Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2518: Flying up

Qin double stood in the center of the square, his eyes swept over the four weeks, did not see Xu Kaiyun, Bao Yi, Mo Yan and Zhang Daoji, and some regrets in his heart. However, I still sorted out my mind in an instant and applied a circle of courtesy to the surroundings:

"Dear friends, I will fly to the fairy world first, and we will meet in the fairy world."

"Congratulations to the master of the piano!" The monks around were comrades.

Qin double no longer suppressed himself, accompanied by a burst of sounds in the sky, a rainbow hangs from the sky, shrouded the piano double.


I don't know how long it has been, it feels like a moment, and it seems like a lifetime. Qin double senses the heat around the vertigo of a space. There is a constant hot wind blowing on his body, opening his eyes and looking around. The wind drifted over the black fly ash.

The feet on the ground feel hot and feel soft. Looking down, I saw a thick black ash under my feet, and I almost never had my own instep.

There is a hint of surprise in the heart of the piano. It is known that her cultivation has not felt a sense of heat for a long time, but now I feel it.

Is this the fairy world?

Very ridiculous!

The piano looked around in both directions, no interpersonal, surrounded by ashes, and a piece of red Mars exploded from time to time under the ashes.

In addition to the occasional Mars, there is a black area around, there is no sign of life!

The heart of the piano is full of alert, such a place, people's hearts are full of restlessness. If it is not Qinqin who has cultivated Yangshen into the Seventh One, I am afraid that this time has begun to be flustered. Slightly narrowed his eyes and glanced around, surrounded by a black wilderness, at a glance, only a undulating black mountain in front, with the peaks of more than a dozen mountains being spurted with flames. Qin double thought about it and went to the black mountain range.

This walking, the piano double feels the gravity of the fairy world, this gravity has exceeded ten times the spiritual world. However, Qin double knows that he can still fly, but this kind of gravity will definitely affect his own self, and he needs to spend some time to get used to it.

There is no flight in the piano. In such a strange fairyland, any violent move means extreme danger. She is like a mortal, step by step toward the smoldering mountain range.

Walking all the way, Qin doubles all the way to observe the surrounding, slowly, she found the traces of the building, but they are all ruins, black ruins, can not see any signs of life, even the cheekbones can not see, presumably even if there is It is now a powder.

Wangshan runs dead horse!

What's more, Qin double is a step by step. It took her six days to get close to the fire-breathing mountain range. The gaze was a shrink, she saw three people at the foot of the mountain.

The three people did not stand together and maintained a safe distance from each other. The face of a monk is very fierce, and even can be said to be embarrassing. Put a giant knife in front of you with both hands.

A monk looks ordinary, holding a folding fan in his hand, gently fanning in front of him, and a cool will be released.

The last person was a female repairer, holding a sword in his hand, wearing a glazed shirt on his body, and the black ash that flew in, was bounced off by the glaze.

The appearance of the piano double attracted the attention of three people. At this time, the Qin double, the heart is also awesome, she did not expect to encounter monks in this environment. Qin double is really not ready to encounter monks here.

It is conceivable that there is interpersonality here, not revenge, or treasure. No matter which one, it is not a good thing for the double-nosed rookie that has just come up, and even has a life-threatening risk.

"What should I do?"

"Take your head away?"

"Or go ahead and ignore them?"

"Or is it stopping?"

The piano made a decision in two instants!


At this time, whether it is to turn around or continue to move forward, there is a great possibility that it will be attacked immediately. Therefore, the piano double stopped and stopped at a safe distance from three people.

The eyes of the three people gathered on the body of the piano, the woman also smiled slightly toward the piano, but there was no slight smile in the gaze, but the mouth type gave a feeling of laughter. Her gaze looked at the other two male monks. The two male monks shook their heads slightly, and the woman laughed, but the laughter didn't feel comfortable.

"It seems that this little guy is not invited by us, but invited by Zheng Jia. But this little guy's monk is a bit low!"

The two male monks had already taken their eyes back from the body of the piano, as if they were unwilling to waste time and energy on the piano. The battered monk frowned, and the two eyebrows were like two disgusting bugs, making his face look even more awkward.

"What is Zheng Jia grinding?" His voice was impatient.

His voice just fell, and a figure appeared in the distance. The figure was covered with a cloak, and the cloak released a protective cover that blocked the hot wind and the black ashes.


In front of that person, a flame was ejected. There was not much that person. It passed directly through the flame. The cloak blocked the flame and the body quickly approached.

The eyes of the four people of the piano are gathered together on the gradually moving figure.

It was a female repair, and the figure was very slender, giving the impression of a weak wind. At this time, it was coming to the piano for four people.

The black outfit and the black cloak are easily overlooked in this black ruin.

Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart jumped.

"It’s another one that I can’t see through.”

The piano can't see through the cultivation of these four people, there is only one explanation. The repair of these four people is also the lowest. This makes the sense of crisis of Qin double more serious. The three monks who thought that they were invited by others, and now they are all together, are they not exposed?

"People are all together!"

The voice of the woman in the black cloak was very gentle, giving a feeling of lingering. Her eyes swept over four people, and then she fell on the woman before:

"Who brought this strange little guy? Is it you? Zhu Zixin?"

"Don't you bring it?" Zhu Zixin looked awkwardly and then asked: "I don't know this little guy."

The four people looked cold and indifferent, and all four eyes fell on the body of Qin Double. Zheng Jia said faintly:

"We have also cooperated many times and have rules. If anyone wants to bring someone, they must inform in advance. Since I did not inform you in advance, how could it be brought by me? Can you not This little rookie took it and asked him?"


Thank you very much Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), a gust of james (200), arrogant tractor (100), seaphay (100) reward!



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