Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2466: Young girl


Qinqin heard the quarrel, could not help but look at it, crossed the distance, and instantly fell in front of a small palace gate. At this time, the palace gate has been opened, but there are a group of people standing on both sides of the gate. There are more than a dozen monks on both sides. The repair of each monk is not high, that is, the Tianxian period to Luo Tianshang. At this point, the two pairs of people are experiencing intense quarrels.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the body of a young woman in the group of monks on the left side of the gate. With Qin Bin’s understanding of the law now, I can see at a glance that this young woman has five kinds of breath. And the age is definitely not big, that is, less than forty years old. Luo Tian Shang Xian's layer is repaired.

Forty years old, in fact, for the monk, you can say a girl. It can even be said to be a child. You should know that the age of monks is usually in tens of thousands, especially in the spiritual world. Don't say that the appearance of this woman in front of people is just a teenager, that is, the piano doubles in their 70s, from the outside, that is, in their early twenties. Qin's current age, said to Dali, can only be considered a girl.

Others can't see that there are five kinds of breath on her body, because the metallic atmosphere on her body is very rich, almost completely covering the remaining four breaths.

No need to check, Qin double determines that the woman is Wu Linggen. There are only two reasons for the appearance of a strong atmosphere and four weak breaths.

One is that the five roots of this woman, Jinlingen quality is very good, the other four Linggen quality is very poor, which leads to metal rich, the other four attributes are weak.

The other is that this woman was born in a very general way. It is probably a loose repair. She did not know that she was a Wu Linggen. Therefore, she got a metallic cultivation practice and practiced it. The natural metallic atmosphere masked it. The other four attributes.

This makes the piano double interest in the woman!

Congenital Wu Linggen!

It is necessary to know that Qinqin is the spiritual root of the day after tomorrow. It is still only four Linggen. In the whole spiritual world, it is extremely difficult for people who encounter a congenital five spiritual roots.

This is also the big monk who did not encounter the half-step fairy king, otherwise I am afraid that I would have been accepted as a disciple. This makes the piano double heart.

The practice she is practicing now is not able to pass on to the innate five Linggen, because she has not figured out the direction of her cultivation.

However, she is vast! God has given her the legacy of inheritance! The vast expanse is definitely the supreme way to practice the cultivation of the five Linggen monks.

With the idea of ​​collecting people in my heart, I slowly approached and listened to the quarrel between the two sides. Soon she understood the reason for the quarrel. The gate of this palace is opened by the girl team. However, before they entered, there was another team of monks suddenly coming. If they wanted to grab advanced, the two sides would be stunned.

At this time, there were other monks coming in, but at this time everyone did not know whether there were treasures in the palace, so they did not rush into it, but stood by and watched the excitement.

"Noisy noisy!" The girl who pays attention to the piano doubles her face and her face is full of enthusiasm: "If you can start, don't make sense. If they are beaten, they won't be embarrassed!"

Qin double's mouth can't be twitched, this girl character who wants her hand... It's really hot enough, how can she live so big?

If you are her, I really have to adjust!


The girl has already rushed up. At this moment, both sides have moved. The various Taoist methods, the squadrons criss-cross, the aerodynamic mountain river, the figure of a monk in the air intertwined, hovering, and the ups and downs The space was instantly violent.


Qin double stood in the crowd watching the woman, and saw that the woman was fierce and fierce, and the play was completely a lifeless way, but the understanding of the Tao was much worse.


Wild road!

The piano has already confirmed her identity in two instants, but his style of play has suppressed a male monk on the opposite side and fell to the bottom.

The young girl made a sword, and the opposite male monk made a folding fan. The folding fan kept closing, but suddenly spread out and fanned toward the girl.

Countless wind blades cut towards the girl. The girl was fierce. A long sword cut from the middle and cut the wind blade to the key place. The sharp sword went to the opposite monk, completely ignoring the other. The wind blade cuts her body out of blood.


The opposite arm of the male monk was smashed down and made a cry. The girl took the sword and rushed to the other side. There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the male monk opposite.


The male monk cursed and struggling to escape the attack of the girl.

Qin double is speechless, this girl's temper is really hot, a hands-on, it is completely a desperate posture, can live to the present, it is really not easy.

However, the subsequent look of the piano is a move. She saw the girl's face began to appear flushed, just a trace of the beginning, less than three times, then the face flushed, breathing became heavy. The Tao has begun to become scattered.


The male monk once again opened the folding fan and directed the girl, and countless wind blades rushed toward the girl. The girl’s eyes had become scattered at this time, and the sword in her hand fell to the ground, her hands began to tear her clothes, and her mouth made a nightmare voice. The male monk on the opposite side sent a cruel laugh. He seemed to have seen the girl's body and was cut into pieces by the wind blade.


A sleeve was held in front of the girl, and then she smashed out and smashed all the wind blades. When the male monk looked stiff, he saw a young woman standing beside the girl, and then put a hand on the girl's head.


The fine lightning flashed out of her palm and entered the girl's body, expelling the **** "toxic" of the girl's body instantly. The male monk changed his face and wanted to escape. When the piano is double-minded, the male man is imprisoned and his eyes are wide open. At this time, the girl had already woke up and looked at the male monk opposite, with an endless killing in her eyes. When she reached out and took the volley, she grabbed the sword on the ground and rushed to the opposite male monk. past.


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