Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2373: Worry

"Yes!" Zhang Daoji looked very dignified: "So, there is no suitable for the monks who have the rules to go in. We only want to let you enter these immortals."

Qin double answered her own Dongfu with a heavy heart. She is different from other Xianjun. Don't say that other immortals are condensing the rules, that is, the mystery is not necessarily born. However, she is a person who has already condensed the rules.

However, her rules are somewhat different. I don't want other half-steps of the king, the law that condenses is in the sea, and then in the body of the god. And the law of her cohesion is in the heart. Moreover, he has a complete chain of laws, and he is accepted by the spirit into the door of the mysterious door. There is also a half-law chain, which wanders around the head of the spirit all day.

Qin doubled his knees and sat in his own Dongfu, frowning and thinking. She has 90% confirmation that if she enters the crack space as such, the law in the crack space will surely discover the rules in her heart and then attack her. As far as her strength is concerned, can it stand the attack of the law?

And the law in the crack space, even Zhang Daoji, these half-step kings have to deal with difficulties, and finally forced out, I am afraid that a wave of law attacks, they will become gray.

"I can seal the whole road, I don't know if my seal is effective. Will it still be perceived by the laws in the crack space, and then continue to attack me?"

The most important thing is that Qin Double does not understand the law at all. A monk condensing a law lock does not mean that you are a true half-step king. It takes a long time to understand the law. The law of cohesion is only the first step to achieve the king of the king. You need to comprehend and control the rules to be able to truly master the power of the law.

A fairy king who understands the law of mastery, as long as there is a law, the law will not be consumed. When the laws that are condensed are integrated into oneself, they become their own source. When fighting, they only use their own laws as a guide to communicate the laws of heaven and earth to fight. The strength of strength is to see who can communicate and use more than the world. The law, and its own rules are not consumed, but as a seed for the communication of the law of heaven and earth.

Of course, the stronger the seed, the stronger the power to communicate the laws of heaven and earth. Of course, using the rules of the seed to communicate the laws of the world, it is necessary to consume the power and power of the gods. A fairy king exhausted, not the law consumed, but without the power of Yuanli and Yuanshen, unable to mobilize its own rules, it would be impossible to communicate the laws of heaven and earth.

However, in any case, its own rules are not consumed!

Unless it comes to a place where there is no law, or a completely different law.

Before the appearance of the crack space, let alone the piano double, that is, those half-step Xian Wang did not think of it, there will be a land without the rules of their cultivation.

Imagine a land where there is no law to practice, how can they communicate the laws of heaven and earth?

In this way, if you want to release the channel of God, you can only consume your own rules. Can the law of itself be compared with the law of heaven and earth?

How long can it be consumed?

This is also the reason why those half-step kings in the crack space are not as good as the time.

Qinqin now has a cohesive rule, but because of the low realm, she could not comprehend the law. Not to mention the past, it is that she has now broken through Xianjun, and she wants to understand the law of control. In the end, she can use her own laws as a species, and borrow the power of the laws of heaven and earth. It is impossible. At the very least, she does not have the ability.

What she can do now is to use the power of the gods and the power to push the magic chain in the heart, use the law chain to bombard the opponent, and then there is no more.

In this way, once the law in the crack space began to attack her, she could not resist at all.

"I hope my seal is useful!"

When Qinqin thought about it, he began to seal his hands and began to seal his own heart.

"Master, what are you doing?" The old voice of the spirit town was heard in consciousness.

"I am sealing the heart. You also know that the laws in the crack space are completely different from the laws of our cultivation. Once you enter, you will be attacked by the laws in the crack space. With my current cultivation, I can't stand the law. ""

"But, you are useless!" said the old man: "The law is very mysterious, and your seal is at a lower level than the law, and it does not seal the atmosphere. If it is really like Zhang Daoji said The rules in the crack space will already perceive the rules within your heart and then attack you."

"What do I do? I can't go into the crack space."

The old man was silent for a while: "Master, the town demon tower also has the power of the law, and I can't enter the crack space. So, there is still a way."

"what way?"

"You let the spirit enter the town demon tower, and then leave the town demon tower in the string moon, so there is no problem in the crack space."

Qin double looks awkward, she is used to the town demon tower, and suddenly does not bring the town demon tower, it is really not used. However, thinking about it, this is indeed the best way. And do it right away, just a few days away from the ten-year period, let yourself get used to it.

And Qin Double suddenly had an idea, and he asked: "Old town, if I die in the crack space, can the spirit recast the body? Is that counted as my resurrection?"

"Yes, but the genius treasure that recasts the body is hard to find."

"You can do it!"

Qin nodded, and when he missed his heart, he entered the town demon tower. First, the half-law chain that hovers over the mind.


The rule chain constructed by the four rules of the locks rushed out of the heart, smashing into the distance of the town demon tower, flying around the town demon tower. Qin double knows that if he does not take back the chain of this law, it will slowly dissipate in the town demon tower, and then be absorbed by the town demon tower, becoming the law of the world inside the demon tower.

When the mind is moving, the spirit comes out of the heart and looks at the piano. Qin double light:

"You will stay here."

Ling nodded, then looked at Zuo Xianshan, flew to the left Xianshan, fell on the peak, sitting cross-legged.

Qin doubled inside the heart, he saw the Confucian book. The Confucian book is sealed with Xiaoru, and the body of Xiaoru is sealed with the Lord of the Devil.

The Lord is very powerful!

Moreover, with the understanding of the Lord of the Magic, the Lord of the Lord seems to come from the fairy world, but it has been hit hard and the realm has fallen. But who can guarantee that there is no law in his body?

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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