mountain. The three tribes each went back to select Xianjun, who entered the crack space, for a period of ten years. Ten years later, I will go to the Baoxing Snow Mountain with the selected Xianjun.

At the same time, the tribes will collect all kinds of precious materials and send them to the Tianzicheng Xujia. Xu Mo will refine the flag and hand it over to the immortals who entered the crack space.

According to the results of the thirty-and-a-half-step sacred kings, one hundred and eight flags are needed to make up the sky. But no one can be sure that the immortal who entered will be alive. This requires more refining of some flags, so Xu Mo decided to refine the six groups of flags, that is, 468, and then enter the crack space, divided into five groups, each holding one Hundred and eight flags, so no matter which group eventually survived to find the crack, it can make up the sky. The Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu each have two groups of Xianjun, each of which has two sets of flags.

In order to be able to finally fill the sky, the three tribes and the four kings decided to form a huge lineup. Each group consists of one hundred sages, that is to say, six groups of monks, a total of six hundred sages, each of which has two hundred sages.

This lineup is really luxurious enough!

The suggestion made by Ren Gaolin is that Qin double must participate in this action. In the past ten years, regardless of whether Qinqin can break through to Xianjun, he must participate in this Tiantian action. As a pair of squadrons, he will smash the red sleeves and provoke a war with the Qing family, causing the Qing family to punish the Xianjun.

In fact, at this time, every half of the steps in the seat, Xian Wang, is very clear in my heart. This time, the action of filling the sky can be described as a life of nine deaths. If Qinqin can't break through Xianjun within ten years, it is ten deaths.

At this point, everyone's eyes are concentrated on the body of the piano. If the piano double refuses, Ren Jia and Qing Jia will immediately join hands and double-click to kill the piano. Even if there are Haikuotian and Zhang Daoji, they can't stop the two big families.

Qin Qin has decided to agree, on the one hand, the situation is compelling, on the other hand, Qin double wants to take a look. In her knowledge of the sea, the old town could not help it.

"Piano double, must go. I suspect that the gray gas there is chaotic gas, which is of great benefit to repairing the town demon tower. Promise them and promise them."

Facing the eyes of the fairy king, the piano nodded: "Good!"

Then stood up and said: "If there is nothing else, the younger will leave. After ten years, the younger generation will go."

"Go!" Xu Modao said: "Try to break through Xianjun within ten years. If you need anything, you can come to me."

"Thank you for the patriarch!"

Qin double returned to the string moon, the hall of the proceedings, Liu Chuanwu, the ten elders, twenty-eight Xianjun, Yu Guanting, Mo Yan, Bao Yi, Chu Dali, Lei Xing, Tang Han, Yuan Tong and Yuan Ziyi Get together.

Zhang Daoji has not returned yet. There are still many things to discuss between the two kings, such as picking those fairy princes into the crack space, thirty-four families, how many immortals in each family, and so on.

Qin double told everyone about the crack space, and everyone's look became dignified. Once the gray gas in the crack spreads and the law of heaven and earth is changed, the tribe is extinct.

"Too much too much!" Li Xian took the case: "After ten years of breaking through Xianjun, did he do it? Did he do it? Is he doing it in Qingcheng? Isn’t that letting Xiaomei die? I am going to find Zhang Big Brother. I can't let Xiaomei go."

The piano double swings, but has not yet spoken. Ji Yan also preached: "You can't go to the younger sister. Those half-step fairy kings are very difficult inside. So it seems that even if Xian Jun goes in, it is a life of nine deaths. You one When the nine-day Xuanxian goes in, it is simply ten dead and no life."

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