Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2492: Proceeding

"Go back first!"

The piano is light and the body shape has already swooped toward the string of the purple star.

The string moon.

Qinqin just walked into the hall of the deliberation, and then he slammed a blood, his face turned pale and pale, and his temperament quickly fell.

"Big sister!" Step by step, hurriedly reached out and held the piano pair. Qin double took out a medicinal medicine, which whispered: "I am fine!"

In the step of shaking, he walked into the hall of the parliament and turned to look at Xu Kaiyun and Xu Nianzu and other half-step fairy kings. Each half-step fairy king was wounded and pale. sidewalk:

"Everyone will heal first!"

"It should be like this!" Xu Nianzu and others nodded, and then all sat on the ground, taking the drug, began to heal.

Qin double let the town old crushed a Vientiane in his stomach, and then closed his eyes and began to heal the healing.

She was very hurt this time. One person faced sixty-seven and a half steps of the king. Although Xinghai unexpectedly killed the three Mozu half-step fairy kings, but those of the Mozu half-step fairy king also shattered. Qin Dao’s Dao Fa Xinghai has hit the piano double.

Later, in order to scare the Mozu monks, and forcibly urging the Xinghai, although she finally scared away the Mozu half-step fairy king, it made her injury even heavier.

Seven days.

A group of half-steps of the king of the king have ended the healing, in fact, seven days, did not let them fully recover, so is the piano double. With the injury of Qinshuang, even with the Vientiane and the refining of the medicinal herbs, this kind of injury will take a year.

Seven days, it was only for these half-step kings to suppress the injury, but they could not wait, they need to discuss a solution to the situation as soon as possible.

The string moon, the hall of the council.

The piano sits in the middle of the room, Xu Kaiyun on the left, Xu Nianzu on the right, and other monks sit on both sides.

Qin double indulged in a moment: "The big array of this purple star is still needed to be laid."

Everyone nodded.

Qin double looked at Lang Yuange and whispered: "There is a demon of the Mozu in the sect."

Lang Yuange’s pale face was even more pale. In fact, not only his Lang Yuange, but other half-step kings also thought of this, otherwise how could the Mozu be so coincidentally attacking Tianzixing ?

"Qin Sheng..."

Lang Yuange arched the hand, this sound sanctuary is not in the compliment of the double piano on the piano track has been extraordinary, but because the piano double is originally a holy double god, one of the four monarchs and eight masters. The strength of Qin double has also been recognized by him, so that the piano is called Qin Sheng. Qin double hurriedly waved:

"Lang Mengzhu, laughing at the square, can't be called this. Call me my lord."

Lang Yuange did not insist: "The master of the piano, this is the old man's negligence."

"No, this has nothing to do with you. Thousands of thousands of people, not to mention the millions of immortals? Now the Mozu is booming, the chaos is pressing, and the people are desperate, relying on the Mozu, this is no one can stop it. It’s impossible to detect things. You are a person after all, and you have to study the big array, how can you have so much energy!”

Lang Yuange looked grateful and solemnly said: "Thank you!"

"But we must take out the dark people of the Mozu, or we will be attacked next time, and the Mozu will still come to attack. They don't ask us how to make the human race, as long as it destroys the big array. This is easy. We can't guard against it. Only when we get out of the darkness of the Mozu, how can we suddenly arrange and not give the reaction time of the Mozu, we can succeed in the formation. And the most terrifying thing is that if those demons are dark, in the big array If you move your hands and feet, they will make them fall short."

Speaking of this, Qin double looked at Xu Nianzu: "Xu Daoyou, this matter is left to you without problems?"

"No problem!" Xu Nianzu looked condensed: "As long as the millions of singers are gathered together, it is easy to find out who is the sorcerer.

"Good!" Qin nodded. "However, this matter is not anxious. You don't have to reveal that we know that there is a demon scorpion. When we are all wounded, we will darken those demons before we prepare for the formation." The child will come out, so it will not give the Mozu reaction time.

Moreover, by the time we are half-steps, the king will attack Baoxing, giving the Mozu a feeling that we have to destroy the treasure. Let them think that we are trying to cover the array. When they reacted, the big array has been laid. ”

"it is good!"


"Just do it!"

One by one, the fairy king looks a bit loose. As long as he can successfully set up the big array, he can fight for the Terran for three thousand years.

"Qindaoyou!" Xu Nianzu looked to Qin Shuangdao: "You said to me a hundred years ago, to study how to solve the chaos law, what can be the result?"

The half-step of the king of the king, the spirit can not help.

It is also good to arrange a seal for the purple star. Some of them have broken through to the real fairy king. In fact, only the surface problem is solved. The fundamental problem is the engulfment of the chaotic law. Even if they kill all the Mozu, they can't change the roots of the Holocaust.

If Qinqin can fundamentally solve the law of chaos, then it is the real solution to the catastrophe.

At the beginning, they also heard about this rumor, but no one believed it. But now the strength of the piano double shows a hope in their hearts.

"There are some directions!" Qin doubled his head and said: "This is also why I have to deploy a large array of seals. Once I find a way to really solve the chaotic law, the demon will surely break the sky and attack the sky purple star. With a large array of seals, you can put the battlefield in the void, not the sky purple star."

"Boss, is there really a way?" Xu Kaiyun excitedly looked at the piano double, the other half-step Xian Wang is also a face of excitement.

"There is a solution, but I still need to retreat!"

"What is the solution? What do we need to do?" Xu Nianzu asked.

"The method is the circuit and the road, combined with the circuit and the road, to break down the law of chaos."

Xu Nianzu and others look a stagnation, decomposition law, then it must reach the position of the great master in the battle and the road. Is this the original Xu Mo did not reach it?

Xu Kaiyun's temper is not good, Xu Nian's talent is amazing, but his age is too small, and he puts time and energy on cultivation. That is, the Confederate lord and the ally of the ally are not as good as the original.

"You... Grand Master?" Xu Nianzu asked in shock.

“No!” Qin double shook his head: “Half-step master, so I need to close, but the time for retreat is not short.”

"Is there hope?" asked the ally and the ally of the ally.


Thank you very much Chen Junqi (1500), autumn black light (1100), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100) reward!



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