Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2464: Positive valve

Yu Guanting nodded gently, and there was a hint of excitement on his face. Step by step, sneak a peek at Jade Crown, and there was a trace of tension on his face.

"Is it necessary to see his family? Oh, it's so nervous. I hate this big ice cube and I don't know anything."

"Oh..." The figures of the four monks disappeared on the edge of the sky.

When the piano double crossed the emptiness and had not yet reached the Purple Star, Xu Kaiyun had already passed through the Scorpio and began to take the transmission array continuously. In less than half a day, four of them have already come out of the transmission line of the ink star.

"I am going back to Chu!" Chu said: "When I have finished the family, I will go to the residence of the Mocheng boss and wait for you."

"Good!" Jade Crown said: "I also go back to the family first, then go to the house of Qinshuang."

"I... I am going back to the family with you!" Step by step, his face was red and red: "I... I am now able to control the pace and return to the truth."

"But..." Jade Crown frowned: "Your looks and temperament... or do you change your looks?"

It’s a joy to gently shake your face. This big ice cube does not reject yourself. However, she went to the home of Yu Guanting and went to see the family of Yu Guanting. Naturally, she would show her beauty in front of the family of Yu Guanting. What kind of ghost is it?

"I... I can use the cloud to give me the jade to cover my temperament. The appearance is not necessary?" Steps swayed weakly and looked at Yu Guanting, his eyes revealed a request.

Jade Crown and the swaying for a long time, step by step to shake his various requests, never refused. Laugh for him, sing for him, dance for him, use up her skills and help him sharpen his heart.

At the thought of this, the heart of Jade Crown is soft. Finally nodded: "Okay!"

"Yeah!" Steps jumped and jumped up.

Yuguan Ting seems to have a faint feeling, and there is a trace of unnaturalness on his face. He hastened his gaze to Xu Kaiyun:

"Open the cloud, what about you?"

"I will go to the right door first, then go to the residence of the Mocheng boss."

"Okay, let's separate, and then gather at the Qin Shuang Mansion."


The figure of four people disappeared.

Positive valve.

Nowadays, the right valve is different, and the power of the entire Zongmen is booming. It is no longer a force that does not flow into the stream. It is already equivalent to a second-rate family of ink stars.

This day.

In front of the mountain gate of the right valve, a figure came. The disciples who guarded the gates of the mountain were nervous.

Because the pace of walking of that person is too arrogant, the appearance of a six-parent does not recognize, how to see, how do you feel that this person is not good.

A brother guarding the mountain gate whispered a few words to the younger brother. The younger brother quickly flew toward the Zongmen and went to the early warning. It is very likely that someone would come to find the right valve.

Xu Kaiyun walked and groaned: "The right valve is changing!"

"This...predecessor..." is a disciple who guards the gate of Shanmen, and swears his head forward.

Xu Kaiyun did not pay attention to him. The gods spread out over the world, ignoring the right-handed array, and directly found Mu Tianxue in Dongfu.

"Mu Tianxue, I am Xu Kaiyun, come to the mountain gate and pick me up!"

Mu Tianxue jumped up and slammed his head and wondered if he was auditory.

"Don't worry, it's me."

Mu Tianxue’s face was ecstatic, and he rushed out of Dongfu from Dongfu.

The righteous disciple who guarded the gate of the mountain looked at Xu Kaiyun, who was not looking at him in front of him, and saw a figure falling in front of himself.

"Xu Daoyou, really you!"

"See the Lord!"

The disciple who guarded the gate of the mountain saw Mu Tianxue coming, and his heart was loose, and he hurriedly prayed. However, Mu Tianxue did not take care of it. He grabbed Xu Kaiyun’s hand and was excited:

"Is the sovereign back?"

I heard that the disciple who guarded the gate of the mountain was stunned. Was the lord crazy? He is the lord of righteousness, who is the lord in his mouth?

"No!" Xu Kaiyun shook his head.

"Oh!" Mu Tianxue's face was full of lost, Xu Kaiyun looked up and down Mu Tianxue, smiled: "Well, Xianjun is one layer."

"Yeah!" Mu Tianxue woke up from the loss: "This is not all the resources given by the lord. Xu Daoyou, let's go in and say."

"it is good!"

The figure of two people disappeared in front of the mountain gate. The disciple looked at the direction in which two people disappeared, and suddenly remembered a legend of righteousness.

Legend has it that the lord of the right gate is a legendary figure called Qinshuang, and the legend went to the purple city of the spiritual world. Moreover, the resources of the right valve are donated by Qin double. Now in the hall, there is also a portrait of Qin double. Every disciple who enters the right gate must go to the double portrait of the piano. Is that person who is a friend of Qin double?

Mu Tianxue’s Dongfu, Xu Kaiyun and Mu Tianxue sit opposite each other. Mu Tianxue personally gave Xu Kaiyun tea.

"Mu brother, I remember that the boss had the meaning that you would move the right door to Tianzicheng, and you agreed, how have you not acted for many years?"

"I don't want you to say!" Mu Tianxue showed bitterness on his face: "Of course we want to go to Tianzicheng, where the cultivation environment is so good! But you don't know, the root of the right valve is that there is a Mystery."

Mu Tianxue knows the origin of Xu Kaiyun, and also knows the relationship between Xu Kaiyun and Qin Shuang. He is not afraid to tell the secret things to Xu Kaiyun.

"I tried it many times, and the secret can't take it. If we don't take the secret, we went to the Purple City and lost the root. So we can only choose to stay here."

"Mystery? Take me to see!"

"it is good!"

Mu Tianxue took Xu Kaiyun to go to the secret environment. Xu Kaiyun visited it and decided in his heart that it is really the foundation of Confucianism and Taoism. If these Confucianism and Taoism can be realized, it is not a problem to break through the fairy king. Such a foundation can not be abandoned naturally.

"I will try it!"

Xu Kaiyun began to take out the flag and wanted to take this secret into his space. His level of space is not low. He was given to him before the birth of Xu Nianzu.

However, he tried a variety of methods and found that he could not move this secret. In the end, I couldn’t help but sigh:

"Mu brother, my border is not enough. If it is the boss, I should be able to move this secret."

Mu Tianxue’s face first appeared disappointing, and the two returned to Dongfu. Xu Kaiyun said while drinking tea:

"The right valve is left here, and it is the boss who has left a legacy here. After the boss has a chance to come back, try to see if he can take this secret."


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