Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2389: Surprise discovery

Qin double decided to try it, his eyes swept over the twelve monks, and finally fell on the snow. Although Xu Luoxue is proud and conceited, if she says that she trusts Mu Chong, the second one is Xu Xuanxue. However, Mu Chong's cultivation and influence are much lower than the snow.

"Xu Daoyou, I have to try something, please protect the law for me."

Xu Luoxue nodded: "No problem."

"Thank you!"

Qin Double first sealed the gray mouse, then closed his eyes and let go, let go of the mind and began to perceive the law of chaos in this space.

After half an hour, Qin double sighed with a sigh of relief, she did not have a law of condensation, because I do not know how to condense. She has never perceived the law of chaos, unlike the four attributes of the gold, wood, and fire that she had cultivated before. From the beginning of cultivation, she has been practicing these four attributes, regardless of the method of practice, or the method of Tao, and has been constantly comprehending. Therefore, when her realm is elevated to a certain realm, she naturally understands the law and then can condense the law.

not to mention……

She also merged the four attributes into four symbols. Her understanding of the four attributes is extremely deep, and with the help of the December fruit, it is only in the nine-day Xuanxian period that she can perceive the law and even begin to condense the law.

However, the law of chaos is different.

She has never touched it. It can be said that it is from the beginning, half an hour, just that the law here is completely different from the law outside, and the rest are not realized.

"This road will not work. At the very least, it will not work now." Qin double thought: "I have little understanding of chaotic properties. If you want to understand the law of chaos, you must start from practicing chaos."

But how is this possible? ”

Qin double shook his head and sighed. How could she cultivate the chaotic gas when she had cultivated Xianyuan? And must be opposed. Didn't see that when he first came in, did Fu Jiuhua only absorb a trace of chaos and suffer?

"Master Sister, what have you studied?" Seeing the piano double open his eyes, Mu Chong hurriedly asked.

Qin double shook his head and looked at the monster meat that had been cooked. Some depressed: "Eat."

Thirteen began to eat, one by one, and in less than two quarters of an hour, the two monsters were eaten.

"set off!"

Everyone regained their energy, and with the piano, they began to fly in a direction.

Behind them, the Mozu monk put down the Piccolo with some depression. It takes time for him to summon the chaotic beast, because he summons not one or two, but a large group, which can pose a threat to Qin and so on. Before he even summoned a group of chaotic beasts to gather, Qin double and others flew away. Moreover, they don’t want to walk very slowly before, but they are so fast that they can’t summon the chaotic beast to form a circle for the thirteen people of the piano. Even if they are not discovered by the piano, they have to lose. may.

Depressedly took up the Piccolo, and also swiftly swept away in the direction of the piano pair.

Qin double is not thinking that behind the person and others, there must be a follower of the Mozu monk. If those chaotic beasts that are besieging them are controlled by the Mozu, there must be Mozu monks to follow them. However, she never wanted to look for those Mozu monks in the past because she knew she couldn't catch it.

In this environment, she is a blind man. And those Mozu monks are likely to be able to spread the knowledge far away, or to track and monitor them through the Chaos Beast. If she goes looking for it, she will definitely be discovered in advance by the Mozu monks. It is very easy to avoid her.

Flying again for a day.

The piano double thirteen people once again began to rest, the piano double took out two demon *** to Mu Chong and Xu Luoxue they barbecued, and she took the gray mouse out and began to study.

This time, she began to explore the gray mouse with the power of the soul. This is how she flew for a day and suddenly remembered it. Not only do they have the power of the gods, but also the power of the soul. They are misled by those half-step kings. Because they respect and habitually obey the half-step fairy kings, forgetting that they are different from those half-step kings. Also cultivated the soul.


When the piano double releases the power of the soul, the heart is a glimpse. In this space, when the piano double releases the gods, it will feel oysters, just like walking in the air and suddenly walking in the water, there is a lot of resistance. However, when the power of the soul is released today, it is found that there is no slight resistance.

The heart of the piano doubles violently, does this mean that the power of his soul can spread freely here? Do not receive the suppression of the chaos law here, can be extended thousands of miles like outside?

Qinqin took a deep breath and calmed his mind. First, he wrapped the gray mouse with the power of the soul, infiltrated a little, and scanned a little.

She finally found a difference in the gray mouse. In the head of the gray mouse, there is an energy group, similar to the soul of the piano.

But there are also differences. Although the difference occupies a small composition in the whole soul, the soul of this gray mouse is essentially different from the human soul.

Qin double tried to control the soul of the gray mouse, tried all kinds of ways, even tried the sound, but in the end it was still unable to control the mouse.

The piano double locks the brow, and there is a feeling in the heart. This is definitely not because you don't understand the chaotic law, you can't control it. There must be deeper reasons, such as the difference in the soul of the gray mouse.

"How did the Mozu do it?"

“Is it true that the Mozu are called the Mozu, that is, their souls have the same place as the different souls in the soul of the Chaos Beast?”

"It's not impossible to have this. The Chaos beast has almost no thinking. They only know **** and devour. Although the Mozu has a mentality that is not weaker than human beings, it also has a very strong killing and engulfing characteristics."

"It should not be the same, but similar. Otherwise the Mozu is like the Chaos Beast, only knowing to kill and swallow."

Shaking her head, she knew she couldn’t study anymore. She is not a half-step fairy king, and he is sure that adapting to the environment here, can control the chaotic beast, this is definitely not a demon half-step fairy king research, but a group of demon half-step fairy king, it took years Researched out.

I don’t have enough realm, and I can’t study it in a short time. At the moment, he gave up decisively and pinched the gray mouse.

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